Nigh to this, again, was a square building of rabbeted stones, equal to almost the largest in the walls of Jerusalem.
At one spot we passed among scattered stones of excellent masonry, large and rabbeted at the edges, lying confusedly about, enough for a small town, but evidently belonging to a period of ancient date; a few mud huts were adjoining these.
All the masonry, except the rabbeted work, is constructed from the dark basalt which abounds in that district.
There were, however, some ancient rabbeted stones lying near.
Near the bridge of Kaloneh, where there are good specimens of ancient rabbeted stones, one gets a glimpse of 'Ain Carem through the olive plantation; and the return that day was by a cross way from Dair Yaseen through vineyards to Jerusalem.
The arches of both gate and bridge were Roman; parts of the walls remained in their regular courses, and numerous large rabbetedstones were rolled down in disorder upon the slope and into a military trench.
The frames should be rabbeted on the inside for the latticework and the glass.
They are rabbeted on the inside for the glass and are finished on all sides.
The door frame is mitered at the corners andrabbeted on the inner edge to take the panel.
The end rails should be rabbeted on the inside for the latticework and the glass.
The side pieces are also rabbeted for the glass and the posts have grooves 1/2 in.
The back rails should, in addition, be rabbetedfor the back board as shown.
They should be rabbeted for the lattice work and the glass.
The posts should be rabbeted down to their middles to a depth of 3/8 in.
The front edges are rounded while the back edges are rabbeted on the inside as deep as the backing to be used.
The end rails should be cut to length and their tenons worked after one edge of each has been rabbeted as were the posts.
The end pieces are fitted and finished in a similar manner except that the inside edge israbbeted for the glass as shown.
At the top ends they are rabbeted as shown, and wired to the top frame.
The back inner edges of the sides are to be rabbeted to receive the back, which may be made of 1/4 or 3/8 inch white wood.
The top and bottom, after being squared, were rabbeted on all four sides until they fitted snugly into the opening top and bottom.
In a mortise-and-tenon joint on rabbeted pieces, Fig.
Or the runner and guide may be made of one piece properly rabbeted out.
If the ends of the front are to be rabbeted (see above), do this next.
The crosspieces are also rabbeted to receive the reversible back and allow it to be moved back and forth horizontally.
The back of the box is a hinged door, rabbeted on all edges, and opening at the side to allow the insertion and removal of the film, and also acting as a guide for the film when closed.
The glass may be framed by using strips of wood rabbeted to receive the edges of both pieces; or their edges may be bound with passe-partout tape.
The meeting stiles and sometimes those on the opposite side haverabbeted joints, the latter fitting the jambs of the window frame.
The glass was set in rabbeted edges and held in place by putty according to the method still in use.
Illustration: Mirror Frame and Standards Details] The pieces for the mirror frame must be rabbeted 1/2 in.
The mirror is put in a frame, which is made to fit the back opening and has the corners mitered and the back rabbeted to receive the mirror.
The corners are mitered and the backsrabbeted to receive the panels.
It will be noticed that the sides and top are rabbeted out, as indicated in one of the small drawings, so that the edge of the back will not show when it is nailed in position.
Illustration: Method of concealing ends of back boards] After the case is erected the doors should be laid out according to the drawing for mortises and tenons, and the inside edges rabbeted to give an inset for the glass.