His requests were granted for a certificate de no obstancia and for an order on the paymaster of the schools to pay him his professorial salary from the date of his arrest to the expiration of his quadrennial term.
He goes; and Mephistopheles, throwing around him Faust's professorial mantle and placing the professorial cap upon his head, awaits the scholar.
Meanwhile he dons Faust's professorial costume, which he finds hanging in its old place but infested with legions of moths, which buzz around him piping welcome to their old mate.
Humour is so essentially a note of sanity, and it is the sanity of Cowper that I desire to emphasize here.
Held a professorial chair at Zurich and later at Marburg.
Has held professorial chairs at Strassburg, Dorpat, Rostock, and at Halle.
The occupant of a professorial chair at the Johannaeum unable to explain the reason of a cosmical phenomenon!
He went out quietly, sinking noiselessly to the ground behind the arras of the door, and emerging again, as into another world, amid the hum and mutter of professorial argument.
The Professor retrieved some of his old professorial authority.
Knowledge he regardeth as ignorance, profitable things as hurtful things.
He is now an old man, seventy-three years of age, having spent above forty years of this period in his professorial chair at the University of Munich.
In the front of the Sorbonne, below the lecture rooms of the faculty of letters, a tablet records an extract from his will, in which he bequeaths his noble and cherished library to the halls of his professorialwork and triumphs.
Vatimesnil, minister of public instruction in Martignac's ministry, recalled Cousin and Guizot to their professorial positions in the university.
Shortsighted as this professorial opposition was, it proved no small difficulty in Simpson's way.
Simpson left his mark in other departments besides those of the subject of his professorial chair and of anaesthesia.
His private practice alone was the work of more than one ordinary individual, and his professorial duties took up some of the best hours of his day.
The boldness of his original essays provided them with food for comment in a manner dear to the professorial heart.
So passionately was he devoted to music that at times he sent his piano away from his house in order to shun temptation to abridge his professorial work, and especially was this the case when he was preparing his edition of Vergil.
I was one of the last university presidents who endeavored to unite professorial with executive duties, and the burden was heavy.
As to my professorial work, I found in due time effective aid in various young men who had been members of my classes.
To have them by my fireside and at my table was one of the greatest pleasures of a professorial life.
One may wish for the right to use a clerical vocabulary, another a technical or professorial one.
Such are the rules of the professorial game--they think and write from each other and for each other and at each other exclusively.
Close on the lady's heels followed a withered old man of the traditional professorial type, who seated himself at the other end of the compartment.
The professorial gentleman was still in the far corner; the lady was still opposite him; the child was wailing softly.
To vindicate Shakspeare, at whom this unguarded blow seemed levelled, the historian of our poetry, seated in his professorial chair, flung his lightning on the impious critic.
They courted not the popular voice when a professorial chair or a dignified secretaryship offered the only profit or honour the literary man contemplated.
When the Roman Catholic bishops of Germany persisted in depriving "Old Catholics" of professorial and other charges, the central Government retorted by the famous "May Laws" of 1873.
Hohenzollern; and by this time his engaging personality and fiery speeches, aided by professorial and Press propaganda, had thoroughly Prussianised Germany.
In the year 1900, an observer glancing round professorial circles had to admit that the influence of Brunetiere had become paramount.
I have a professorial job in the American Museum of Natural History, Anthropological department.
But supposing the Professorial forces of our University to be duly organised, there remains an important question, relating to the teaching power, to be considered.
And it would be too idiotic andprofessorial to refuse such an invitation; the lady must be worth knowing who can forge sixteenth-century letters like this, for I am sure that languid swell Muzio never could.