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Example sentences for "reincarnating"

Lexicographically close words:
reimposed; reimposition; rein; reincarnate; reincarnated; reincarnation; reincarnations; reincorporating; reindeer; reined
  1. I say, of no race at all, but can view the matter as Human Souls, reincarnating egos, prepared to go where the Law bids us.

  2. Rebirth is held to be above the mere wish of the reincarnating soul--it is in accordance with an invariable natural law, which has Justice and Advancement as its basis.

  3. So in this way the characteristics likely to be transmitted to the offspring are those which are sought for and desired by the reincarnating soul.

  4. Moreover, the doctrine holds that one of the laws of Rebirth is that the reincarnating soul is attracted to parents harmonious to itself, and likely to afford the environments and association desirable to the soul.

  5. It is possible to think of the soul as a reincarnating entity, whether it be a monad, duad, triad, or septenary being.

  6. We might almost look upon the nature-spirits as a kind of astral humanity, but for the fact that none of them--not even the highest possess a permanent reincarnating individuality.

  7. The reincarnating process by which the soul evolves is somewhat analogous to the growth of a young physical body.

  8. And precisely so it is with the reincarnating soul.

  9. And thus it is with the reincarnating soul.

  10. It will be the passing of the cleansed soul from the Astral plane to the Heaven world, for a period of blissful rest before the life urge compels the reincarnating ego to take on once more the veil of flesh, in a transient human world.

  11. I think it is really the urge of reincarnating life still clinging to me.

  12. Ballanche, an orthodox Christian mystic, says: "Each one of us is a reincarnating being, ignorant both of his present and of his former transformations.

  13. Footnote 9: There are other proofs of the existence of the causal body, the reincarnating vehicle; the principal one is given in the middle of Chapter 3.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reincarnating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.