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Example sentences for "obliterate"

Lexicographically close words:
oblique; obliqued; obliquely; obliques; obliquity; obliterated; obliterates; obliterating; obliteration; obliterative
  1. So as nearly to obliterate the marks of the needle point.

  2. To obliterate this, spread the crape on a table (laying on it a large book or a paper-weight to keep it steady), and place underneath the stain a piece of old black silk.

  3. As well obliterate the record there On page the last: allow me tear the leaf!

  4. They need scouring pretty constantly, as the weeds and grass will grow over the face of the bare chalk and tend to obliterate the figures.

  5. Many circumstances have combined to obliterate it.

  6. It was a sheltered position, and favorable for a The ground is full of small surface springs, which, with the wash from the cultivated hills above, will soon obliterate every trace of the encampment.

  7. There are still very prominent traces of the banks and fosse of the fort, but the growing village will soon spread over and obliterate them forever.

  8. It was equally clear that dampness could not obliterate it; nor was it possible to take any impression from it capable of perforating another skin of parchment.

  9. No amount of damp, or even saturation with water, could obliterate it, and it was impossible to take any impression from it capable of producing a duplicate.

  10. Might not time soften, if not obliterate such differences," whispered Travers, timidly.

  11. His proposal remaining unseconded, he sought to obliterate the bad impression it had made, by publishing a proclamation, calling upon the charitably inclined to raise a subscription for the unfortunate inhabitants of the Waldstatte.

  12. The physical may even be permitted to overshadow, debase and quite obliterate the spiritual.

  13. True, her wit was sometimes far from kindly, but her tact was great, and she was quick to mark and to obliterate any adverse impression with regard to herself which she might produce.

  14. In other territory now severed from France and restored to German or Italian princes, attempts were not wanting to obliterate the new order and to re-introduce the burdens and confusions of the old regime.

  15. She had wished to avoid this; she had tried to obliterate her own personality.

  16. Nothing could ever obliterate the picture of the suffering Pharaoh from her memory.

  17. After the ice had melted, the mantle of drift which it left was sometimes so disposed as to completely obliterate preglacial valleys.

  18. Even if valleys developed no tributaries, they would, in the course of time, widen to such an extent as to nearly obliterate the intervening ridges.

  19. In thickness the ground moraine reaches at least 160 feet, though its average is much less--too little to obliterate the greater topographic features of the rock beneath.

  20. It is the deplorable effect of a successful revolution, even when commenced for the most necessary purposes, to obliterate the ideas of man on right and wrong, and leave no other test in the general case for public conduct but success.

  21. It would be erroneous," he says, "to suppose that Danish costumes weaken or obliterate the idea of a southern region conveyed by this country.

  22. And certainly nothing could be better calculated to promote "the sin of idolatry" than thus to obliterate the broad, the infinitely grand line of demarkation between the infinite God and his finite creature man.

  23. Thus the negro transmits the eternal mark of his ignominy to all his descendants; and although the law may abolish slavery, God alone can obliterate the traces of its existence.

  24. We steal from one another and from the spirit of the hour; and with our phrases and formulas and talismans we obliterate all distinction.

  25. The modern international empires may obliterate local boundaries and trample on local altars.

  26. Sculptured edges lose their sharpness in a year or two; yellow lichens overspread a beloved name, and obliterate it while it is yet fresh upon some survivor's heart.

  27. The occasional acceptance of the Neo-Platonic mysticism, theosophy and theurgy, was unable to obliterate it.

  28. The future life does not obliterate society, but it destroys the class separations, the factitious distinctions, that exist now.

  29. The series of contradictions showed that for each sector that stereotype was employed which would obliterate all the facts that interfered with the claim.

  30. In our own race wars we can see some of the results of the failure to realize that time would gradually obliterate the slave morality of the Negro, and that social adjustment based on this morality would begin to break down.

  31. But neither the starched sobriety of his aspect, nor his newly assumed name of Mephibosheth could obliterate her recollection of the daring libertine who had seduced her Eustace, and attempted her honour.

  32. I mean, my Lord, that all the flattery of being the object of your Lordship's choice could not obliterate my sense of a disparity, just as great between us in years as in condition.

  33. She has not the hundred and one careers in life in which individual distinction can obliterate the claims of station.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obliterate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abolish; abrogate; absolve; annihilate; annul; blot; cancel; crush; dash; dele; delete; desolate; devastate; devour; efface; erase; expunge; exterminate; extinguish; forgive; kill; massacre; nullify; obliterate; omit; raze; remove; rout; scratch; sponge; strike