The outrages, thus perpetrated, with all the affrighting influences brought to bear, prevailed over Carrier's children.
Although there was no bloodshed many distressing scenes were enacted and something like a Reign of Terror prevailed for several years.
These and the like arguments prevailed with the king to alter his wiser measures and resolve to fight.
He was prevailed with to adhere to this advice, and accordingly we appeared before the town about two hours before night.
The terms point out that Mr. Lloyd George's misinformed ideas of Khilafat have prevailedin the Council.
The greed of the English speculator has prevailed and he is trying to squeeze out the Indian.
The same feeling prevailed generally on Saturday, though I was obliged to buy a few blocks of the stock at 110 from Wall Street men whose sharp noses had sniffed a carrion scent in the air.
The wildest sort of excitement prevailed throughout the day.
I showed him that if he finally prevailed and got what he was after, his charter would bind him to the absolute fulfilment of his promise under bonds that would make it unprofitable and dangerous.
With difficulty Conant prevailedupon his companions to persevere.
This added much to the discomfort of the voyage, and laid a foundation for a portion of the mortality which prevailed the first winter.
The belief prevailed that his name would be Joshua, which in English is Jesus.
In looking about the establishment, I can picture to myself the characters and habits that have prevailed at different eras of the family history.
Footnote 17: Among the superstitions whichprevailed in the colonies during the early times of the settlements, there seems to have been a singular one about phantom ships.
The doctor had been repeatedly annoyed by the rumours and tales which prevailed concerning the old mansion; and found it difficult to prevail even upon the countryman and his family to remain there rent-free.
The silence which prevailed about the tower, its desolateness, the very quiet of its inhabitants, had been adduced as proofs that something sinister was perpetrated within.
An air of homely but substantial plenty prevailed throughout; every thing was of the best materials, and in the best condition.
A murmur of tongues prevailed as the prisoners approached, and eager eyes were strained, and fingers pointed, to distinguish the different orders of penitents, whose habits denoted the degree of punishment they were to undergo.
I was aware that about that time Mr. Tilden's home was besieged by emissaries of the press and the telegraph to know if the rumors to that effect which prevailed in Washington were true.
Their communication with the English officials was carried on through deputies chosen by themselves, and often as ignorant as their constituents, for a remarkable equality prevailed through this primitive little society.
The same system prevailed in Canada; but as there the field was broader and the men often larger, the effects are less whimsically vivid than they appear under the Acadian microscope.
On the outskirts of Makkah, at the spot called Bathen Mou, Maisarah prevailed on Mohammad to go on ahead of the convoy, so as to carry to Khadijah, without the least delay, the good news of their return.
So Mohammad went back several times into the presence of the Master of the Worlds, until he prevailed upon Him to reduce the number of prayers to five only.
It has prevailed in the church from the earliest times, having been held, as we have seen, by Origen, and a great number of eminent church fathers and doctors.
Three principal views on this subject have prevailed in the Christian Church as Orthodox.
She encouraged Gautier, she consoled George Sand; she had a charming word for every one; and always and everywhere prevailed her merry laughter--even when she longed to weep.
Therefore, although he was not without excitement, though of a truly brotherly kind, in his indignation, yet the peace of Christ prevailed in their hearts, that in such a dispute no evil of schism should arise between them.
But if there was then no Church in existence, because sacrilegious heretics were received without baptism, and this prevailed by universal custom, whence has Donatus made his appearance?
You, as though by superior strength, have prevailed against the weak.
The misfortunes sustained in the field were greatly increased by the dissensions whichprevailed among the military orders after the departure of Louis.
The Count of Toulouse, whose avarice prevailed over his superstition, was loudly condemned for accepting a ransom from a few of the devoted prisoners, whom he sent in safety to Ascalon.
The command was offered to the Grand Master of the Templars, who, being prevailed upon to accept, discharged its duties with firmness and military skill.
An alarming dissension prevailed among the barons, some of whom refused to take the oath of allegiance to the new sovereign, and even offered the diadem to Humphrey de Thoron.
As we have already noted, there was a difference of opinion as to the name of the town, but that of Walla Walla finally prevailed over all rivals.
The diseaseprevailed more or less for about two years.
But as a result of the famous Modoc war in Southern Oregon, the view prevailedat headquarters that the rehabilitation and reoccupation of Fort Walla Walla would be wise.
Prevailed upon to venture in, she walked on with prodigious care and trepidation, affecting to be alarmed at the crowd of strange forms and monsters by which she was surrounded.
My Lady Clonbrony came to hope, to beg, that Miss Broadhurst would not think of running away; but Miss Broadhurst could not be prevailed upon to stay.
Our heroine made a double advantage of this passage: for she regularly reasoned where logic was ridiculous, and could not be prevailed upon to listen to reason when it might have been useful.
The waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth; and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered.
Another curious fashion which very generally prevailed at this time--that is, at the close of the thirteenth and beginning of the fourteenth century--was the ailette.
When so loose a morality prevailed among seafaring men, and the police of the seas was so badly maintained, it follows almost as a matter of course that piracy should flourish.
The spirit that lingered to very recent times among the "wreckers" of remote spots on our coast seems to have prevailed largely in the days of which we are writing.
The Jury brought her in guilty, but the magistrates refused to accept the verdict, so the cause came to the General Court, where the popular clamour prevailed against her, and the miserable old woman was condemned and executed.
But at none of these meetings could she be prevailed on to linger a moment.
His persistence prevailed in the end, and when he and Murray stood side by side, using the same song-book while practicing some brave old student song, he felt as much happiness as ever fell to his share in those days.
When he raised his head from the pillow to listen, a breathless stillness prevailed in the room.
The same large-handed system prevailed in other things, though the parents often spoke of their poverty, and though their resources undoubtedly were very limited.
Meantime the pest had invaded Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, where it has since prevailed in isolated localities.
The determining cause, the one condition that prevailed here and not elsewhere, was the circumstance that almost from the start new ideas were given a market value in this country.
It has prevailed in Europe for ages, at times developing into wide-spread scourges, causing incalculable loss.
The extent of these estates precluding the possibility of near neighbors, their isolation would have been intolerable but for the custom of visiting which prevailed among us.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prevailed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.