I like tiamonts pedder as anyt'ing else, und ven you ged a whole lod, all in a punch, it makes you feel like you vas somepody.
I shday avay, und greep town der shdairs, t'inkin' I vas pedder off oudt oof der house as in id.
They did not care whether Sir Eustace Briggs defeated Mr Saul Pedder, or whether Mr Saul Pedder wiped the political floor with Sir Eustace Briggs.
When these met some person or persons who did not consider Mr Pedder good and old, there was generally what the local police-force described as a "frakkus".
The inflammatory speeches of Mr Saul Pedder had caused a swashbuckling spirit to spread among the rowdy element of the town.
Pedder hasn't got a car yet, and these old rotters round here aren't going to move out of their chairs to go for a ride in an ordinary cart.
Mr Pedder was an energetic Radical; but owing to the fact that Wrykyn had always returned a Conservative member, and did not see its way to a change as yet, his energy had done him very little good.
I dell you, Tick, ve vas all in luck--aldough I ain'd saying but vat der luck mighdt be pedder as vat it iss.
Pooty goot," was the answer; "pedder as some fellers vat vas oudt oof der running for dree hours, I bed you.
Oof dis is his poat den he's got a pedder righdt on her as ve haf.
Nodding habbens mit us more as you findt on a Suntay-school bicnic, und I'm going to ped mit meinseluf und hope for pedder t'ings in der morning.
Oof I'm to feed der fishes, pedder id vas now as some odder dime.
I vould like to ged pedder acquaindet mit Miss Harris, I bed you, aber I dradder got mit der Grambus.
Vell, let's see vat dot ledder say, den ve know pedder vat to do.
Two to watch is pedder as vone, Matt," answered Carl firmly.
Ve nefer know vat's going to habben, dis trip, so it iss pedderdot ve take eferyt'ing as it comes.
You see, I owe a fife-tollar board-pill in town und it isspedder dot I pay it pefore I hike.
He knowed pedder as to inderfere mit Matt's pitzness, same as you und me.
I vould like, pedder as I can tell, to haf some mix-oops mit der sgoundrels.
And dink he'd grown too vanziful, and pedder go to bed.
I wonder," Pedder mused, "how it ever occurred to a blind, deaf mute that severing his wrist with his teeth would induce death?
If Pedder weren't such an old stickler for propriety, I could go more into detail.
You vill know pedder der next time dan to make some foolishness mit Modor Matt und his bard.
Sure, ve shday undil you vas pedder fixed to be jeerful, Verral," put in Carl.
Ve'd pedder ged oudt oof dis so kevick as ve can," faltered Carl, crouching back under the shadow of the car.
Ven pulleds come ad you from der tark it vaspedder dot you ain'd aroundt.
Efen dough ve ged shot fuller oof holes as some bepper-poxes it vas pedder dot ve be jeerful.
Ve pedder go py der vinder vonce again," suggested Carl, catching his breath, "make some shneaks py der pubble und ged apsent mit ourselufs.
This charter arrived 1831: it nominated Mr. Pedderchief justice, and Alexander Macduff Baxter, puisnè judge.
This was instantly rebutted by Sir John Pedder and other official persons, who declared their entire disbelief in these charges.
The same parties existed in both colonies; but Judge Pedder did not participate the political sympathies of Judge Forbes, and made no pretence to popular applause.
Thus, while Judge Pedder ruled that the petty juries were illegal, at New South Wales they were sitting under the sanction of the then superior authority.
Horne and Fleming were better lawyers than Sir John Pedder and Mr. Justice Montagu.
Presently the search was over, and Dick heaved a sigh of satisfaction when Pedder placed a florin on the table.
Den ve'd pedder look a leedle oudt or ve vill be gedding indo some hod vater.
Dot iss pedder dan to be gloomed oop so mooch, hey?
I look on der plack site, und den, ven der pright site shows oop ve like him pedder pecause ve don't oxbect it.
Yah, you bed my life, I like dis pedderas anyt'ing.
Vell, he iss a pedder triver as anypody, und vy nod?
Vatefer Modor Matt toes, he vill do, und it vill be pedder oof you leaf him alone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pedder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.