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Example sentences for "military power"

  • Five years ago there might have been a necessity for the exercise of military power in the South, but not now.

  • When the dance was over, four fair slaves came into the room with silver censers in their hands, and perfumed the room with amber, aloes-wood, and other scents.

  • To say all in a word, our most celebrated English beauties would vanish near her.

  • If there is anything in blood, you may reasonably expect your children should be endowed with an uncommon share of good sense.

  • You will tell me I have not observed this rule myself; but you are mistaken: it is only inevitable accident that has given me any reputation that way.

  • In the absence of military power, the nature of government must essentially depend on the manner in which property is holden and distributed.

  • Other securities, therefore, against the prevalence of military power must be provided.

  • Among these are the condition and tenure of property; the laws regulating its alienation and descent; the presence or absence of a military power; an armed or unarmed yeomanry; the spirit of the age, and the degree of general intelligence.

  • But a great revolution in regard to property must take place, before our governments can be moved from their republican basis, unless they be violently struck off by military power.

  • The bill was by many considered as a dangerous extension of military power, to the prejudice of the civil rights enjoyed by British subjects, and as such violently contested by the earl of Egmont, lord Strange, and Mr. Alderman Beckford.

  • It has in it a power, an element of strength, which no military power of itself can bring into effect.

  • Had not the events at Zabern and the Parliamentary debates on that case shown foreign countries how civil rights and freedoms are valued among us, when questions of military power are on the other side?

  • On the rise of the Babylonian kingdom, over the ruins of the old Assyrian Empire, Egypt was greatly prostrated as a military power.

  • M1042) Augustus, intrenched by military power, sought to revive not merely patrician caste, but religious customs, which had declined.

  • The eggs of crocodiles can produce only crocodiles; and it is not easy to see how eggs laid by military power can be hatched into an American State.

  • Of what value is the enforced consent of disloyal and barbarous bodies pretending to act for certain States at the dictation of military power?

  • He was a military ruler, and always acted under the instincts of military power.

  • In other words, the trend of the nations has been toward a clearer recognition of the efficacy of military power, and an increasing use of the instrumentality of war.

  • Finally, he wished to appear in Kyoto, not merely as the representative of military power, but also as a benefactor who had rebuilt the fanes and restored the palaces.

  • The spirit, the animus, of Prussia is military power.

  • That story is instructive both by reason of the light which it throws upon the facts as to the economic value of military power, and upon the attitude of public and statesmen towards these facts.

  • Herein lies the importance of demonstrating the economic futility of military power.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "military power" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    eastern side; free blacks; high percentage; military academy; military authority; military career; military commission; military coup; military education; military force; military glory; military life; military matters; military necessity; military officer; military order; military personnel; military point; military post; military sense; military success; military tactics; military training; single sheet; warm weather; yet been