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Example sentences for "reincarnations"

Lexicographically close words:
rein; reincarnate; reincarnated; reincarnating; reincarnation; reincorporating; reindeer; reined; reinen; reines
  1. Well, since they believe that they are able to choose the circumstances of their next reincarnations for themselves, they are the party of the status quo.

  2. But wouldn't these people be grateful to her for her new discoveries, which would enable them to plan their future reincarnations more intelligently?

  3. But with my process, the subject can consciously remember everything about his last reincarnation, and as many reincarnations before that as he wishes to.

  4. For example, we got a fine set of memory-recalls from one subject, for four previous reincarnations and four intercarnations.

  5. They have to concede memory to this discarnate personality, since it was by recovery of memories of previous reincarnations that discarnate existence and reincarnation were proven to be facts.

  6. Both it and its opponent were reincarnations of the swine-herds of two gods.

  7. According to the prose at the end of Helgakvietha Hundingsbana II, Helgi Haddingjaskati and Kara were reincarnations of Helgi Hundingsbani and Sigrun, the hero and heroine of this poem.

  8. The nature of things contains provision for temporary reincarnations of some departed spirits in the physical forms of some peculiarly organized and endowed human beings.

  9. First and earlier reincarnations are almost necessarily attended by psychological action which forces spirits severally to manifest, and, moderatedly, to undergo, again their special sufferings during their last hours of earth-life.

  10. See also Barren Children thought to be reincarnations of the dead, i.

  11. Thonga, Bantu tribe of South Africa, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, v.

  12. See also Boloki Bantu tribes, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  13. Masai, of East Africa, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  14. Thonga, Bantu tribe of South Africa, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  15. Wabondei, of Eastern Africa, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  16. Star of, 259 Betsileo of Madagascar, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  17. Dinkas, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  18. Greek belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  19. Africa, serpents as reincarnations of the dead in, i.

  20. Zulus, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  21. Ngoni, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  22. Suk, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  23. George, on snakes as reincarnations of chiefs, i.

  24. Nandi, the, of British East Africa, their belief in serpents as reincarnations of the dead, i.

  25. Can we fix the number of reincarnations through which a Bōdhisattva must pass before he can become a Buddha?

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reincarnations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.