Shakespeare's antithetical conceits and other lapses of taste arepainfully obtrusive.
It is a style eminently fitted to express and to awaken terror; its tone is not altered, but only softened, even in the painfully touching conversation between Lady Macduff and her little son.
She was always painfully aware of them and keenly anxious to conceal the fact.
She was relieved that she had been spared the ordeal of meeting him, of sitting beside him while the memory of last night was still so painfully vivid in her thoughts.
It was a silent meal so far as they were concerned, as silent as those meals through which they had sat in the early days of their acquaintance, when the man had maintained a moody aloofnesspainfully embarrassing to his companion.
Again he fell, and again he rose and staggered on, covering the intervening space painfully and slowly.
She stood for a moment at the foot of the stairs and listened to it, with her temples throbbing painfully and her nerves jarred with the noise of the warring elements.
The sight of his own shaking hand unnerved him, made him horribly and painfully alive to this ugly physical defect.
He left it lying where it was, and crawled on his hands and knees painfully towards the bushes, crawled between them, and reached the shallow river which had been his goal.
While her friends thus charitably judged her, Lucia was, in truth, painfully and anxiously occupied by the illness of her mother.
And though the words were spoken with a touch of his native humor and might have borne more than one interpretation, yet they answered painfully to the conviction which lay deep in Erica's heart.
A few minutes later she gasped her way painfully back to life.
Their tears were, however, more for the living than for the dead; for the man who was struggling with all his might to restrain his emotion, painfully spurring on his exhausted powers to fulfill the duty in hand.
But the old woman was painfully shrewd, and there was no hoodwinking her.
Amabel preferred the country; but she bore the town as she bore with many other things that were not quite to her taste, including painfully short petticoats, and Mademoiselle, the French governess.
Stop that doleful strain, Giotto, I beg; you've been painfully sentimental the last day or two.
Jan was too much pleased to hear him speak to wonder how he knew what kind of a day it was, and Abel lay with his head in Jan's arms, breathing painfully and gazing before him.
Does he look for some comprehension by the Demos of the necessity of radical reform, his eyes will be painfully opened.
He had a fixed idea, his back and his principles being still painfully at odds, that the cause would be best served by his absence, when once the long train to the explosion he was engineering had been fired at his hand.
Of all this I have a painfully vivid recollection, and particularly of the little annoyances inflicted upon me by the dull and coarse jokes of the wits and wags who abound in all such places, and upon all such occasions.
During the whole of his walk with the companions from whom he had just parted, he had been at times painfully aware of the sound of steps, as it seemed, dogging them on their way.
I did make the promise as desired, and he appeared relieved; his manner recovered all its gaiety and elasticity: but the recollection of the strange scene which I have just described dwelt painfully upon my mind.
What was painfully uncertain then is much better defined and more distinct now; and the progress of events is plainly in the right direction.
For himself, he could work only in his own harness; and patiently, persistently, painfully he worked on till the goal was reached.
His friend's name fell painfully upon him like a whip.
The results of cramming young men as a preparation for a profession which demands, more than any other, individual initiative and independence, have become painfully apparent upon the field of battle.
To these, in fact, and not to his painfullyacquired school education, he was wont to attribute the formation of his literary taste.
The doctor turned, his somber gaze following the now distant figure of the post commander, struggling painfully up the yielding sand of the steep slope to the plateau.
There was something tugging at his heartstrings, and presently he turned slowly, painfully again.
His wife may bore him hopelessly as mistress, just as any other mistress inevitably bores a man (though surely not so quickly and so painfully as a lover bores a woman), but she is not apt to bore him so badly in her other capacities.
Having got himself a wife to his austere taste, he finds that she is rather depressing--that his vanity is almost as painfully damaged by her emotional inertness as it would have been by a too provocative and hedonistic spirit.
An unusually long time elapsed before the messenger made his appearance from his mission, and then he was seen making his way painfully through the snow, leading the horse after him by the bridle.
Circumstances had made her only too painfully familiar with his worst side, and she might well have borne him more than one serious grudge.
But it left her painfully weak and thin, and the colonel became again furiously insistent that she should leave the Plains till the rains were over.
He had been given chupatties to eat and spring water to drink, and, though painfully stiff from his bonds, he was unwounded.
Lines that in her waking moments were never apparent were painfullynoticeable in repose.
Painfully he raised his heavy eyelids: he looked about him curiously, anxiously.
She was painfully impressed by the obscurity of the night--sinister, menacing.
The leisure which had beenpainfully won in the progress of civilization the women of the eighteenth century knew not how to use.
As a man who had once sinned, but who kept his conscience all alive and painfully sensitive by the fretting of an unhealed wound, he might have been supposed safer within the line of virtue than if he had never sinned at all.
Nothing had so far disturbed or wounded a heart that was delicate as that of a fawn, but which was now painfullyrepressed by the cold greeting of her cousins.
Don't say that," he said, struggling painfully to his feet.
The coachman, a stolid, reliable man, well trained to his duties, did not offer to assist his master, but sat in most approved alertness upon his box while Haney painfully descended to the walk.
Assisted by Lady Beach-Mandarin Mr. Brumley had soon converted the little millionaire into a matrimonial ogre to keep an anxious lover very painfully awake at nights.
Her little spate of reminiscences was the only interlude of naturalness in an afternoon of painfully constrained behaviour.
She seemed painfully embarrassed, and anxious to terminate the visit.
No man is courageous when he is thoroughly chilled; and it had become painfully evident that this was not a momentary riot, but an enduring revolution, through the intermedium of a civil war.
Drylyn's eyes ran painfully over ditch and diggings, the near cabins and the distant hills, then returned to the messenger.
He called, and, getting no answer, he crawled painfully to where the boy lay on the hill.
I have the highest opinion of him," she said, word painfully following word.