Already, prior to the last Order in Council, the shipment of conditional contraband, especially foodstuffs, to Germany was practically impossible.
Stated with brevity they expressed a purpose to punish crime in England, and to assist the emigration to every British colony, individually rather than collectively, of men with conditional pardons.
Under this impression they sought to impose restrictions on the migration of expirees and the holders of conditional pardons.
The other part of the conditioned proposition, and which part states what will happen or is true under the conditional circumstances, is called the Consequent.
A Dilemma is a conditional syllogism whose Major Premise presents some sort of alternative.
Whately defines it as: "A conditional syllogism with two or more antecedents in the major, and a disjunctive minor.
This is a fallacy because of the fact that the conditional statement made in the major premise may not be the only one determining the consequent.
May kundisiyun ku sa Mát, I have a conditional pass in Math.
Nakundisiyun (nakakundisiyun) ku sa Histuri, I got a conditional pass in History.
But here came theconditional clause, and to this he entreated the special attention of his comrade, brother, and partner.
That, here he had a plan of action to recommend, with a conditional clause.
Except that the son's inheriting is made conditionalon his marrying a girl, who at the date of the will, was a child of four or five years old, and who is now a marriageable young woman.
And that history, in the hands of a master--one who had the organ of the conditional praeterpluperfect tense very large--might have worked out the same as this.
The young reprobate, however, had to climb down; but he made his surrender conditional on one thing--that his marriage with Polly should remain a secret.
The kings of Sardinia had always made their alliance with either Austria or France conditional on cessions of conquered territory.
The same question may be asked as to conditional contraband cargoes.
The usual form of a chattel mortgage is a bill of sale with a conditional clause, stating the terms of the loan and that, on the mortgagor's failure to pay, the mortgagee may take possession of the property.
By statutes that have been enacted everywhere, the mortgagee's interest, or conditional title in the property conveyed to him, is secure by recording the deed even though the mortgagor still retains possession.
Or the transfer of the title may be conditional on payment of the price.
They will go to great lengths in the direction of making their own supplies to Germany of materials which are essential to her, conditional on these being paid for in coal.
It is for Congress to decide whether these Conditionalpurchases shall be sanctioned and the humane intentions of the law carried into full effect.
To promise equality, and then in practice make it conditional upon our vessels doing Canadian business instead of their own, is to fulfill a promise with the shadow of performance.
The national State may for the time being limit its absolute sovereignty by international agreements, but any such agreements are only conditional and temporary--rebus sic stantibus.
The Prussian doctrine of toleration has always been of a negative and conditional kind.
Expressions like except and unless are equally conditional with words like if and provided that, since they are equivalent to if--not.
The ordinary moralistic state of mind makes the salvation of the world conditional upon the success with which each unit does its part.
Partial and conditional salvation is in fact a most familiar notion when taken in the abstract, the only difficulty being to determine the details.
A few weeks before, he had made a conditional application to the admiral, though with evident reluctance, for a short leave of absence on account of his health.