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Example sentences for "vituperation"

Lexicographically close words:
vittals; vittels; vittle; vittles; vitty; vituperations; vituperative; viu; viuere; viure
  1. A person who voluntarily engages in the interchange of opprobrious epithets and mutual vituperation and abuse has been held to license his antagonist to reply in like manner.

  2. This perversity is present in all gradations from outbursts of anger with blows and vituperation to sullen, or even emotionless, muscular rigidity.

  3. Hence, while the visit of a husband is likely to produce nothing but vituperation or blows from a manic wife, the stuporous woman may greet him affectionately and regain thereby some contact with the world.

  4. Vituperation is their natural political weapon; but since the President's ministers have assumed the power of stopping newspapers which are offensive to them, they have shown that they can descend below vituperation to eulogy.

  5. But it does not seem desirable to handle praise and vituperation separately, but it seems better that they should be considered as forming part of the argumentation itself.

  6. I don’t care if he complains that it contains nothing but evil words and devils, for that redounds to my honour and glory; I wish it to be said of me in the future, that I was full of evil words, vituperation and curses on the Papists.

  7. He launches out into torrents of abuse and vituperation (“Maledictorum plaustris iniurius”).

  8. Thus, unless he wished to forsake his cause, he had to carry it through single-handed, straining every nerve and having recourse to vituperation the like of which had never hitherto been heard.

  9. These writings, with their unmeasured vituperation and their obscenity, also bear painful witness to the deterioration of his language with advancing years.

  10. All too often his exhortations are disfigured by unmeasured vituperation or uncalled-for controversy of the most bitter kind.

  11. In that case, however, would it not better beseem you not to repel all the prudent and well-meaning by your vituperation nor to incite men to strife and revolt in these already troubled times?

  12. While there is less vituperation and vulgar personal abuse by journalists of those "in authority," the pernicious habit of "interviewing" is a dangerous method of communication between our public men and the people.

  13. His private life was invaded, his social relations were violated, his most patriotic actions were sneered at, and he was made the object of obloquy and vituperation by that faction of the Republican party opposed to his policy.

  14. We have already adverted to that foreign and slanderous tradition which lays all the grosser sins of vituperation at the Englishman's door.

  15. He conjectures that upon a decline of vituperation Ernulphus had with great learning collected all the known methods, for fear of their being dispersed and so lost to the world for ever.

  16. One day a woman poured upon Jack and Harry a volley of vituperation that was delivered with such rapidity as to render fully half of it unintelligible.

  17. Jack admitted that Harry had shown good sense in making light of the vituperation they received, and said he would follow the same plan in future.

  18. For, the old game of obstruction and vituperation went on just as strongly as if no concession had been made, and no victory gained.

  19. He should leave personal vituperation to him: he is more active, defter, and more willing to do such dirty work.

  20. All their elementary books contain garbled and false accounts of naval and land engagements, in which every credit is given to the Americans, and equal vituperation and disgrace thrown upon their opponents.

  21. My own possibilities of vituperation were only less surprising to me than the endurance of the abused.

  22. There is nothing of so delicate pungency as the vituperation of a minister's wife, really challenged to try the subtleties of English and yet offend no convention of seemliness.

  23. In nearly every instance, the men who succeeded to the best places had made themselves conspicuous by their vituperation of Mr. Clay.

  24. She may have given Shakespeare hints for his pictures of the 'dark lady,' but he treats that lady's obduracy conventionally, and his vituperation of her sheds no light on the personal history of the mistress who left him for his friend.

  25. Every sonnetteer of the sixteenth century, at some point in his career, devoted his energies to vituperation of a cruel siren.

  26. In early life Gabriel Harvey wittily parodied the mingling of adulation and vituperation in the conventional sonnet-sequence in his 'Amorous Odious Sonnet intituled The Student's Loove or Hatrid.

  27. In a night the whole State was thrown into a ferment of intense excitement, the storm of vituperation seeming to centre in New York city.

  28. Clinton entered upon his sixth term as governor amidst vituperation and obloquy.

  29. The scolding woman saw the little, retreating figure, and directly the torrent of her vituperation was turned into a new course.

  30. Minna Eddy suddenly joined in her torrent of vituperation with the dress-maker's.

  31. First,--The natural spirit of man, which rebels against wholesale vituperation and calumny.

  32. Theodora's advocacy of the cause of the dissenters accounts for much of the vituperation heaped upon her by orthodox Catholics.

  33. All this gammon respecting Continental precedent and taste was beside the question; it only invited gratuitous vituperation of the French nation.

  34. Accordingly, when Antipater and his colleague arrived, after some little bluster and vituperation of Antiochus for what had taken place, he agreed to a truce for a year.

  35. Theodoric was not slow to pay back his vituperation in corresponding measure.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vituperation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abuse; aspersion; assault; attack; backbiting; berating; blasphemy; calumny; contumely; diatribe; execration; harangue; insult; invective; jawing; obloquy; onslaught; opprobrium; philippic; raillery; rating; tirade; vilification; vituperation