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Example sentences for "preserued"

Lexicographically close words:
presentment; presentments; presents; preseruation; preserue; preseruing; preservation; preservative; preservatives; preserve
  1. Iceni) had made the emperour and two of his owne daughters his heires, supposing by that meane to haue his kingdome and familie preserued from all iniurie: it happened quite contrarie to that his expectation.

  2. But now being thus slaine by your souldiers, the subiects of your prouince were both preserued from further danger, and tooke pleasure to behold the slaughter of such cruell enimies.

  3. Thus were the limits of the Romane empire preserued at that time in Britaine, which should séeme to be about the yéere of our Lord 399.

  4. And lastly, some boyled, and preserued fresh in Vinegar, as Tonny and Turbet.

  5. I could haue discoured thy cogitations in time past, as I doe now thy materiall substaunce, that I might haue bene preserued from thine abhominable treason, and detestable infidelitie.

  6. But at the deliuerie of the monie, and by a certeine kind of hap, the Romans name was preserued at that time from such dishonor and ignominie as was likelie to haue insued.

  7. He also wan the abbeie church of saint Stephan, which the Frenchmen were in hand to haue ouerthrowne, by vndermining the pillers; but the duke obteining the place, filled vp the mines, and so preserued the church.

  8. God, presented euer vnto this day and to be preserued here after alwayes in the Church (Matth 28.

  9. Hungarie to be nourished and preserued aliue.

  10. In the end of which terme it was taken by the enimies, through the treason of a deacon named Almaricus, whome the archbishop Elphegus had before that time preserued from death.

  11. Thus were the limits of the Romane empire preserued at that time in [Sidenote: 399.

  12. I warrant you Madam we will make that sure: Come Mistris, now perforce we will enioy, That nice-preserued honesty of yours Laui.

  13. And here good reader, great cause we have to extoll the wonderous wisdome of God, and with great thankes to prayse his prouidence, considering howe he hath preserued and renued from age to age by speciall [Sidenote: Hebr.

  14. Which newes when we heard, we blessed God, who by his diuine prouidence and vnspeakeable mercy had not onely preserued all the men, but brought vs thither so miraculously to ayd and comfort them.

  15. We carried thither Suger-canes to plant, which being not so well preserued as was requisite, and besides the time of the yeere being past for their setting when we arriued, we could not make that proofe of them as we desired.

  16. M11 Meropius slaine; Edesius and Frumentius preserued by the Indians.

  17. And lastly, by this meanes many of their poore innocent children shall be preserued from the bloody knife of the sacrificer, a most horrible and detestable custome in the sight of God and man, now and ever heretofore vsed amongst them.

  18. Francis, and how after his departure from thence being preserued by God in so dangerous a voyage, he arriued at Compostella in Nueua Galicia.

  19. Almaricus, whome the archbishop Elphegus had before that time preserued from death.

  20. Whe carried thither Suger canes to plant which beeing not so well preserued as was requisit, & besides the time of the yere being past for their setting when we [b 2] arriued, wee could not make that proofe of them as wee desired.

  21. Sidenote: Cōstantinople preserued by the appearing of Angels.

  22. Lares were called Præstites, because they made all things safe with their eies: that is, they saued and preserued all things.

  23. The Angell of his face, that is, which standeth ready in his sight, preserued them.

  24. A house of Foule, vvhiche vvere onely preserued for their feathers.

  25. Others were of opinion, who tendred muche the common weale, that no Spanyarde that shoulde happen to be taken prysoner shoulde be sacrificed, but rather to be preserued for conclusion of peace if néede shoulde so requyre.

  26. And they woulde thankfully gratify the same, knowing that at his hands they should be ruled with iustice, vsed with humility, & be preserued with diligence and strength.

  27. A house of foule vvhiche vvere only preserued for the feathers.

  28. There hath not bin found letters at any time in the Weast India, onely in the newe Spain were vsed certain figures which serued for letters, with the which they kept in memorie, and preserued their antiquities.

  29. Howbeit in this Kings Librarie are preserued certaine Latine bookes which they vnderstand not, being perhaps left there many yeeres before by some Europeans, which traffiqued thither.

  30. In the name of God, in whom we all beleeue, who (I trust) hath preserued your bodies and soules amongst these infidels, I commend me vnto you.

  31. By what subtil meanes, the swarmes come forth, may be preserued from flying quite awaye.

  32. Thus by fire was the citie preserued from fire.

  33. Sidenote: Perkin telleth the king how he was preserued and kept alive.

  34. Sidenote: The citie of Excester preserued from fire by fire.

  35. Momia, which is the dryed and embalmed bodies of kynges and princes, whiche of long tyme haue been preserued drye without corruption.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preserued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.