At the Seasons of Football and Cock-fighting, these little Republicks reassume their national Hatred to each other.
By this means the two Republicks incorporated with one another, and became the most Flourishing and Polite Government in the Part of the World which they Inhabited.
But the solution which Southern institutions gave to this great dilemma of republicks was happy and potent.
What a striking detail does he give us of the most calamitous situation of all the Grecian republicks during the Peloponnesian war!
The republicks of Sparta and Rome were both military, and military glory stamped the primary character of both these people.
The fate of the Grecian and Roman republicks terminated in the former of these events.
Hence too it is evident, that a regulation which might be highly useful and salutary in an opulent commercial republick, would be greatly injurious to such military republicks as Rome and Sparta, by corrupting their manners.
This is a striking proof that the fault of the Greek and Roman republicks was not owing to the form of their government, and that the spirit of commerce is the great bond of union among citizens.
There is nothing of that generous, manly confidence that we see in the democratick republicks of our own country.
Republicks are divided into democraticks, and aristocraticks.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "republicks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.