An exaggerated and extravagant as well as pretentious and illogical overstatement and misstatement of this principle may properly be considered as occult.
So far as this is true, it is due to anoverstatement of the arguments and an exaggerated notion of what is to be expected from them.
There is a rhetorical overstatementwhich is intended only as a vivid emphasizing of important truth.
This overstatement of inspiration made Renan, Bradlaugh and Ingersoll sceptics.
It is no overstatement to say that, either directly or indirectly, all education exists to bring upon us the catastrophic ruin in which progress ends.
If I may be allowed an extreme statement, I would say that it is not an overstatement to say that those who engage in the secondary and tertiary industries are all merchants of death.
It would not be an overstatement to say that all merchandise produced by the city is the same.
An action for triple damages is grounded when a plaintiff makes an overstatement of his claim in the writ of summons, in consequence of which the officers of the court take too large a fee from the defendant.
Overstatement of claim takes four forms; that is, it may relate either to the object, the time, the place, or the specification.
Overstatement is regarded as a vice, and understatement as a sort of modest virtue, whilst in fact they are both untruthful, exactly in the degree of their departure from perfect accuracy.
In overemphasis of issues and overstatement of aims.
Here the attempt to represent the Sadducees' position as parallel with Epicurean materialism has probably induced an overstatement of their distrust of Providence.
Berdoe, and I have never found therein the slightest overstatement or exaggeration of any kind.
Now and then, in the heat of controversy, a tendency to overstatement or exaggeration may be evident, especially where great issues appear to be involved; but the purpose can be reconciled with honesty.