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Example sentences for "rape"

Lexicographically close words:
raound; rap; rapacious; rapaciousness; rapacity; raped; rapes; rapeutique; raphe; rapid
  1. Before a fit the patient may develop paroxysms of rage with brutal impulses (preparoxysmal insanity), and may commit crimes such as rape or murder.

  2. Infantile leucorrhoea is common, and many innocent people have been exposed to danger from false charges of rape on children, instituted as a means of levying blackmail.

  3. In all cases of rape in which there is no actual resistance or objection, consent may be assumed.

  4. RAPE Rape is the carnal knowledge of a woman by force and against her will.

  5. There may be a sufficient degree of penetration to constitute rape without rupturing the hymen.

  6. In cases of rape and suspected pregnancy, it must be borne in mind that a medical man who examines a woman under any circumstances against her will renders himself liable to heavy damages, and that the law will not support him in so doing.

  7. To constitute rape there must be penetration, but this may be of the slightest.

  8. Severe hæmorrhage, and even death, may follow the rape of a young child.

  9. The definition of rape which we have given is not altogether satisfactory.

  10. False charges of rape are very often made.

  11. The magnitude of these rewards strikes us the more when we compare them with the fines on rape and evil speaking.

  12. The rape is placed in the fourth month of the city, because the consualia fall in August, and the festival commemorating the foundation of the city in April; later writers, as Cn.

  13. The indignation raised by the rape of Lucretia by Sextus Tarquinius, and the suicide of the outraged lady at Collatia, moved her father, in conjunction with Lucius Junius Brutus and Publius Valerius, to start a rebellion.

  14. From this rape there arose wars, first with the neighboring towns, which were defeated one after another, and at last with the Sabines.

  15. Of a Rape done to Honour, which thy ravenous lust made thee consent to.

  16. Of a rape Done to honour, which thy ravenous lust Made the consent to.

  17. In various representations of the rape of Prosperine, Dis is accompanied by a dog, e.

  18. One may be supposed to be the rape of Ganymede.

  19. I think we appreciated the great figure of David in the grand square, and the sculptured group they call the Rape of the Sabines.

  20. It was the Rape of the Sabines, and they chose it for the legs and busts.

  21. Addison also gave offence to Pope by his too judicious praise of The Rape of the Lock and the translation of the Iliad.

  22. In commerce colza is classed with rape oil, to which both in source and properties it is very closely allied.

  23. He loaned himself passionately to all rumors celebrating the wholesale rape of women committed by the invaders of Belgium.

  24. Why by the rape Of the purple grape, Which the summer and sun have nursed.

  25. Besides the abuse of free-born lads, and the debauch of married women, he committed a rape upon Rubria, a Vestal Virgin.

  26. While he was taking (375) the omens, Sporus presented him with a ring, the stone of which had carved upon it the Rape of Proserpine.

  27. The spoiling of high aims, the rape and ravage of honorable purposes: these are its sins against the Holy Ghost!

  28. That secondhand black operatop shift and short trunkleg naughties all split up the stitches at her last rape that Mrs Miriam Dandrade sold you from the Shelbourne hotel, eh?

  29. This "pure Grecian character" is represented in his "Rape of the Sabines.

  30. The rape of the Sabines leads to war, and Titus Tatius, king of the Sabines, obtains possession of the Capitoline Hill—the smallest but most famous of the seven hills on which Rome was subsequently built.

  31. But the twins resolve to found a city, and Rome arises on the Palatine, an asylum for outlaws and slaves, who are provided with wives by the “rape of the Sabine women.

  32. The rape of Ganymede is probably based upon an actual occurrence, which may be thus explained.

  33. The Greeks assemble their troops at Aulis, to proceed against the city of Troy, and revenge the rape of Helen; but the fleet is detained in port by contrary winds.

  34. The Rape of the Lock is a double-refined essence of wit and fancy, as the Essay on Criticism is of wit and sense.

  35. The Rape of the Lock is the best or most ingenious of these.

  36. My lords, a solemn hunting is in hand; There will the lovely Roman ladies troop; The forest walks are wide and spacious, And many unfrequented plots there are Fitted by kind for rape and villainy.

  37. Rape and Murder; therefore called so 'Cause they take vengeance of such kind of men.

  38. Nay, nay, let Rape and Murder stay with me, Or else I'll call my brother back again, And cleave to no revenge but Lucius.

  39. Like the Eleusinian Mysteries, properly so called, they included dramatic representations of the rape of Persephone and the wanderings of Demeter; in addition, according to Stephen Byzantium, to certain Dionysian representations.

  40. The rape of Persephone, according to the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, was the immediate consequence of her gathering this wonderful flower.

  41. The rape and the deliverance of Iduna are both effectuated through the agency of Asa-Lok, who typifies time and its vacillating nature, now impelled to good, and now to evil.

  42. Finn Magnussen thus explains the mythe of the rape of Iduna by the giant Thiasse: Iduna represents the mild air of spring, which gives renovated life and animation to all nature.

  43. The attempts of the Propaganda Steam-Roller to flatten out the anti-German prejudices provoked by the rape of Belgium were frantic, but fruitless.

  44. The Fatherland's heartlessness toward such events as the rape of Belgium becomes less inexplicable when one recalls the cult of brutality which pursues the German from the nursery upward.

  45. The Rape of the Lock, perhaps, stops short of beauty, but it attains elegance and prettiness in a supreme degree.

  46. His famous Elegy, expressing a meditative mood in language of the choicest perfection, is the representative poem of the second half of the 18th century, as the Rape of the Lock is of the first.

  47. I would not for all that seek to excuse his first fault, which, in fact, amounted to rape in respect to the daughter, and subornation with regard to the mother.

  48. No, no," said Dagoucin, "there was neither rape nor subornation.

  49. I wonder by what dower, Or patent, you had power From all to rape a judgment.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rape" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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