I shall need something to keep me from "jawing and meddling around the town"; why not white paper and a good stub pen, while I smoke and muse of my former usefulness.
When money is to be paid and received, there is always some vehement jawing and gesticulating about it.
When we were dismounted and it came to settling, the shouting and jawing and swearing and quarreling among the muleteers and with us was nearly deafening.
Then Desmond burst out with Irish vehemence-- "Egerton is alwaysjawing about breeding.
They had quite a jawing match and finally Archie said that he would bet Small ten dollars.
I learned later that their twosome wound up in a jawing match on the sixteenth green, in which Uncle George had all the better of it because he couldn't hear any of the things that Henry called him.
I like you jawing about discipline," said Mike morosely.
And then I heard Burgess and Spence jawing on the steps.
Now don't put any stopper on that jawing tackle of yours; go right on.
He's been working his jawing tackle for the last ten minutes steady.
Now then--confound it all, are you fellows going to stand jawingall day?
What under the sun did a fellow like Donald want with a wife who would prove him wrong about a cosine, and keep him up jawing about Mrs. Gilman till two o'clock in the morning?
Oh I wish somebody else had done it,” he said, “for I missed Owlers jawing the seal.
It was no use trying not to laugh: the idea of Owlers jawing the seal was too much for Maddox, and the three went off into peals of laughter.
She didn't give him much of an answer though, for her head was chuck full of the tall chap's soft sodder, and she didn't know more than half of what he was a jawing about.
It would be only foolish sort of jawing for me to say how much I love Stella.