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Example sentences for "transfiguration"

Lexicographically close words:
transference; transferre; transferred; transferring; transfers; transfigure; transfigured; transfigures; transfiguring; transfix
  1. Only a resurrection and transfiguration of the earth and the universe, as well as of a glorified mankind, show us such a goal.

  2. In one sense, Nichirenism is the transfiguration of atheistic evolution.

  3. Reply: True, but was not this fulfilled when they saw Christ on the Transfiguration Mount?

  4. In the New Testament God is heard speaking both at the baptism and the transfiguration of Jesus, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

  5. The pavement of the Convent of the Transfiguration has never been trodden by the foot of pagan or heretical foe.

  6. Insert a clause in the bill," suggested Paul, "to the effect that the Convent of the Transfiguration shall be exempted from the operation of the bill.

  7. Now you understand why the Convent of the Transfiguration must be kept from the eyes of prying intruders.

  8. The Convent of the Transfiguration must hide strange mysteries behind its walls when the Pope's own nuncio is denied admission.

  9. Early this morning the Convent of the Transfiguration was seized and occupied by a regiment of the Paulovski Guards.

  10. A sombre and starry transfiguration is mingled with this torture.

  11. This is the will of that mysterious creation which is transformation on earth and transfiguration in heaven.

  12. They laugh and hunt, and there is in the air the brilliance of an apotheosis--what a transfiguration effected by love!

  13. He was not less very GOD as well as very Man when some one spat upon Him, than at His Transfiguration and at His Ascension into Heaven!

  14. The last time we see our blessed Lord before the Transfiguration was at Caesarea Philippi, near the base of Hermon.

  15. Hawthorne makes one of his characters in the Marble Faun say: “It is the spectator’s mood that transfigures The Transfiguration itself.

  16. It is enough for our present purpose to see how Jesus consecrated that deep valley, as before He had consecrated the Transfiguration height, to prayer.

  17. And so the Mount of Transfiguration looks towards the Mount of Sacrifice.

  18. The burden of the world's redemption is upon Him, and that eternal purpose leads Him down from the Transfiguration glories, and onwards to a cross and grave.

  19. He represents the Transfiguration as the natural issue of a perfect, a sinless his, a life in which death should have no place, as it would have had no place in the life of unfallen man.

  20. We see the place and meaning of the Transfiguration in the life of Jesus.

  21. The Transfiguration of Christ marks the culminating point in the Divine life; the few remaining months are a rapid descent into the valley of Sacrifice and Death.

  22. It was the Transfiguration of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles.

  23. There was no transfiguration then, no face shining like the face of an angel.

  24. And what was the transfiguration on the holy hill but the same?

  25. And our Lord was recalled with painful abruptness from the glories of transfiguration to the scepticism of scribes, the failure and shame of disciples, and the triumph of the powers of evil.

  26. That was by St. Peter speaking of his own, when the thought of the transfiguration was floating in his mind, and its voices lingered unconsciously in his memory (2 Pet.

  27. We shall best think of the glories of transfiguration not as poured over Jesus, but as a revelation from within.

  28. We must steadily resist the notion that the Transfiguration was required to confirm His consecration; or, after six days had passed since He bade Satan get behind Him, to complete and perfect His decision.

  29. Nor was He unconscious of its menace, for after the transfiguration He distinctly connected with a prediction of His own death, the fact that they had done to Elias also whatsoever they listed.

  30. The Transfiguration is an event without a parallel in all the story of our Lord.

  31. The transfiguration of Christ was closely associated with the predictions both of his death and of his return in glory.

  32. Part of that revelation was made in his death; the full revelation will come when he returns in that glory of which the Mount of Transfiguration gave a foregleam.

  33. But this positive commandment is only one side of the transfiguration that is to be effected.

  34. That Transfiguration of our Lord (which is described by the same word as occurs in this text) may become for us the symbol and the prophecy of what we look for.

  35. By the[62] Mountain on which this future Transfiguration will be exhibited, they understand the sublime and anagogical Sense of the Law and the Prophets.

  36. After this fashion do the Fathers, one or other of them, copiously treat on every Part of this Transfiguration of Jesus.

  37. Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple; Of his exorcising the Devils out of the Madmen, and sending them into the Herd of Swine; and Of his Transfiguration on the Mount.

  38. As thus, by the[60] six Days, they understood six Ages of the World, after which a real and mysterious Transfiguration will be exhibited to our intellectual Views.

  39. But the final phase of the transfiguration is not the work of this inventor or any other.

  40. We might define Fairy Splendor as furniture transfigured, for without transfiguration there is no spiritual motion of any kind.

  41. But the transfiguration of the actors, not their destruction or rescue, is the goal.

  42. Together with Peter and James, he witnessed the resurrection of Jairus' daughter; was present at the Transfiguration on the Mount, and at the agony of the Savior in the Garden.

  43. They were with Him at the raising of Jairus' daughter, at the Transfiguration on the Mount, and were now selected to be nearest Him in the hour of His agony.

  44. The divine form in the Transfiguration floated in light.

  45. Between the windows is the Transfiguration [given by Mr. Emerson].

  46. The Transfiguration is a more spirited copy than most that I have seen, though the principal figure seems never to be quite well copied.

  47. The resurrection from the dead, the transfiguration of the living, the judgment seat of Christ, the judgment of the living nations, the consequent judgment of the white throne, the rewards of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked.

  48. In every great surge forward to new life, we can trace back the radiance to such a single point of light; the transfiguration of an individual soul.

  49. Could we have a more vivid picture than this of the conditions of withdrawal and attention under which the psyche is most amenable to suggestion, or of the inward transfiguration worked by a great self-realizing idea?

  50. In them it is incarnate, and through them, as it were, it spreads and gives the race a lift: for their transfiguration is never for themselves alone, they impart it to all who follow them.

  51. Such transfiguration has literally on the physical plane caused the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak: and it seems to me that it is to be observed operating on highest levels in the work of salvation.

  52. Even if we take its lowest common measure, the transfiguration of desire is considerable.

  53. The change is indeed so great, the transfiguration so complete, that they seize on the strongest language in which to state it.

  54. But may I say, Mrs Lutestring, that the transfiguration of a parlor maid to an angel is not more amazing than her transfiguration to the very dignified and able Domestic Minister I am addressing.

  55. There is no transfiguration-scene and no prayer of Gethsemane in this Gospel--Transfiguration is needless where the glory shines uninterrupted through the whole career.

  56. The Transfiguration story had been a halting attempt to embody Pauline doctrine in Petrine story.

  57. The same is true of the Voice from heaven at the scene which takes the place of Transfiguration and Gethsemane in one (xii.

  58. The vision of the light of the Transfiguration did not transfigure the character of its beholders.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "transfiguration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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