Suppose a contract is made for a month's labor, ten dollars to be paid down, not to be recovered except in case of rescission for the laborer's fault, and thirty dollars at the end of the month.
It is of course conceivable that a promise should be limited to the case of performance of the things promised on the other side, and yet that a failure of the latter should not warrant a rescission of the contract.
Suppose that the contract is in writing, but does not contain it, does such a previous misrepresentation authorize rescission in any case?
Just as contracts may be made either under seal or by an agreement with consideration, so they may be discharged not only by a release under seal but by an agreement for rescission of the contract.
And if only the cardinals would consider the rescission of the decree on its merits Ireland would be saved from Protestantism.
But everyone recognised his mistake, and how could a church be nationalised better than by the rescission of the decree?
Josephus devotes less attention to the Alexandrian embassy than to the efforts of the Palestinian Jews to obtain a rescission of the similar decree which Petronius, the governor of Syria, was sent to enforce in Jerusalem.