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Example sentences for "doctors"

Lexicographically close words:
doctored; doctores; doctoress; doctorial; doctoring; doctorum; doctour; doctours; doctress; doctrin
  1. It seemed to be the issue of long ill-health, and the doctors feared that there were no resources of constitution left to carry him through it.

  2. I have added to my knowledge,' said the Squire dryly, 'Like Heine, I am qualified to give lectures in heaven on the ignorance of doctors on earth.

  3. I dare say we doctors get to muddle up right and wrong.

  4. Thousands and thousands of doctors had had tuberculous patients under their care.

  5. Perhaps certain people imagine that there are no therapeutics, and that we can replace by auto-suggestion, prayer, or hypnotisation, everything which doctors generally use to cure or allay disease.

  6. You know his doctors may have forbidden him.

  7. The mamma and the papa could not recover themselves, the doctors of medicine and theology were helpless in the emergency, the young people were in confusion, Mr. Andrews was struck speechless; it was a total wreck.

  8. I have always worked in the closest and most perfect harmony with physicians who have sent cases to me and have never permitted any of the doctors employed in my institution to visit a patient who has left my care.

  9. Hospital surroundings, unfamiliar nurses, and strange assistant doctors are of great value; but payment in advance may be regarded as the most effective means for inducing the patient to complete the necessary course.

  10. One of the busiest and most successful doctors of my acquaintance has used as little as half a grain a year, and another told me he had never gone beyond two grains.

  11. The fact that there are not more drug-taking doctors speaks volumes for the high character of the profession.

  12. Doctors should be the first to knock from under their patients the psychologically harmful props of the heredity theories.

  13. The best doctors have always felt that they could not afford to lend their names to any institutions or sanatoriums except those which restricted themselves to mental cases.

  14. In it I state that it is wrong to stop the use of morphine and alcohol unless the victims can be treated for the habit, and next I condemn doctors and sanatoriums for their useless methods of treatment, while lauding my own.

  15. Thus it comes about that probably a larger proportion of trained nurses than of doctors are habitual drug-users.

  16. For doctors meant hospitals, and the man below threatened to sell his lodger's "sticks" if rent were not forthcoming.

  17. You see, those fools of doctors may be mistaken.

  18. The doctors said she might in time recover a little, but she would never be her old active self again.

  19. But there are two other doctors here already.

  20. When the doctors hinted that an ocean voyage and a winter in Italy would be good, those too were duly undertaken.

  21. Such men must have doctors to threaten and flatter them, to give them the only pleasure they can enjoy, the pleasure of not being dead.

  22. They fail to see that against one life saved by the doctors you must set a hundred slain, and against the value of one truth discovered the errors which creep in with it.

  23. These are the young doctors who can tell us the position of Pekin, Ispahan, Mexico, and every country in the world.

  24. We should be simple, indeed, if we thought it enough to hear the doctors on our own side, in order to acquaint ourselves with the arguments of the other.

  25. You will tell me, as usual, that the doctors are to blame, that medicine herself is infallible.

  26. This is a question for the doctors to settle, and in my opinion they have settled it according to the women's wishes, [Footnote: The league between the women and the doctors has always struck me as one of the oddest things in Paris.

  27. The doctors' reputation depends on the women, and by means of the doctors the women get their own way.

  28. True, the doctors cure some who would have died, but they kill millions who would have lived.

  29. If we try to invert this order we shall produce a forced fruit immature and flavourless, fruit which will be rotten before it is ripe; we shall have young doctors and old children.

  30. A man who lives ten years for himself and others without the help of doctors lives more for himself and others than one who spends thirty years as their victim.

  31. It is the doctors with their rules, the philosophers with their precepts, the priests with their exhortations, who debase the heart and make us afraid to die.

  32. Bonnemain fifty years ago, as they are by any of our stove-doctors at the present day.

  33. It has an acrid disagreeable taste, and acts deleteriously in the stomach, though it has been administered as a medicine by some of the poison-doctors of the present day.

  34. When the cylinders A, B, or C, are employed for embossing only, those doctors will not be required.

  35. The smoke doctors who recommend such a vicious plan, from their ignorance of chemical science, are not aware that the carbonic acid gas, of coke or coal, must be heated 250 deg.

  36. Then, when we had eaten, doctors came and examined us.

  37. By this time the pulse had entirely disappeared from the wrist, and the Doctors left the tent, not doubting but that the man would soon be dead.

  38. As for the nurses and the doctors there was nothing they were unwilling to do to help the sick.

  39. Some of the doctors were army surgeons and others were contract surgeons, but all worked alike.

  40. The experience is far too common that in cases of immediate need when the family doctor cannot be located, doctors will refuse to attend a case on account of so-called "professional courtesy.

  41. The influenza epidemic of 1918, following the shortage of doctors during the war, revealed the plight of many a rural community without medical service.

  42. This means that most of the rural doctors in these counties have less than ten years more to practise and that there is no indication that their places will be filled by younger men.

  43. It is a fear of this professional isolation which causes the average young doctor to start his practice in the city where he has better facilities, and which is largely responsible for the small number of young doctors in rural counties.

  44. The number of doctors practising in the open country was always inadequate, but in recent years it has decreased until now many large sections are without any resident physician.

  45. Social welfare is like health, for which sanitation and hygiene are more important than doctors and medicines.

  46. It was called by one of the doctors charcoal and water.

  47. I have shown certain British doctors demanding lime-juice when food was necessary first.

  48. As scurvy spread and deepened, the doctors made eager demands on Government for lime-juice, and more lime-juice.

  49. Doctors are a clever race," answered my strange young friend, "but they don't know everything.

  50. We doctors know how many people persuade themselves into all sorts of thing.

  51. If the boy has succeeded in converting you to any of his delusions I can only say that doctors are more credulous than I fancied.

  52. Preventive medicine simply means that our doctors do not wait until their patients are sick, then step forward and cure them.

  53. But it took years and years of hard work before the doctors could convince the people of this fact.

  54. They go even further than that, and these good doctors enter the schools and teach the children how to use tooth-brushes and how to avoid catching colds.

  55. The doctors are all agreed that I am suffering for want of society.

  56. The doctors reminded him that he must not laugh, else the bandage over his face would get disturbed.

  57. Ivan asked the doctors if the wounds were dangerous, but Salista answered for them.

  58. When he returned to the hall he found that his adversary had recovered consciousness; the two doctors were with him, one binding up his head, the other his arm.

  59. Ivan held his head upon his knees while the doctors bound up the veins; then he helped to carry him to the carriage.

  60. He died as his mother had died, and the verdict of the doctors and of the coroner's jury was the same: 'Death from unknown causes'!

  61. The doctors can't stop it; they don't even know what it is.

  62. He might just as well have been killed as poor Tolliver was, for he'll never be any use again, the doctors say.

  63. In fact, the doctors fancied at first that it was the result of his having been bitten by some poisonous insect, and were for accounting for his death that way.

  64. If I had not seen their names on the brightest brass plates in the clearest of engraving, I could not have believed there were so many doctors and surgeons in any one city in the world.

  65. But on the American side they have succeeded in making Niagara nearly hideous with smoke-stacks, factory chimneys, staring advertisements, and the affiches of quack doctors painted on the rocks.

  66. The doctors had just left her room after consulting about some new form of her sickness, and she turned to me with a smile and said, 'Don't repair me too often!

  67. While the German Doctors use Greek as a stalking-horse for Teutonic psychology, these English gentlemen use it as a dressmaker's model upon which they exhibit home-made English lyrics and British stock morality.

  68. His doctors had cautioned him against such sudden exertions; but he usually jumped without thinking.

  69. I was very much grieved to learn from Delabarre lately that the doctors had found some weakness in your heart!

  70. Then I asked a couple of doctors and they couldn't do with that little money that George Bouhe offered.

  71. A huge dish of snails was placed before them: still, philosophers are but men, after all; and the stomachs of both doctors began to revolt against the experiment.

  72. It chanced that the two Doctors had held some discourse together upon the folly of abstaining from feeding on the testaceous creatures of the land, while those of the sea were considered as delicacies.

  73. The lawyers and the doctors were mostly Tories, but the tradesmen and the merchants were not a little leavened with the leaven of Dissent.

  74. After the doctors and the specialist had gone with hearty congratulations, my dear old faithful servant had tears in his eyes as he dressed me.

  75. I walked to the glass soberly when the doctors had gone, eager to get away and join the rejoicers.

  76. When I am out of the hands of these doctors and have my new leg and eye--I will return, and then, I want to go into Parliament.

  77. The doctors were coming with the wonderful artist who is making my new foot, at twelve o'clock, and I am to have it on to-day for the first time.

  78. Then I went to the doctors and asked them how many days a vigorous cholera bacillus might live and multiply in running water.

  79. The Health Department's summer doctors were enlisted, and the work took a practical turn from the start.

  80. That was the place for that discussion, it seemed to me, for the doctors knew the real extent of the peril we were then facing.

  81. The summer doctors employed by the Health Department to canvass the tenements in July and August will gladly cooperate.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doctors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.