The bulging out of the eye is in proportion to the size of the abscess; the movement of the eye is fixed, due to the painfulness of any voluntary movement of the eyeball.
In some cases there are associated with these alterations a slight swelling andpainfulness in the region of the pasterns, at times affecting the forefeet, at other times the hind feet, and occasionally all four feet.
Jung has pointed out how frequently introversion or turning in of the life-force is brought about by the painfulness of present reality and by the lack of the power of adaptation to things as they are.
It was found that each of this girl's symptoms was related to some forgotten experience, and that in every case the forgetting seemed to be the result of the painfulness of the experience.
Now this painfulness is, in Catherine’s teaching, the direct result of whatever may be incomplete and piecemeal in the soul’s state and process of purification.
Caligula, who is a spokesman by birth, and a small man, though red-haired and impatient ofpainfulness of any kind, speaks up.
Does he return the sentiment according to the specifications and painfulness you have described?
O, it makes my heart ache--I mean so much painfulness for every one concerned!
But life has always had a good deal of painfulnessto me, and I hate opposition.
Perhaps if you could remember the whole the painfulness might disappear.
The pleasurableness or painfulnessis predicated of some definite object or event, and corresponds to definite actualities perceived in the object or imagined with the help of former experience.
It would be absurd to attribute the quality of painfulness to anything non-mental, and hence it comes to be thought that what we call a pain in the toe must be mental.
In this picture, however, the force of the thought hardly atones for the painfulness of the scene and the turbulence of its feeling.
He felt with Ludwig all the painfulness of the position, and began to talk about indifferent subjects.
The hostess felt the painfulness of her position too keenly not to so contrive that the firmly-closed circle should disperse itself into several subsidiary eddies, in which every one, the piquet players included, soon began to revolve.
Dagobert felt thepainfulness of the incident, and the necessity of giving matters a different turn.
Can you make yourselves other than you are by any effort of volition, or by any painfulness of discipline?
The painfulness of the feelings produced by forces which tend to destroy organic structures, wholly or in part, is of course common to all creatures capable of feeling.
Finally the fistulae heal, the joint becomes fixed at an angle or bent or otherwise crippled, but painfulness disappears and the patient escapes with his life and a stiff leg.
Later on painfulness of the hip-joint is experienced from pressure and at about the same time the movements are impeded.
On this the mind rests with perfect pleasure, and is relieved by it from the painfulness of witnessing the inefficiency of human means, to reform the votaries of guilt.
The painfulness of the elaborated complex necessitates a censorship of its expression.
She had already overcome the painfulness of this unwelcome tendency by understanding it.