We are vexed bypedantries that recall the précieuses of the Hôtel Rambouillet, but we know that she had the soul of the most heroic women in history.
The second dialogue is very much encumbered by the pedantries of the giant who keeps the gate; it ends, however, in the recognition of Svipdag and Menglad.
The product of his spirit stood before him as a thing to be submitted to opinion, as a substance subject to the test of all those pedantries and fears.
It transpired that the revisers, to whom he had confided it, were picking the poem to pieces; ignoramuses who could not scan a line, went about parroting their pedantries and strictures.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pedantries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.