He referred to the widow of an American rancher who, with the aid of her young daughter and a few peones, had kept their rancho going since her husband's death.
She had even remarked that she could not understand how a rancher would ever want to build a board shack if there was any timber to be had.
I'm to beRancher Witham until to-morrow night, anyway.
The glasses were handed round, but when the gambler reached out towards the silver at his side, a big bronzed-skinned rancher stopped him.
Then you will return at night asrancher Witham, and keep the whole thing a secret from everybody.
Inside the bank Jefferson Worth, with his customary careful, exact manner, was explaining to a small rancher that it was impossible to extend the loan secured by a mortgage on the farmer's property.
Moving aimlessly down the street, unseeing and unheeding, he ran fairly into Pat and Texas, who were talking with a rancher from the South Central District.
It had been easy to secure permission from the neighboring rancher who leased the orchard from the Company.
Moving his horse close to the window of the room where he knew the rancher slept, the Ranger tapped on the sash.
Judge Ivory handed over to the owner of the Quarter Circle KT the Y-Bar cattleman's check for ten thousand dollars and the bill of sale he had recklessly given and which transferred to Old Heck all the cattle the Vermejo rancher owned.
Every now and then it seems that the rancher must leave his clearing and wander off into the bush.
The rancher had prepared a satisfactory supper; and some time after it was over, Stirling and Mrs. Kinnaird sat together on the veranda.
You mean they’ll round up some of your dad’s steers and when they get to where some other rancher has his herds they’ll bunch ’em; is that it?
It would be too hard work to cut out our cattle, and besides, as soon as the rancher saw a new brand in with his beef he’d send word here.
If a rancher has bought some timber from a Forest Ranger, he is given a letter of transmittal showing the amount of the purchase which he must send to the District Fiscal Agent with the amount necessary to pay for the timber.
Then the other buyers began bulling the market, hoping to induce a rancher here and there to sell and, by thus breaking the ranks, run prices down.
The rancher stood speechless before the unexpected words of the Indian.
No rancher would sell at fourteen cents with a bank's messenger rioting over the valley quoting hops in Liverpool at eighteen cents.
Lamson sprang to his feet, but the big rancher put out a big hand and shoved him back.
Clearly, he had spoken to effect, and the ranchermust justify his position before his fellow ranchers, whose eyes were so intently watching him.
His hand went half-way to his revolver, but a broad-shouldered rancher caught his arm.
At each he dropped a faggot for thought: "Lamson, the biggest hop rancher in the valley, is buying hops at fourteen cents and paying his pickers with store orders.
The young Indian faced the irate rancher and looked him coolly up and down.
Smiling at the little girl's eagerness, the rancher replied: "Because it looks so deserted and haunted.
Then, as he did not wish to pry into their family affairs, the genial rancher pointed out and described to fascinated listeners the many things of interest which they were passing.
The rancher and author made a strong case against the minister, and it was the consensus of opinion in the court room that the minister was guilty.
It is said that the rancher visited Chicago several times following in an effort to persuade her to return.
Jean Baptiste, Negro author and rancher is under arrest at the county jail this morning, accused of the murder of his wife and father-in-law, the Reverend N.
Thank heaven for that," exclaimed the rancher gratefully.
The boys, with Hawke, had gathered around therancher and Herb expectantly.
The small army marched up onto the veranda, while the rancher gave them a critical survey.
The boys had no chance to exchange words with the rancher before, Carl and Dunk having taken the place of Herb and Gray, they were whisked upward again.
As reparation, the rancher ordered a lavish display of fireworks from Albuquerque, and in the evening the boys were entertained by an exhibition that was worthy of young princes.
In a few moments the rancher returned minus his chaps, followed by a Chinaman, the ranch-house cook, who greeted the boys with a cheerful grin of recognition.
The surprised rancher looked around at the quiet group a little puzzled.
But another rancher several miles north of father says he's had some sheep hurt and taken, so I suppose it's shifted its hunting ground for a while.
The rough rancher spoke cordially, but there was a slight shake in his voice.
We were hit by it ourselves coming from Silver City--and that rancher was picked up by it.
It was a game which had been often played before, but the particular rancher was a determined man and had announced his firm intention of obtaining his money back or wreaking summary vengeance on his betrayer.
He knew that very shortly rancher Hudson's low-level possessions would be buried under several feet of water.
The rancher halted discreetly when his companion, taking a brand from a fire near it, clambered over the boulders.
There is no marriedrancher within some distance, and I cannot well bring her here.
Raising his hand, he called to the men to stop work and, when the clatter of shovels ceased, he quietly surveyed the few poor fields rancher Hudson had won from the swamp.
Life is too short to worry over them," the rancher said.
Rancher Hudson was the first to speak, and he said: "No sensible man would need much convincing that it's mighty bad for growing crops to have a full-bore flood turned loose on them.
Then it happened that while, with the perspiration dripping from him, he tugged at the lever, the rancher who had rebuffed him that morning, drew rein close beside.
The rancher and his stalwart sons were away rounding up his cattle, but Jean was expecting both them and her mother and the delayed supper was ready.
There is nothing to bring any rancher down this way, and a man must have walked beside the rider," he speculated.
The rancher glanced at her with admiration in his eyes.
A cattlerancher may have from one to two thousand head of cattle running wild.
At one of the ranches nestling at the foot of Mount Evans in Colorado, miles away from any other habitation, a rancher put a cow-bell on each of his horses when turned loose, thinking to frighten the bears.
It was quite common for the rancher to be aroused at night by the clanging of bells and the clatter of hoofs as the horses scampered into the corral.
There lay the secret revealed--the secret which every rancher in the district for years had sought to discover.
He had first ridden into Orrville, and then followed the rancher out here.
He glanced swiftly from one to the other as he confronted the burly rancher and his station foreman.
The steady eyes, the emphatic tones of this big, straight-dealing rancher silenced the last doubt in Bob's lesser mind.
He was regarding the "gentleman" rancher meditatively, and his half burnt cigar glowed under the deep intake of his powerful lungs.
He had staked everything on his ability to trap Perris and destroy him, thereby piling upon the shoulders of Oliver Jordan a burden of gratitude which the rancher could never repay.
With Red Jim escaped and his promise to the rancher unfulfilled, what would become of his permanent hold on Oliver Jordan?
Then Hervey rode closer, lighted a match, and held it so that the ranchercould see to write.
For every rancher and every ranch-hand in Glosterville was summoning Alcatraz to vindicate the range-stock against the long-legged mares which had been imported from the East for the sole purpose of shaming the native products.
There was enough truth in what the rancher said to make the untruths the more painful.
They menaced the cattlemen in the West and South, while the rancher made slow but inexorable advance on the East.
You fellows hold the winning hand," said Delmar; "the small rancher will sure wipe the sheepman out in time.
He was not well-satisfied with himself; his face and hands were too brown and leathery, and when he thought of his failure as a rancher his brow darkened.
The ruinous raid of the trappers was followed by a dry season, and during the drouth a rancher down the mountain came up prospecting for water.
A near-by rancher told me that he had been "making it hot" for all beavers in his meadow.
During the next few days and nights the rancher made many trips from his house to the lake, and when he was not in the ditch, swearing, and opening it, the beaver were in it shutting off the water.
The letter was the one the promoter had received from the Dry Valley rancher threatening his life if he ever appeared again in that part of the country.
The Scandinavian rancher followed him to the elevator and from there to his room.
Then, "That's all," the Dry Valley rancher said sullenly.
He did not intend to frighten therancher by hurrying him.
Kirby turned to the rancher from Dry Valley and had him tell his story.
If they do I'll tell 'em who did," the rancher blurted out wildly.
Then, before the boy rancher could again get his gun up, the mysterious figure that had caused the night alarm slipped out of the circle of firelight and into the shadows of darkness.
Though some of the cowboys had only been associated with Bud Merkel during the short time of their hire, they had come to admire the boy rancher who treated them as his father would have done, with fairness and kindness.
And then, in a rush, there came to the young rancher the meaning of this night alarm.
In about half an hour the rancher returned, laden with a heavy bundle of the aforesaid articles, which Ellis shook down on the floor in the corner farthest from the door, subtracting two, however, for old Bryan in the kitchen.
Finding that the latter had come, he arranged with the rancher to haul them out to the Cherry Creek detachment on his return trip.
With an earnestness that there was no mistaking, the rancher reached out his hand.
In one of them he immediately recognized a rancher in the district named Pryce--commonly known as "Ginger" Pryce, from the somewhat sanguine color of his hair and corresponding temperament.
At the unmistakable silent animosity depicted on that drawn, bitter face, the rancher changed countenance and retreated slightly with a deprecating gesture.
The rancher seemed oppressed with a certain shamefacedness, and fidgeted nervously with his quirt.
The rancher broached the subject of his visit with little preamble.
The red-headed rancher regarded him with a sulky, brooding stare, the premeditated retort dying on his lips.
The rancherconsidered a moment or two with a grave, inscrutable face.
After waking the Sergeant up at eight o'clock, the rancher went out and did the stable chores, and when he returned Ellis cooked breakfast for all hands--taking good care to keep Shorty and old Bryan aloof from their former acquaintances.
And, with one last lingering look of silent, wondering sympathy, the rancher arose and departed slowly into the night.
Leave me a gun, and I'll be all right" The rancher leant his gun against the window sill, and then departed hastily.
Douglas the rancher had "sat quietly while the chief told his alarming news.
It seemed like a judgment upon him for breaking his word to therancher and interfering with the girl, when he might now have been well on his way to Battleford.
The next moment, regardless of consequences, therancher was on the top of one and Jacques had secured the other.
He turned to the rancher and there was grim determination in his eyes.
Somebody recognized the cows as ones that had belonged to a rancher named Patterson.
Only two years ago a prominent rancher in this country--the Sonoita Range--shot and killed a Mexican who with a partner had been caught red-handed in the act of stealing cattle.
While staying at Sauxal I went to a fiesta in the Arroyo San Luis and there began playing cooncan with an old rancher who was accounted one of the most wealthy inhabitants of the country.
Every rancher an' nester in forty mile around has drove in.