Be that as it may, it is the confusion of two kinds of order that lies behind the relativism of the moderns, as it lay behind the dogmatism of the ancients.
Relativism and scepticism have been perenially associated, butrelativism is not a nihilistic, but a deeply realistic philosophy; it is just the sceptic's natural realism.
That this relativism is also laying hand, more and more firmly, upon modern ethics is well known.
That apparently subjects life to a full-blown relativism, but such a relativism has lost all its terror by the deterioration of the older method of reasoning.
This is the relativism of the present subjectivistic reasoning and its consequences.
The close connection between the former and relativism is evident, and the form of egoism most consistent with epistemological relativism is to be found among those same Sophists who first maintained this latter doctrine.
A sceptical relativism is the earliest phase of subjectivism, and its avoidance at once becomes the most urgent problem of any philosophy which proposes to proceed forth from this principle.
But a type of ethics still further removed from the initial relativism has been adopted and more or less successfully assimilated by subjectivistic philosophies.
The need of avoiding the relativism of empirical idealism is evident.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relativism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.