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Example sentences for "considerable difference"

  • Although a current price is fixed, there may be a considerable difference in what the curer realizes.

  • There is a considerable difference in the prices of flour.

  • There is considerable difference in the size and length of the various English varieties of cucumbers.

  • There is considerable difference of opinion as to the exact stage of maturity at which melons should be picked for shipment.

  • There is considerable difference in varieties of tomatoes in this respect, and those which naturally bear their fruit clusters close together should be selected for forcing purposes.

  • It is to be noted also that the number 71 is not very definitely ascertained, as there must be considerable difference of opinion as to the boundaries of species, and the actual identity in several cases is open to doubt.

  • Just what the starting-point was, however, is a matter on which there is considerable difference of opinion among authorities.

  • Footnote 33: Even when an ideal type of tone is secured, there is considerable difference of opinion as to whether the boy soprano is, all in all, as effective as the adult female voice.

  • But there is considerable difference in the amount of work of the different kinds; and as they are paid for by the gross, some kinds of work pay better than others.

  • There is considerable difference in the character and qualifications of the teachers sent out by the different agencies of New York.

  • Considerable difference of opinion exists as to the essential cause of varix.

  • The disease may commence in the synovial membrane or in the marrow of one of the adjacent bones, and the relative frequency of these two seats of infection has been the subject of considerable difference of opinion.

  • There is considerable difference of opinion regarding the treatment of glandular tuberculosis.

  • There is a considerable difference in respect to sizes and markings of the average catches of the various sections.

  • The matter of 'Supply and Demand' is one that there is considerable difference of opinion upon.

  • Concerning the exact temperature at which this germ is destroyed there is considerable difference of opinion.

  • The temperature at which this should be done depends upon the thermal death point of the tubercle bacillus, a question concerning which there has been considerable difference of opinion until very recently.

  • Considerable difference of opinion has existed in the minds of medical men as to the relative digestibility of raw and heated milks.

  • Relatively there is considerable difference in size between the different species, yet in absolute amount this is so slight as to require the highest powers of the microscope to detect it.

  • In external appearance there is considerable difference from E.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "considerable difference" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    colored population; considerable body; considerable booty; considerable difficulty; considerable distance from the; considerable distances; considerable force; considerable height; considerable importance; considerable numbers; considerable part; considerable property; considerable proportion; considerable quantities; considerable quantity; considerable share; considerable space; considerable trade; directly opposite; fate would; few days before the; good figure; hundred eyes; opened fire; social rank; strict adherence