When the vexatious health-rules were relaxed, and troopships landed some of their passengers, there was endless fraternisation, eager discussion of coming operations, and unlimited denunciation of the common foe.
Luckily I do not often in my sleep dream myself in these vexatious Situations, or I should be afraid of what are now my only Hours of Comfort.
The political powers of the Proprietaries were exercised by a deputy-governor whose position was in the highest degree vexatious and perplexing.
There Washington had various parleys with the Indians; and thence, after vexatious delays, he continued his journey towards Fort Le Boeuf, accompanied by the friendly chief called the Half-King and by three of his tribesmen.
Vexatious emptiness though these were, the recitation of them appears to have been the pabulum of soul and spirit to the exiled Stuarts unto the third generation.
I do not undertake to say which was the more ridiculous or vexatious of the two, according as our purpose at the time of meeting them chanced to be diversion or information.
Evidently the Prince had expressed some indignation at the vexatious interference of incapable persons.
But the vexatious "alteration" came, and his plan failed.
Rupert, however, refused absolutely to return to the fleet, unless he were given a new Commission, freed from all vexatious restrictions.
The only objection to these communications, which are often interesting, is that it is rather teasing and vexatious to be deprived of the opportunity for answering them.
But the flourish was not the end of it: in the midst of the vexatious astonishment and the smiles of the audience there was a sudden "hurrah" from the end of the hall and from the gallery also, apparently in Lembke's honour.
I rushed to Stepan Trofimovitch's, but the vexatious man still refused to open the door.
It is vexatious that while we are labouring to increase the ornaments of our cities, those which Antiquity has bequeathed to us should by such deeds be diminished.
It is vexatious that, though we appoint you year by year to your duties, and leave no district without its Judge, there is yet such tardiness in administering justice that suitors come by preference to our distant Court.
And with much of interest, much of tramping, and not a little vexatious delay, I came at length to a stream that I knew must be the south branch of the Muskegon.
The only drawback was the harassing and vexatious manner in which lakes, streams, swamps and marshes constantly persisted in getting across the way, compelling long detours to the north or south, when the true course was nearly due west.
In everything, however, the most scrupulous regard was paid to our wishes, and a disposition was manifested by all to make this rather vexatious proceeding as little annoying as possible.
We had still another vexatious process in passing our luggage through the custom-house.
It is a full refutation of the pretence for their present cruelty to America; for it shows, out of their own mouths, that our colonies were backward to enter into the present vexatious and ruinous controversy.
I can't think what papa can have been about, when he chose such a vexatious thing to be my companion.
But this would be clearly not equality, but only inequality of a more vicious and vexatious kind.
Socialism would introduce, indeed, the most vexatious and all-encompassing absolutist government ever invented.
In all these vexatious prosecutions Elder Taylor stood very near the Prophet, and ably defended him through the editorial columns of the Times and Seasons and the Neighbor.
I have never violated any law in the United States, and to be vexed and annoyed continually with vexatious lawsuits and illegal prosecutions I do not feel disposed tamely to submit to.
He then concludes: "Why Governor Ford should lend his assistance in a vexatiousprosecution of this kind we are at a loss to determine.
During the hot, vexatiousdays she met them with unfailing good cheer.
He insisted, however, that he was perfectly well, but admitted that his errands had proved to be more vexatious than he had expected.
When I took office one of the vexatious questions to be settled was the interpretation of Clause IV of the Treaty of 1830.
The various vexatious instances that I have referred to were stimulated by German officers stationed in the Far East and fostered by the sensational press in both Japan and our own country.
This gave rise to many of the vexatious questions that the legation had to solve.
There were a number of other vexatious questions pending between the vali at Jerusalem and Mr. Gillman, and I deemed it good policy to show my resentment to the vali for his arbitrary methods.
The discussion, which was thus opened and which remained long unsettled, had, among other ill effects, that of sustaining the vexatious delay.
It was fortunate that Missouri was away on the outskirts, for she was the most vexatious and perplexing part of the country.
A most vexatious occurrence for Lord Tristram, said Miss S.
And in its general effect his interview with Bob was vaguely vexatious in spite of its cordial character.
Not bad, indeed, father, for there are always unusual and vexatious delays at the beginning of a great work; besides, some of the greatest difficulties in connexion with such buildings are encountered in the preparation of the foundations.
At this point they proceeded to fit in the entry and store-room doors; and here another vexatious check appeared imminent.
No trade could be profitably carried on which was subject to such vexatious and costly interference, while the Suprema was constantly scolding the tribunals for their negligence.