His comments upon subjects which he discussed, and facts which he presented, were prevailingly fair, and very instructive.
Propensity to magnify self and whatever self either puts forth or is closely allied to, may be prevailingly bridled and controlled by other strong inclinations, and kept within the boundaries of truth.
Hair texture is prevailingly coarse; only 1 per cent of the total series shows medium coarseness and none have fine hair.
About 80 per cent of the total series had a mesomorphic rating of 5 and 6 which leaves no doubt as to the prevailingly athletic physique.
Their generous weight does not reflect excessive obesity; the body build, as will be pointed out later, is prevailingly muscular and athletic.
Long stretches of road overlie one and another colored stratum; presently the ground is prevailingly red, with here and there reaches of mauve, yellow, green, and pink.
The canyons, which are seven or eight hundred feet deep and two or three times as wide where the cliff-dwellings gather, are prevailingly tawny yellow.
The Alps, the Andes, and the Himalayas, all of which are world-celebrated for their lofty grandeur, are prevailingly granite.
Several of our national parks besides those prevailingly volcanic, and several of our most distinguished national monuments, exhibit interesting volcanic interludes.
Characteristic, also, of marine climates is a prevailingly higher relative humidity, a larger amount of cloudiness, and a heavier rainfall than is found over continental interiors.
Here the sky is prevailingly cloudy; the air is hot and oppressive; heavy showers and thunderstorms are frequent, chiefly in the afternoon and evening.
Its temperature changes are small; its prevailing winds are stronger and steadier than in the northern hemisphere; its seasons are more uniform; its weather is prevailingly stormier, more changeable, and more under cyclonic control.
Save for Yuba Bill, who was evidently a Northerner, the New Orleans gamblers like Oakhurst and Jack Hamlin, and the Spanish and Mexican natives, his characters were prevailingly Pikes.
Prevailingly it has been short lyric song in minor key, gentle and sentimental--graceful exercises in verse rather than voices from a soul stirred to utterance and caring not.
The novelist who would express himself prevailingly in the larger units of fiction, like Henry James, for instance, or F.
VIII Thus the fiction of the period has expressed itself prevailingly in short-breathed work.
The style, more formal than that of the present day, is prevailingly wordy and not infrequently slipshod, though its vitality is a much more noticeable characteristic.
Of expository structure he is almost as great a master as Burke, though in his essays and 'History' the more concrete nature of his material makes him prevailingly a narrator.
The Greeks are prevailingly naïve, the moderns prevailingly sentimental, but neither in any exclusive sense.
As for the intellectual condition of the passengers, I should say that faces were prevailingly vacuous, their owners half hypnotized, as it seemed, by the monotonous throb and tremor of the great sea-monster on whose back we were riding.
Every now and then a man who may be dull enough prevailingly has a passion of talk come over him which makes him eloquent and silences the rest.
Of the seven United Provinces, two, Holland and Utrecht, were prevailingly Arminian, and the other five Calvinistic.
They are pure deists; they talk about the Bible, because they do not wish to shock too severely public opinion, which is prevailingly Christian.
But it is evident to every sympathetic student of childhood that this is not the period to present the complex situations, the difficult problems, the over-ripe experiences, that prevailingly constitute the material of literary drama.
Byron’s irony is prevailingly sentimental, but along with this romantic element he has much irony and satire that Swift would have understood perfectly.
Wordsworth has been widely accepted not merely as a poet but as a religious teacher, and it is therefore important to note that his paradoxes are prevailinglyof the Rousseauistic type.
The prevailingly friendly way in which the Ptolemaic rulers treated the Jews naturally led them to take a more favorable attitude toward Greek culture.
The prevailingly prominent liturgical element that characterizes the concluding psalms of the Psalter suggest their original adaptation to the song services of the temple.
The distinction was not, however, often attempted to be made; the former title being prevailingly applied to either sex.
The latter animal was prevailingly considered as most likely to act in this character.
Israelite history, the merchants were so prevailingly Canaanites that the two words are synonymous.
One other thing remains to be noticed, and that is the prevailinglynegative form of the commandments.
The French philosophy of the eighteenth century had given to the Reformed church of =Geneva= a prevailingly rationalistic tendency.
On the other hand, the rich and mostly solid English novel literature is prevailingly inspired by a Christian spirit.
Yet they form a highly respected class, and nowhere in the Protestant world is the tone of ecclesiastical feeling and piety so prevailingly high.
Defn: Having one's mental imagery prevailingly of the visual type; having one's thoughts and memories mainly in the form of visual images.
The ballads are prevailingly tragical in theme, and the tragic passions of pity and fear find an elementary force of utterance.
But her machinery is prevailingly Gothic and the real hero of the story is commonly, as in Walpole, some haunted building.
In an industrial State one district may be prevailingly agricultural, anotherprevailingly labor, another prevailingly commercial.
States are large units and, except in farming regions, are not prevailingly of one interest.
But we are to deal, if we fairly can, a refutation against the doctrine of an intense endless misery for the wicked, as that doctrine is prevailinglytaught and received.
Among a people prevailingly given over to these earthlinesses, faith in the transcendent verities of religion perforce dies out.
When the ancients applied the term "god" to a human soul departed from the body, it was not used as the moderns prevailingly employ that word.
Pedestrian gaping having been in childhood, as I have noted, prevailingly my line, fate appeared to have kindly provided for it on no small scale; to the extent even that it must have been really my sole and single form of athletics.
The history of this epoch suggests a motive for the prevailingly national development of the Hebrew materials of legend.
Till they became Russified the Voguls remained prevailingly a hunting people, and their myths did not rise to the elevation of the view of the world possessed by agriculturists.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prevailingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.