He was gone into the night, with the moon silvering the sky, and the steely frost eating into the sentient life of this northern world.
The free Northern life of toil and hardship had not refined him.
For miles he rode away into the waste along the northern trail, ever away from La Touche and his own home.
It is viewed popularly in South America, and the southern parts of our northern hemisphere, as the great banner, or gonfalon, held aloft by Heaven before the Spanish heralds of the true faith in 1492.
Now, on the other hand, our northern climates have universally the taste, latent if not developed, for powerful liquors.
Leaving the cold northern latitudes of first acquaintance behind you, you gradually glide into the warmer and more genial climate of intimacy.
The tropics have their succulent and juicy fruits, cooling and refreshing; the northern latitudes have their beasts with fur and warm skin to keep out the frost-bites; and so it is in Ireland.
In fine, he informed me that our army, by a succession of retreating movements, had deserted the northern provinces, and now occupied the intrenched lines of Torres Vedras.
Then they rolled rapidly away toward a northern suburb of the city.
It was in a northern suburb of New York, a section not yet much encroached upon by the spreading city, and the dwelling owned and occupied by Rufus Venner was that in which three generations of his family had lived and died.
He was contented to re-cast and enlarge the part of the northern god of light, with a now wholly serious intention.
Perfect type of that happy mean between northern earnestness and the luxury of the south, for which we prize midland France, its physiognomy is not quite happy--attractive in part for its melancholy.
Every soldier patrolling that long northern border recognized the approach of some dire development, some early coup of savagery.
It was he who led the way down the bank, the four horses slowly splashing through the shallow water to the northern shore.
Before them stretched a broad plain, the surface rocky and uneven, the northernstars obscured by ridges of higher land.
Amid those more northern bluffs a thin spiral of blue smoke was ascending.
But the movement shipwrecked on the northern republics.
Expansion, space, were as the breath of his nostrils, and if he could not have them in the old colony he would seek them in the untravelled northern wilds.
A few troops of elephant may exist unpreserved in the region between the Pungwe and the Zambesi, a few in Northern Mashonaland, with perhaps one or two in the Northern Kalahari.
Sapphires have been found in the west, and diamonds and spinels are reported from the northern mountains.
Such lands exist in the parts where the native population is densest, as in the northern and eastern districts of the Transvaal.
The Englishmen Newbery, Candish, and Raymond began the rivalry, and the formidable Dutch followed next, with their northernvigour and commercial aptitudes.
He was mixed up in Van Jaarsveld's insurrection, and by-and-by his private crimes exceeded his political by so much that he was compelled to flee into thenorthern wilds.
Footnote 129: The name of Apalache is now given to a large bay on the western coast of East Florida, and towards its northern extremity, the bottom or northern extremity of which is in lat.
The port of Chaco, near the middle of the northern extremity of the island, in lat.
In the northern parts of Cujo there are mines of gold and copper, but they are not worked owing to the indolence of the inhabitants.
The northern part of this province, beyond the river Juncal is hardly inhabited, except by hunters of the Vicugnas, which they catch by means of large palisaded inclosures.
As the Martian winter comes on in the northern hemisphere, for example, the polar cap extends its borders to the temperate zone.
Saw new snow field of the northern pole distinctly outlined and much confused markings.
India has no great lakes, but in the northern plains great rivers course their way to the sea.
I made out only the broad southern band, the line at the northern pole and the wedge-shaped area to the right below, also a slight discoloration in the middle.
This was found in northern Arizona at an elevation of over 7,000 feet.
Mr. Williams also noticed the black streak bordering the northern snow cap, which Mr. Lowell in his book on Mars has interpreted as a body of water resulting from the melting snow.
The climate of the northern states less favourable to the constitution of the natives of Africa [Dr.
Stone Wigg and the Wharton range, and as the Chirima is a tributary flowing into the Mambare river, which is one of the great watercourses of Northern New Guinea.
These languages, according to Mr. Ray, occur in the Trobriands, Woodlarks and the Louisiades, and similar languages are found in the northern Solomon Islands.
Tristram states, that there are districts in Northern Africa which the native inhabitants are compelled annually to leave, though the negroes can remain with safety.
The Mongolians of the plains of Northern Asia, according to Pallas, have wonderfully perfect senses; and Prichard believes that the great breadth of their skulls across the zygomas follows from their highly-developed sense-organs.
We started twenty-five years ago to improve our herds and stayed with it, until today we furnish some of the best breeding and feeding cattle for the Northern States.
In Arizona and New Mexico about the same conditions prevail as do in northern Old Mexico.
Lespedeza is rather a tricky plant in Florida and is hardly worth consideration except in the northern part of the State.
Northern forage plants have been pretty thoroughly studied both in Europe and America, because European conditions are fairly like those of our Northern States.
The northern or western man who may be considering developing a live stock ranch in the South naturally wants to see developed ranches in which the practical problems have been worked out.
Now all this was exasperating, and the mass of the Northern people felt in 1865 that some punishment should be inflicted on the perverse people who had inflicted so much unnecessary misery on the country.
One of his achievements was to come to agreement with Spain and Italy in reference to the northern coast of Africa.
While these affairs were being discussed Montenegro besieged Scutari, in northern Albania and continued operation until the place was taken, notwithstanding the purpose of the Powers was well known.
Then he had word that General Gates was coming on with seven regiments detached by Schuyler from the northern department.
On the arrival of Governor Dinwiddie from England in 1752, it was divided into four military districts, and Washington's appointment was renewed as adjutant-general of the northern division, in which several counties were included.
The northern troops, also, were meeting with successes, and news of their victories gladdened all hearts.
On the same day, also, General Gates arrived with the remnants of four regiments from the Northern army.
The militia of Pennsylvania, Delaware, andNorthern Virginia were called out to defend Philadelphia; and Washington advanced to Wilmington.
He commenced his career in England by beating a second-rate northern sculler, in a sort of trial match; but this was only a feeler before trying conclusions with Elliott.
Many of these are tied together through holes drilled or burnt through a ledge left on the inner side of the plank or log, a peculiarity noticeable as appearing even in the early vessels of the Northern Seas.
Learn the folly of your wanderings from the guiding Northern Star; What were all your gains and glories, to creation's fatal loss When ye crucified your Freedom on the cruel Southern Cross?
I am a Southern woman, sir, and it was my duty as a Southerner, to see that you did not escape to injure our cause by telling some of yourNorthern falsehoods about us.
It was their votes that elected the rail-splitter, and now they turn tail upon him and howl maledictions because he will not carry out their fiendish intents by erecting a revolutionary guillotine in every Northern town and city.
The northern side of the city is bounded by the harbor; and the southern is washed by the Propontis, or Sea of Marmara.
The inhabitants of that northern region were divided, as early as the reign of Constantine, between the two great tribes of the Scots and of the Picts, who have since experienced a very different fortune.
The Northern Sea was fixed as the remote boundary of their empire.
Another colony advanced, with more intrepid courage, towards the shores of the Baltic; associated themselves with the Northern tribes of Germany; and shared the spoil of the Roman provinces of Gaul and Spain.
A similar division of troops, under the orders of Jovius and Jovinus, prepared to follow the oblique course of the highways, through the Alps, and the northern confines of Italy.
In the beginning of the ensuing year, the military force of the whole nation, in deep and solid columns, broke through the barrier of the Rhine, during the severity of a northern winter.
He says:-- "A newly liberated people may be compared to a northern army encamped on the Rhine or the Xeres.
But the religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principle of resistance; it is the dissidence of dissent, and the protestantism of the Protestant religion.
A newly liberated people may be compared to a northernarmy encamped on the Rhine or the Xeres.
This work had brought its reward; he was now to be drawn away from his own college and country to a Northern university.
The northernlight of the winter afternoon, entering through the looped crimson-damask curtains, fell sidewise upon the woman of the picture.
In the northern counties of Scotland, fish refuse is obtained in large quantities during the herring fishing season.
But though the democratic progress, under whatsoever form it appeared, has thus received a check in northern Europe, it is still raging with undiminished violence in the south.
Ayala recapitulates, with astonishment, the various pieces of armour in use amongst thosenorthern warriors.
In the natural history of barley the most remarkable fact is, the high northern latitudes in which it can be successfully cultivated.
Unheard is the deafening battle roar, Unseen is that dying look; He hears but the sound of a childish laugh, And the song of a Northern brook.
Oh, pretty dark-eyed bird of the South, With your face so mournful and white There is many a little Northern girl That is breathing that prayer to-night.
They had skirted an ocean, foot by foot; Bering Sea lay behind them, now, and its northern shore swung westward to their goal.
When he had finally torn himself away from her side he went out and stood bareheaded under the northern lights to let it sink in.
Alice was very ignorant of northern ways, childishly so, and it afforded him the keenest delight to initiate her into the mysteries of trail life.
Eight hours later, by the guiding glare of the Northern Lights, the two stumbled back into camp, utterly broken.