It provided for the liberation of part of the slaves at a distant future day, allowing the rest to remain as they were.
Chase, most effectually and meritoriously contributed to the liberation of the black man in this country, I should unhesitatingly say John Quincy Adams.
The liberation of Cloudesly by Adam Bel and Clym of the Clough is also achieved "on a merry morning of May.
The name of the new order was The Order of the Liberation (della Liberazione).
The result was that the Emperor without delay ratified the conditions of peace, and demanded the liberation of the prisoners.
Sampiero was overjoyed at the turn affairs had taken; all his wishes were centred in the liberation of his country.
She threw herself at his feet, and begged the liberation of the prisoners.
Many who now invoke a war of liberation complained at the beginning of August that Italy had not helped her allies.
She was taken at her word, and fell dead on the cobbles.
The possibility of new adjustment, of renewal, of "a new birth," means liberationand life.
Perhaps I felt our retirement from the world more than any one else, as I longed to be taking part in the task to which I had pledged myself,-- of aiding in the liberation of my country.
Say at once, my dear young friend, that, with your father's permission, you will devote yourself to the liberation of your native land.
The second night after his liberation found him beneath the wall with no other implements than a light ladder of the right height.
He only survived his liberation a few days, dying in Dublin, to the grief of all Ireland.
Of all our number, three died in Virginia, and four still remain there, for whoseliberation everything possible is being done.
Ambassador of France in England, solicits theliberation of the captive Jesuits of Canada.
Maurice was summoned to Innspruck, ostensibly to confer with him respecting the liberation of his father-in-law, the Landgrave of Hesse.
The liberation of Sweden by Gustavus Vasa is a history written by the people, and they counted neither themselves nor their foes.
That liberation was said to be granted on the consideration that General Bonaparte might he useful to the Republic.
Shadowed by shelf upon shelf of rock, the river shoots through a narrow passage, as though impatient for its liberation from an unnatural restraint, and there is what I hesitate to call--a bridge.
That section was flooded with newspapers, pamphlets, pictures, and handbills intended to stir up sentiment for instant abolition of slavery and liberation of the slaves.
The British minister at Washington was directed to demand the liberation of the prisoners and "a suitable apology for the aggression," and if not answered in seven days, or if unfavorably answered, was to return to London at once.
The last-named substance is easily detected by treating it with any of the common acids, when brisk effervescence, due to the liberation of the carbonic acid, will ensue.
The most important of these, from the agricultural point of view, are those which effect the liberation of nitrogen from its compounds.
Perhaps not in your fortunate country, where she may seek liberation without dishonour.
It was as though her coming liberation had already freed her from the garb of a mental slavery, as though she could not too soon or too conspicuously cast off the ugly badge of suspicion.
This process is always accompanied by the liberation of heat, and the intensity of this heat depends on the time occupied in its production.
A certain democratic awakening came on the heels of the people's liberation from foreign domination.
So long as economic liberation and independence do not follow upon political liberation there is no true democracy.
I am told, the Ironmongers' Company of London have at their disposal funds for the liberation of such British captives as are enslaved in Southern Morocco.