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Example sentences for "landslide"

Lexicographically close words:
landscapes; landscapist; landscapists; landside; landsknechts; landslides; landslip; landslips; landsman; landsmen
  1. In the morning we saw that there had been a great landslide on the mountain back of us, bringing down rocks and trees.

  2. The Indians say that in former times the river flowed smoothly where are now the whirling rapids of the Cascades, but that a landslide from the banks dammed up the stream, and produced this great change.

  3. Great rocks and trees, carried down by the appalling force of the landslide were slipping over the trail, obliterating it as though it had never existed.

  4. It must have been the landslide caused by the earthquake.

  5. It is possible, and if we could it would save an immense lot of work, and probably be a surer way to save their lives than by digging a tunnel through the landslide to find the mouth of the cave where we first entered.

  6. That is glad to see you alive, for we saw the landslide bury you.

  7. A very stout lady in black is lifted on to her mount by the united efforts of the dragoman and two donkey-boys, and, held in position by the boys, moves off, threatening a convulsive landslide to one side or the other at every step.

  8. It looks as if there had been a landslide here.

  9. I can’t understand how in the world it has come about, but if that child is right, there’s been a landslide or a cave-in of some sort here and Doris and the rest are caught in it.

  10. The date of this landslide is not known, but it is shown on a map by Herron (1917, pl.

  11. This, we southern suffragists believe, is the first step in what will prove a veritable landslide in the South.

  12. With a roar like the fall of a near-by thunderbolt, the landslide ripped away the side of the hill, the ground settling with a shiver like that of an earthquake, and sagging perceptibly.

  13. The first subsidence of the mine had caused the landslide, and the shock of the landslide had crushed all the galleries leading from the shafts.

  14. The landslide above, combined with the sinking of the strata below, produced a condition which might be of the extremest danger.

  15. The greatest factor in the landslide was the tariff, but this was, largely, only the occasion for an outburst of discontent that had been piling up for a decade.

  16. Alone with a Landslide Alone with a Landslide Realizing the importance of traveling as lightly as possible during my hasty trip through the Uncompahgre Mountains, I allowed myself to believe that the golden days would continue.

  17. Presently I heard a muffled creaking, and looked up to see a gigantic landslide starting.

  18. With quarreling and subdued grinding sounds the rushing flood of landslide material went past, followed by an offensive smell.

  19. I can't understand how in the world it has come about, but if that child is right, there's been a landslide or a cave-in of some sort here and Doris and the rest are caught in it.

  20. But we thought he was dead--buried under that landslide out in Colorado.

  21. Who ever supposed that they would be buried alive in that landslide on the mountain in Colorado?

  22. He must have been with his father when the landslide occurred," went on Tom.

  23. But beneath them, Chet felt a small landslide of rubble that came with them in their flight.

  24. Again the soft contours of the rolling ground had been disturbed: a landslide in some other century had sent a torrent of boulders from the high slopes above.

  25. This dislodged larger stones, and soon the landslide was under way.

  26. We were both doomed when the landslide came!

  27. When the plot of Porfias del Norte failed and Del Norte was buried by the landslide in the Adirondacks, it seemed to Hagan that he had been defeated, and the taste was bitter to him.

  28. Then came a landslide that covered the mouth of that cave with tons of earth and bowlders and buried Del Norte and his comrades in a living tomb.

  29. It was several days after the landslide that had brought the stirring events in the Adirondack Mountains to a close--events that were directly traceable to the great business consolidation that these capitalists were now discussing.

  30. It was true Frank had escaped from the track of the landslide and had brought his sweetheart to safety.

  31. At the foot of a steep crag, where a mass of earth, stones, and dead spruce-trees showed that there had lately been a landslide on the mountain above, he lost it altogether.

  32. Because the tribe that guards El Dorado would have let loose a landslide if they saw strangers coming their way.

  33. Yet it jutted enough to send the tremendous landslide cascading out beyond them, something on which Mr. Brewster had counted when he made his quick decision.

  34. They noted though, that the landslide had turned the ravine into a dead-end, with no trace of the narrow passage that angled off to the right, the route that they would have taken.

  35. From the mountain-side above, a landslide had come down.

  36. Now and then a plunging landslide forms an island, on which the spruces and firs make haste to wave triumphant plumes.

  37. In examining a number of these old fellows that were at last laid low by snow or landslide or the axe, I found that some had triumphantly survived a number of fiery ordeals and two or three lightning-strokes.

  38. Crossing the track of the landslide cautiously, they returned to camp, but when they reached it Jim lighted his pipe again and did not go to sleep.

  39. The big landslide must have made you trouble and no doubt the fire cost you something.

  40. The wall had obviously broken and started the landslide when it gave way, but he could not see why it had broken.

  41. Before the old man reached this spot he had been traveling with puzzled caution, for a time, across a slope rough-scarred by some not ancient landslide which had changed the superficial contour of the mountain-side.

  42. Judging from the amount of laughter that had greeted the error when it had come to light, Malone privately doubted whether any amount of redefinition was going to save it from a landslide defeat.

  43. Facts came tumbling in on him like the side of a mountain falling on a hapless traveler, during a landslide season.

  44. A number of men were now called forward, and under Deck's directions the upper surface of the landslide was cleared away.

  45. With extreme caution Captain Abbey advanced to the landslide in the rear, and managed, with his lieutenant's aid, to reach the ground just above the blockade.

  46. For several minutes a score of cries and yells filled the air, but gradually these died away, and when the landslide stopped, and the dust had rolled away, the cavalrymen looked about them to see what damage had been done.

  47. That was the most fortunate landslide I ever saw.

  48. Peasants naturally prefer to burn the wood in their own chimneys or to sell it; and if a landslide then crashes down, wrecking houses and vineyards--let the government compensate the victims!

  49. It lies at the respectable elevation of 900 metres, on the summit of a monstrous landslide which has disfigured the country.

  50. Professor Russell, appropriately it seems to me, remarks regarding the landslide winds, that avalanche would be a better term than landslide as applied to winds associated with fallen masses of earth or snow.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "landslide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abundance; affluence; amplitude; ascendancy; avalanche; bonanza; championship; coast; conquest; count; deluge; extravagance; exuberance; fertility; flood; flow; fullness; generosity; glide; glissade; gush; inundation; kayo; knockout; landslide; lavishness; liberality; lot; mastery; maximum; much; myriad; opulence; outpouring; overabundance; overdose; overflow; overpopulation; oversupply; picnic; plenitude; plenty; plethora; poll; prevalence; prodigality; productiveness; profusion; quantity; recount; redundancy; repletion; returns; riot; scads; shower; skid; slide; slip; slither; spate; stream; subdual; subduing; subsidence; substantiality; success; superabundance; triumph; wealth; win; winning