The fjords are the public highways and upon their icefree waters vigorous little steamships ply back and forth busied with incessant traffic through all the year.
The natural spawn also may originate from spores which are carried by the wind from the pasture or meadow mushrooms upon manure piles, or especially from spores which may lodge in the dust of the highways or street.
Railroads and fairly well-laid highways do indeed traverse these swamps in various parts, especially in German territory, but trenches could not be dug in yielding mire.
I'm bustin' stills like a man blasts up rock thet bars a road: ter make way fer highways an' schools.
They are the poor mountain folk, isolated from church and school, far from the highways of travel, and are among the most backward, most primitive, and most neglected of the Slovak people.
Hamilton Smith makes it quite clear that civilization has found its first centres there where two highways of national movement crossed, and dissimilar men looked each other in the face.
Thus here do these highways of God's own making run, as it were, past every man's door, and connect each man with the world he lives in.
Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my home may be full.
Where are the highways and hedges: They are places where men and women are the most lost.
Our disadvantage in building ships is the greater cost of labor, and in sailing them, higher taxes, and greater interest on capital, while the ocean highways are already monopolized by our formidable competitors.
After the boys were rested, they thanked their kind hostess and set out again upon their wanderings with no other compass than blind chance, but avoiding the highways for fear of being captured by the soldiers.
The highways were deserted, save where at intervals a solemn funeral train carried the dead to a final resting-place.
Is there not an old Book somewhere that commands us to go out into the highways and the hedges and compel the people to come in?
Not less do we owe to the same great race the discovery of many highways of commerce along which the Arabs still advance in the van of discovery.
The name (Cær Ridge) suggests the idea that the Romans had a camp or minor station in the vicinity, and the opinion is strengthened by the fact that one of their highways led eastwards over the rocky ridge.
Long centuries after the Roman had taken his departure these military roads formed the great highways of traffic.
The steamboat, which had been adopted far and wide, had produced a demand for some improved means of communication by land to join the greater water highways of the country and opened the era of internal improvements.
The great highways of commerce from it are Dover Strait, leading to the English Channel, in the south, and the stormy Pentland Firth, which separates Scotland from the Orkney Islands, in the north.
The lord said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied.
I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted.
They turned and fled toward the wilderness to the rock of Rimmon: and they gleaned of them in the highways five thousand men, and followed hard after them to Gidom, and struck of them two thousand men.
It was brought along the chief commercial highways which bound the western world to the markets of the east.
So, then, we are glad to be back in Britain and are eager to explore her highways and byways once more.
The precipitous hills and stony roads afford conditions quite favorable to mishap, and for this reason the highways of Sutherland are not frequented by motor cars and probably never will be until a different state of affairs prevails.
The main road from Bayeux to St. Lo is one of the most glorious highways in France.
Her highways are already broad and perfectly engineered and need only surfacing.
He gives us a certificate showing that we are now entitled to travel the highways of the empire for two weeks, and should we remain longer we shall have to pay an additional fee on leaving the country.
British Highways and Byways From a Motor Car (Third Edition) With sixteen illustrations in color from original paintings by noted artists, and thirty-two duogravures from English photographs, also descriptive maps of England and Scotland.
Slowly the speedometer began to devour the kilometers of the Kaiser's imperial city, and the low music of the siren seemed like a song of rejoicing that we were at last starting on our quest of motor experiences along the highways of Europe.
Our route did not follow entirely the familiarhighways of tourist traffic.
New Jersey was traversed by the highways between New York and Philadelphia, over which post-boys rode weekly with the mail in saddlebags.
This fact has had a potent influence on the course of American settlement and trade, which have persistently followed the water highways into the interior of the continent; and along those rivers were fought two great wars.
The highwayswere generally of fair character, but the larger streams were unbridged.
There were easier highways to the Northwest, but the French were compelled for many years thereafter to take this path, because of its greater security from the all-devouring Iroquois.
Even though the fruit of the nut-bearing trees of our woodlands and highways may not give an annual return to the town or village or county it will bring immeasurable joy and possibly better health to the boys and girls of the future.
It would not be a difficult thing for the Nut Growers Association to interest civic associations or women's clubs in the planting not only of forest trees alone along rural highways but a certain number of nut trees.
They rode an hour, along stretches of sunny highways or on shaded bridle-paths where the horses' hoofs fell muffled in brown pine-needles and drooping branches flicked their faces.
Not for long shall we two quail before one another on the highways of war.
Thus high in hope they sat through the livelong night by the highways of war, and many a watchfire did they kindle.
And there were many highways cast up, and many roads made, which led from city to city, and from land to land.
Returning to the question of the Mississippi river, let our national government build a permanent levee, which, like the great highways of ancient Rome, should be built to endure for generations.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "highways" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.