The social vices of the middle ages, their general licentiousness, the prevalence of injustice and extortion, are very fully exposed to view in these compositions, in which no class of society is spared.
Mir 'Izzat Ullah in modern days speaks of the prevalence of goitre at Yarkand.
Ramusio alone notices theprevalence of goître at Yarkand, confirmed by recent travellers (i.
Its proximity to the Bashakird mountains and Mekrán easily accounts for the prevalence of robbers, who infested the place in Marco Polo's time.
The first jam worthy of note occurred in 1865, during the prevalence of high water.
We have exhibited to you the ancient notions by which they endeavored to explain to themselves the existence and prevalence of evil; and we have in some degree made known to you their metaphysical ideas as to the nature of the Deity.
Two forms of government are favorable to the prevalence of falsehood and deceit.
Democracy and Despotism favorable to the prevalence of falsehood and deceit, 66-u.
While this prevalence of the practise of collaboration in periods of dramatic productivity is significant, it is equally significant that there is no corresponding prevalence of the practise of collaboration in novel-writing.
The unchecked prevalence of the Revolution, and the intoxication which its triumphs inspired, naturally suggested wilder and yet more desperate enterprises than the conquest of ungarrisoned Forts, or the plunder of an unguarded Mint.
The Prevalenceof Masturbation--Its Occurrence in Infancy and Childhood--Is it More Frequent in Males or Females?
In my study of inversion I have found that ignorance and the same absence of tradition are probably factors in the prevalence of homosexual tendencies among women.
It is interesting to observe the very wide prevalence of swinging, often of a religious or magic character, and the evident sexual significance underlying it, although this is not always clearly brought out.
A general feature of all these festivals (says Kowalewsky) was the prevalence of the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes.
It must be added, however, that there is not unanimity as to the prevalence of hysteria in convents.
The clever author of Jerome Paturot has expressed a similar opinion as regards the prevalence of this scarcely credible delusion amongst the uneducated classes in certain districts of France.
At least one half of the National Debt was incurred after the suspension of cash payments, and during the prevalence of the Paper Currency.
The instructions given to a Committee on the 21st of January indicate very comprehensively the prevalence of a conservative temper in the House on these and other questions.
The ash Ygdrasyl of the Edda, the oak of Dordona and of the Druid, the modern Christmas tree, the sacred banyan, the holy groves, illustrate but faintly the prevalence of tree worship.
The uniform prevalence of these ideas in rites may be illustrated from the simplest or the most elaborate.
The prevalence of such caricatures does not prove the absence of the sterling article.
The general prevalence of this sentiment tended to put a slight check upon the successful development of the work at Oak Hill.
The climate is healthful and the locality is unusually free from the prevalence of high winds.
Similar reasons may be assigned for the prevalence of an affected and vitious pronunciation.
This gross impropriety would not be mentioned, but for its prevalence among a class of very well educated people; particularly in Philadelphia and Baltimore.
The knowledge of the prevalence of papyrus, as to which any one may satisfy himself by consulting Sir E.
Papyrus, just as the Uncials themselves were, and that the prevalence for some centuries of Uncials took its rise from the local library of Caesarea.
The prevalence of fraud to a universal extent is simply a thing impossible.
In the birds, the Ethiopian type is shown by the prevalence of larks and stone chats, and by the complete absence of the many peculiar genera of the Indian region.
The Harvard College photographs have disclosed the very great prevalence of variability, and this is certainly one of the lines in which modern discovery must progress.
With these classes the prevalence of ritual and anthropomorphism are not so much a matter of reversion as of continued development out of the past.
It is a concomitant variation of character of almost universal prevalence among sporting men and among men given to warlike and emulative activities generally.
The prevalence of the sentiment is recognized even by people who do not see that there is any real ground for a grievance in the situation as it stands today.
What these ritualistic survivals go to indicate is a prevalence of conservatism, if not of reactionary sentiment, especially among the higher schools where the conventional learning is cultivated.
In the girls there is a less general prevalence of a predaceous interval in the development; and in the cases where it occurs, the predaceous and isolating attitude during the interval is commonly less accentuated.
We have dwelt upon leucorrhea because of its prevalence and in order to exhibit the various forms it may assume.
It is no doubt true that the occasion of the prevalence of scrofula among the lower classes may be ascribed to frequent and severe climatic exposures, irregular and poor diet, or want of due cleanliness.
When life is sustained by the volitive powers, it is distinguished by a softness of the bodily tissues, and the prevalence of lymph.
It has often been observed that certain classes of diseases are most prevalent in certain localities, the prevalence in every instance being due to peculiarities of climate.
From no other cause can we explain the common prevalence of disease of the deeper portions of the urethral canal and bladder, many times confounded with other diseases of the urinary and generative organs.
The number of cases of dyspeptic invalids treated by the staff of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute within file past few years, is so large as scarcely to be credited by those unacquainted with the prevalence of this disease.
Some idea of its prevalence may be formed when we consider that, of the entire population of the globe, one in every three hundred and twenty-three persons annually dies of consumption.
We hope for a security beyond the law, and above the law, in the prevalence of an enlightened and well- principled moral sentiment.
Owing to the prevalence of ague in the malarial district of Ohio and Mississippi, Dr.
Soldiers, policemen, prisons, poor-laws, and all extrinsic means of this kind are insufficient preventives or remedies for the disorders caused by a prevalence of vice and immorality.
We may expect that individual differences will show themselves in theprevalence of one or the other act in the development of different children.
These two phases of education are always interlaced, but one or the other has prevalence according to the age of the child.
Renewed prevalence of something, as a practice or a fashion.
One who believes that Christ will reign personally on earth a thousand years; a Chiliast; also, a believer in the universal prevalence of Christianity for a long period.
A division of time characterized by the prevalence of similar conditions of the earth; commonly a minor division or part of a period.
The industrial and commercial progress of Cartagena was much hindered, during the first half of the 19th century, by the prevalence of epidemic diseases, the abandonment of the arsenal, and rivalry with the neighbouring port of Alicante.
But the winter extremes go far below this range: during the prevalence of north-east winds the thermometer drops to -20 deg.
The prevalence of self-love will be very obvious to the observant master or mistress, in the conduct of the children under their care, and it is this feeling that they must be ever striving to check or eradicate.