And if there be any yong Bées in them, those kéepe or preserue to increase the swarm in that hiue.
King Lewes though he iudged it his part to preserue his sonne in law from danger, yet he ment nothing lesse than to ioin battell with the English at that present.
At their comming to the citie they were receiued with great reioising of the people, beseeching God long to preserue them both in health and honour.
Hee shall preserue thee from the hunter's snare, And from the pestilent contagious aier.
And in the beating of the mould you shall haue all diligent care that you preserue and kéepe your leuell to a hayre, for if you faile in it, you faile in your whole worke.
How to preserue Abricots, or any kinde of curious outlandish-stone-fruit, and make them beare plentifully be the Spring or beginning of Summer neuer so bitter.
Martin Frobisher for the discouery of a Northwest passage, in the yere 1578 XIV.
But aboue all, prouision waxed scant, and hope of supply was gone, with losse of our Admirall.
First the Admirall to cary his flag by day, and his light by night.
I stand in great doubt of the pinnesse, God be mercifull vnto the poore men, and preserue them, if it be his blessed will.
Sidenote: The Islanders preserue in writing the acts of their ancestors.
God immortall thanks, because he hath vouchsafed to preserue our nation from such fountains, from serpents and venemous wormes, & from al other pestiferous & contagious creatures.
Remdi+ I pray god be your spede & preserue you frõ paine it is mi mind ye shold prosper I wold haue it so fain.
This is not the meane to preserue it, but to dispoile it and make it lesse.
And thus to conclude, promising to performe all the foresaide things on our parts in euery condition, we commit you to God, who euer preserue you with all his blessings.
The gods preserue your Maiesty, and graunt you good successe in those your warres.
The Gods be thy defence, and preserue our mother the city of Rome from all vnhappy fortune.
The Gods keepe you, whome we pray to preserue our mother the City of Rome, and to send vs good successe in these our Warres.
I haue assayed all possible meanes to preserue hir my Wyfe and Queene at liberty, but he which commaundeth me, hath pronounced such hard and cruell sentence, as I am forced to offend my self, and to be the minister of mine own mischief.
The mynute of his erexion is all redye Drawen and shalbe perfected vpon his answer And thus our lorde preserue youe At London the xxx Daye of June.
Almayne] Can ne wyllnot Agree to emperowr and [I bese]che the holy trynyte preserue your grace .
And thus the holie trynitee preserue your grace in long lyf good helth and moche honour.
Most humblye beseching the holie trynytee contynuallye to preserue the prosperous astate of the same in long lif and good helth.
You must haue great care to preserue your people, since your number is so small, and not to venture any one man in any wise.
And seeing we continue still the same, good will towards your excellency, we doe euen promise to our selfe your honourable kindnesses towards him: and we pray the almightie God to preserue your Maiesty in good, safetie and health.
Preserue him (oh Lord) vnder thy holy protection, keepe him that hee may doe good and holy things, let Iustice shine forth in his dayes, that we may liue quietly without strife and malice.
Thus for want of further matter to inlarge, I ende for this time, beseeching God to preserue you in continuall health.
Also the fruites of the Countreys if they will not of themselues dure, drie them and so preserue them.
Then rested the whole rule of the realme in the kings hands, wherevpon he studied to preserue the people in peace, and ordeined lawes, according to the which both Danes and Englishmen should be gouerned in equall state and degrée.
She was a woman expert and skilfull in diuers sciences, but chiefelie being admitted to the gouernance of the realme, she studied to preserue the common wealth in good quiet and wholsome order, and [Sidenote: She maketh lawes.
And this policie, as I take it, they vsed onelie to preserue their religion from contempt, whereinto it might easilie haue fallen, if any books thereof had happened into the hands of the common sort.
Aboue all things in this world he regarded peace, and studied dailie how to preserue the same, to the commoditie and aduancement of his subiects.
O that this good Blossome could bee kept from Cankers: Well, there is six pence to preserue thee Bard.
Good Isis heare me this Prayer, though thou denie me a matter of more waight: good Isis I beseech thee Iras.
From Alexandria This is the newes: He fishes, drinkes, and wastes The Lampes of night in reuell: Is not more manlike Then Cleopatra: nor the Queene of Ptolomy More Womanly then he.
Most christian king, right high and mightie prince, and most dread souereigne lord we beseech our blessed Lord to preserue your honour and estate in ioy and felicitie.
Who (if not the king) is he that doeth preserue vs, and defend vs from the incursions and pillages of those Theues and Pirates of Arabie, which inuade and make warre with their neighbours?
The Duke greatly commended them both, hir for hir stoute audacity, in defence of an innocent Gentleman, and him for his honour, and modesty, by seeking to preserue the Fame and good reporte of a vertuouse Gentlewoman.
I swere vnto you (by God, my good Lady) that neuer thinge entred into my fantasie more, than a desire to serue you alone and to auoide the acquaintance of all other, to preserue for you a pure and entire heart.
My intents 135 Madam, deserue not this; nor do I stay To be the whetstone of your wit: preserue it To spend on such, as know how to admire Such coloured stuffe.
I loue a friend, So long as he continues in the bounds Prescrib'd by friendship, but when he vsurpes 5 Too farre on what is proper to my selfe, And puts the habit of a Gouernor on, I must and will preserue my liberty.
If this be The recompence of striuing to preserue A wanton gigglet honest, very shortly 'Twill make all mankinde Panders--Do you smile, Good Lady Loosenes?
Euen so the King his Magistrates do serue, Yet Commons feed both magistrate and king; The Commons' peace the magistrates preserue By borrowed power, which from the Prince doth spring.
There are four metacarpal bones, of which, however, the fifth is much reduced.
The tibia and the fibula are distinct, and show no tendencies towards fusion; but the fibula is much reduced.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preserue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.