How did this Rabbinic legend find its way into Freemasonry?
The relative value of these measures is not indicated in any part of the Bible; to fix it, we must consult Josephus and the Rabbinic traditions.
The shape of the Sakharah is adapted for this purpose, and it has a regular slope on the south side leading up to the higher part; and, according to the Rabbinic traditions, this was the position of the inclined ascent.
It occupied an elevated position, as appears from both the Bible and the Rabbinic traditions; probably in order that the sacrifices might be seen by the people.
When we returned it to its owner we found, much to our dismay, the rabbinic family getting to the bottom of our own.
I heard racking coughs, felt the groping touch of the blind, and listened to wise men trying to balance this world upon the needle points of rabbinic exegesis.
Not once did she permit me to pluck a flower, or chase a rabbit, and for a good many Sabbaths after that I did not go beyond the rabbinic limit.
Rabbinic law proscribed that walking on the Sabbath be restricted to 2,000 yards from the synagogue.
This amplification of Scripture became more and more a favorite custom of the rabbinic age.
When we remember that Antipater and Herod were Idumeans (Edom) and that they practically delivered Judea to Rome for the price of a crown, the rabbinic usage is peculiarly appropriate.
A new direction was given to the development of rabbinic Judaism under his guidance.
The institution of this method has earned for Akiba the title of "father of rabbinic Judaism.
This sequence marked both the order of their importance in rabbinic estimate and to some extent, the sequence of their production.
Here is a characteristic bit of rabbinic midrash on a Bible text: "The dove returned .
This does not exclude the fact that the rabbinic halacha was largely indebted to Roman law.
The descendant of men learned in rabbinic lore, Abba Mari devoted himself to the study of theology and philosophy, and made himself acquainted with the writing of Moses Maimonides and Nachmanides as well as with the Talmud.
ANAN BEN DAVID, a Persian Jew of the 8th century, and founder within Judaism of the sect of Qaraites (Karaites) which set itself in opposition to the rabbinic tradition.
Baudissin (Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklo padie) notes that Hades and Abaddon in Rabbinic writings are employed as personal names, just as shemayya in Dan.
Sura the systematic study of the Rabbinic traditions which, using the Mishnah as text, led to the compilation of the Talmud.
The first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet are used in Rabbinic writings in a similar way.
Farrar often interprets most helpfully the essence of an incident, and Geikie furnishes a mass of illustrative material from rabbinic sources, though with less criticism than even Edersheim has used.
In proportion as the rabbinic formalism held control of the hearts of the people, the Messianic hope lost its warmth and vigor.
The antiquity of the rabbinic record is so uncertain, however, that it is only useful as showing what possibly may have been the case.
This is valuable for its illustration of conditions in Palestine in the time of Jesus by quotations from the rabbinic literature.
These Psalms of Solomon, as they are called, are pharisaic in point of view, yet they are notrabbinic in their ideas.
They were not so bound to rabbinic traditions as the Jews themselves, they had been drawn by the finer features of Judaism,--its high morality and its noble idea of God.
The material used is enormous, but is not always treated with due criticism, and the book should be read with the fact in mind that most of the rabbinic writings date from several centuries after Christ.
It is a rabbinic commonplace that the delay of the Messiah's coming is due to lack of repentance in Israel.
Even the peculiarly Christian virtue of humility, which presents so striking a contrast to the Greek "highmindedness," was to some extent anticipated in the Rabbinic teaching.
For an account of the Latin and Syriac versions, the Targums, and the later Rabbinic literature connected with this subject, and other questions relating to these additions, see Fritzsche, Exeget.
Rabbinic erudition could not forget the repression of vicious desires in the tenth commandment, the stress laid in Deuteronomy on the necessity of service to God, or the inculcation by later prophets of humility and faith.
His interpretation of the laws, so far as it goes, in places agrees with the Rabbinic Halakah, but he admits some modification of the accepted tradition.
This and the following Rabbinic parallels are collected by Bloch, op.
He does not indeed supply the interpretation, saying that he will give the reason in a separate treatise which he proposes to write; but the same point is discussed in the Rabbinic commentary.
To the latter circumstances is perhaps due the Rabbinic legend that Hezekiah hid the Ark till the coming of the Messiah.
For further explanations I must refer to my paper on Rabbinic Exegesis (Expositor, First Series, v.
Rabbinic haggadoth to tell us about the earthquake, which, he says, happened at the moment when Uzziah burnt incense in the Temple (Antt.
I believe it to be simply an instance of the Rabbinic process of transposition, called Themourah.
It was during this persecution, according to Rabbinic tradition, that Isaiah received the martyr's crown.
For many Rabbinic legends see Hershon, Treasures of the Talmud, pp.
So, when his private thunders had procured him a summons before the outraged Rabbinic court, he was in no wise to be awed by the Chacham and his Rabbis in their solemn robes.
Was it for this Rabbinic manufacture that he had exchanged the stately ceremonial of Catholicism?
This was doubtless an appropriate remark, for it is certainly true that much of the rabbinic lore is heavy, almost beyond expression.
And an apostle versed in rabbinic lore uses the story of Sarah as typical of the abiding difference between the principles of law and the precepts of grace.
Later rabbinic literature is rife with these stories.
But while this decision throws a favourable light on the Rabbinictheory of life, it can in no sense be called a fixation of a creed.
In Hebrew the corresponding noun never occurs in the Bible, and it is rare even in the Rabbinic books.
This Rabbinic idea Lazarus sums up in the epigram: 'Moral laws, then, are not laws because they are written; they are written because they are laws.
Modern Jews think that in some respects the Rabbinic Judaism was an advance on the Biblical; they think further that their own modern Judaism is an advance on the Rabbinic.
It was indeed quite easy to cite Rabbinic passages in which the world to come is identified with the bodily Resurrection.
The 'Imitation of God' is a notion which constantly meets us in Rabbinic literature.
Jewish theology from the Rabbinicage sought to evade the difficulty by the mystic notion that all miracles were latent in ordered nature at the creation.
Thus it cannot be said that belief was, in the Rabbinic system, perfectly free.
The very word which in the Hebrew Bible means righteousness means in Rabbinic Hebrew charity.
We do not hear much of the Covenant in the Rabbinic books, but its spirit pervades Judaism.
The Rabbinic Judaism did not mechanically posit, however, the objective validity of prayer.
All these have something of Jewish Talmudism about them, and are in the true Rabbinic vein.
As a mere literary form, Rabbinic Hebrew retained a strong hold on the Jews; as a vehicle of devotional feeling, Hebrew reigned supreme.
He dealt exclusively with the Halachah, or practical contents of the Rabbinic law, and the guide which he compiled to the Talmud soon superseded all previous works of its kind.
Starting with the Rabbinic Age and closing with the activity of the earlier Gaonim, or Persian Rabbis, the First Period would carry us to the eighth or the ninth century.
Bel and the Dragon with pseudo-Epiphanius' and Rabbinic legends of the same tale, as "reine Fabeln und Legenden zu erkennen.
This can be neither that of rabbinic Judaism, which rests upon Persian dualism, nor that of medieval philosophy, which was under the Platonic-Aristotelian influence.
This standpoint, never reached even by the pious sufferer Job, is attained by rabbinic Judaism when it calls the visitations of the righteous "trials of the divine love.
In the rabbinic phrase, he is now ready to be a "co-worker with God in the work of creation.
A very late rabbinic belief holds that the Messiah will be able to give a new law and even to abrogate Mosaic prohibitions.
In contrast to them Pharisaic or Rabbinic Judaism teaches a resurrection after death for a life of eternal bliss or eternal torment, according as the divine judgment finds one righteous and another wicked.
Subsequently these two divergent hopes for the future run parallel in the Psalms and the liturgy as well as in the apocryphal and rabbinic literature.
In general, however, rabbinic Judaism was not in a position to judge Christianity impartially, as it never learned to know primitive Christianity as presented in the New Testament.
This view of divine justice as external and punitive was basic to the Synagogue liturgy and the entire rabbinic system.
A fine beginning in this direction has been made by Professor Schechter in Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology, New York, 1909.
Plato, Plotinus, and Aristotle received the most friendly hospitality from the rabbinic philosophers and mystic writers of Jewry, and so Buddhist sayings and views penetrated into Jewish ethics and popular teachings.
At the head of the Warsaw community during this stormy period stood a man who combined Polish patriotism withrabbinic orthodoxy.
The restoration of the Hebrew language to its biblical purity and the removal of the linguistic excrescences of the later rabbinic idiom became for some writers an end in itself, for others a weapon in the fight for enlightenment.
A strong dash of intellectualism is a prominent feature in the Rabbinic religion.
The attitude of the Rabbinic doctors to a Greek education does not seem to have been hostile till the time of Hadrian.
Bomberg, chiefly known for his masoretic work in connexion with the Rabbinic Bible and his introduction to it; Elias Levita, of Venice (d.
Similarly in the East, the Syriac version of the Old Testament is largely under the influence of the synagogue, and the homilies of Aphraates are a mine of Rabbinic lore.
Rabbinic learning moreover was cultivated at Basel by the elder Buxtorf who was the author of grammatical works and a lexicon.
It is in the Rabbinic and Cursive characters that the differences are most noticeable.
Coming to England shortly after the completion of his education in the Rabbinic College at Warsaw, Dr Ginsburg continued his study of the Hebrew Scriptures, with special attention to the Megilloth.
Reader in Talmudic andRabbinic Literature, University of Cambridge.
For further information on this subject I may refer to my paper on "Rabbinic Exegesis," Expositor, v.
To say that the Chaldee chapters "defile the hands" is the Rabbinic way of declaring their Canonicity.
Most of us have heard of the Rabbinic writings, of the Mishna and Gemara, of the Talmud, and may even know the names of some of the famous Rabbis, lawyers, and doctors who have commented upon them.
The term Rabbinic was applied to the Jewish Literature of post-Biblical times by those who conceived the Judaism of the later epoch to be something different from the Judaism of the Bible, something actually opposed to it.
With the label Rabbinic later ages inherited from former ages a certain distorted view of the literature so designated.
However, in the appreciation of Jewish Legends, it is the Rabbinic writers that should form the point of departure, and not the pseudepigrapha.
The current estimate of Rabbinic Literature is a case in point.
And yet the truth is that the most prominent feature of Rabbinic Literature is its popular character.
I use the expression Jewish, rather than Rabbinic, because the sources from which I have levied contributions are not limited to the Rabbinic literature.
The Hamburg sceptic laid chief stress on the point that Talmudic and Rabbinic ordinances are additions to Pentateuchal Judaism, and the Pentateuch had expressly forbidden additions of this sort.
At the Beadle's, the Din was duly unearthed from worm-eaten folios, but Zillah remaining unappeased, further searching of these Rabbinic scriptures revealed a possible compromise.
Rabbinic traditions make the Mosaic Tree of Life, which stood in the centre of the Garden of Eden, a vast world-tree, resembling in many points the Scandinavian Ash Yggdrasill.
Regarding these Rabbinic traditions as purely mythical, certain commentators have regarded the Tree of Life as typical only of that life and the continuance of it which our first parents derived from God.