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Example sentences for "semicircle"

Lexicographically close words:
semeth; semetipsum; semi; semiannual; semiarid; semicircles; semicircular; semicolon; semicolons; semiconductor
  1. As he spoke the pioneer arranged five small stones in a semicircle on the ground near him.

  2. The semicircle had been extended until he was fearful that if the warriors should rush upon them they would enclose the three white men.

  3. We halted at a semicircle of tall bushes, and set disconsolately to work to get up the tents.

  4. The grand tier at the opera was a semicircle of dazzling dresses, though there was not, as happens in London, any obtrusion of diamonds.

  5. I opened a large door in one wing of the house, and found myself in a miniature theater, with its semicircle of boxes decorated in green and silver.

  6. This apparatus has a series of mirrors arranged in a semicircle around a lamp, reflecting all the received light upon a single surface.

  7. This time the rod turns through a considerable part of its semicircle of motion.

  8. In the reversed semicircle before her is another monogram, Uota or Tuota, a name which perhaps may be translated Uta, Utta, Ida, etc.

  9. It is to Gavarnie, whose giant semicircle of precipices has been called "the end of the world.

  10. Thus each branch ends in a similar formation, peculiar to the Pyrenees, a semicircle of cliffs, sudden and blank and impassable.

  11. This is self evident only in the middle diagram; but it is equally true of the side figures if we conceive of the lines 4 f, x n v m, y l k v, and 4 e, as prolonged beyond the semicircle of the horizon.

  12. An arch constructed on a semicircle and bearing weights on the two opposite thirds of its curve will give way at five points of the curve.

  13. It is hardly necessary to observe that c d here indicate the wall of the room opposite to the window e and the semicircle described by f g stands for the arch of the sky; this occurs in various diagrams, for example under 511.

  14. The Austrian crown is a sort of cleft tiara, having in the middle a semicircle of gold supporting a mound and cross; the tiara rests on a circle with pendants like those of a miter.

  15. The brusque gaoler appears at the iron gate; stands his burly figure in the portal; nods recognition to the officer; swings back the iron frame, as a number of motley prisoners gather into a semicircle in the passage.

  16. Far above these is spread out a semicircle of dwellings, having a gloomy and irregular appearance, devoid of that freshness and brightness which so distinguish every New England city.

  17. Trailing in a semicircle ahead they seemed eager for another command.

  18. The place is a village hemmed in upon its western side by a semicircle of steep rocky hills broken in the centre by a gully.

  19. They formed a huge semicircle of which our advance was the chord, and they were able from this position to pour in a converging artillery fire which grew steadily hotter as the day advanced.

  20. On the morning of Saturday, December 9th, the British General made an attempt to find out what lay in front of him amid that semicircle of forbidding hills.

  21. The British still lay in a semicircle extending from Slingersfontein upon the right to Kloof Camp upon the left, and the general scheme of operations continued to be an enveloping movement upon the right.

  22. In a huge semicircle the British were pushing north, driving the guerillas in front of them.

  23. Conceive a straight line running from the center of the earth to that sign "o" noted in the semicircle of the supreme immobile heaven.

  24. For when, with respect to the equations of the centers, the moon shall be distant on the mechanism by a full semicircle from the sun (also in the heavens it will be truly in opposition to the sun) there will be a true full moon.

  25. The whole family had followed him out, and were grouped in an interested semicircle about him.

  26. With the utmost caution not to touch the horn or siren, he guided it in a wide semicircle down the slope.

  27. He glowered from one horn of the silent, listening semicircle to the other, with all-including disdain.

  28. He was smoking a long black stogie, and scattered upon his vest and in a semicircle surrounding his chair was a sprinkling of white ash from vanished predecessors.

  29. In the storm of applause that burst upon the dramatic peroration of the ex-district attorney, a man rose from the center of the stage semicircle and lumbered heavily forward to the footlights.

  30. The day came at last when her mother, in passing the playground of the school, looked over the railings and saw her daughter's legs above a semicircle of applauding children.

  31. The chairs were all set in their prim semicircle and Emilio, round-shouldered and heavy-faced, sat us down while he expatiated on the excellence of the workmanship and the beauty of the tone of his instrument.

  32. To the right was a rough semicircle of chairs, and here the aficionados[19] of the guitar came in the evening, to play on Emilio's latest creation.

  33. The semicircle formed by the seats--half a cup--rises opposite; some of the rows are distinctly marked.

  34. This wall being the back of the scene, the space left between it and the chord of the semicircle (of the auditorium) which formed the proscenium is rather less than one would have supposed.

  35. In the tympanum of the semicircle over the center of the façade is Louis XIV.

  36. Of railroads there were none except one, running in the shape of a semicircle from Grodno through Augustovo and Suwalki to Olita.

  37. Belgrade, where the first shots of the war were fired, is located on rather high ground, backed by a semicircle of low hills in its rear.

  38. Thus the three Serbian bases were strongly protected by a semicircle of field works, radiating from Kupinovo.

  39. A semicircle of saints group on each side of the Virgin, and two angels, with musical instruments, are at her feet; the upturned face of one is exquisitely foreshortened.

  40. On the left side of the throne stood a semicircle of princely vassals, counts, knights, and noble governors.

  41. The people stood respectfully on one side, and the knights' semicircle opened, whilst the king and his followers ascended to the throne.

  42. Their lodges are of a very simple structure: a few poles supported by a fork, and forming a semicircle at the bottom, with some branches or a piece of bark as a covering, constitutes the whole of their native architecture.

  43. The lower half of the room was empty, the upper was occupied by a semicircle of seats forming part of the building itself and directly facing the entrance.

  44. The appearance of the surface, therefore, was as if the horizon had been, say, some thirty miles higher than the centre of the semicircle bounding my view, and the area included in my prospect had the form of a saucer or shallow bowl.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "semicircle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.