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Example sentences for "sortie"

Lexicographically close words:
sortent; sorter; sorters; sortes; sorti; sorties; sorting; sortir; sortis; sortit
  1. It would seem that, after a sortie during which they had specially distinguished themselves, the Emperor visited the lines, and paused to praise their bravery.

  2. One of the dirigibles supposed to have attacked Ramsgate early that morning was discovered off Nieuport, Belgium, by a squadron of eight British naval machines which had made a sortie from Dunkirk.

  3. At Eppeghem, where the Germans were driven back by the Belgian sortie from Antwerp, civilians were used as a cover for the German retreat.

  4. Germans were driven out of Aerschot across the River Demer by a successful sortie from Antwerp, murders of civilians were taking place in the villages which the Belgian Army then recaptured from the Germans.

  5. As it was on the French side the sortie had taken place, some went one way and some another; and only about six of us went towards the French trenches.

  6. No one seemed to apprehend the least danger, while a successful sortie on the part of the enemy would have placed every one's life in the greatest peril.

  7. I then inquired about the sortie of the previous night.

  8. The following day we learnt that a terrible sortie had taken place in the night, and that there had been a severe loss of men on both sides.

  9. I inquired if he knew anything about the sortie of the previous night, upon which he answered that the black horse he rode the day before had thrown him in the mud, and made him in such a mess.

  10. In a sortie from Genoa he was taken prisoner.

  11. In a last sortie they had just inflicted a telling defeat on Akbar Khan and his besieging army.

  12. In December they made a successful sortie and stormed the Burmese stockades.

  13. While in this state of uncertainty, the barking of a dog added little to their comfort, inasmuch as it apprized them that they were not far from a new Indian encampment, formed subsequent to the sortie a few days before.

  14. In this work of destruction they were unmolested, since, numbering more than twice as many as the garrison, a sortie was felt to be unwarrantable.

  15. FN-1] It was alleged, in some of the contemporaneous accounts, that the forces engaged with Herkimer were ordered back in consequence of the sortie of Willett.

  16. General Carleton immediately made a sortie at the head of one thousand men; to oppose whom, General Thomas had not more than three hundred available troops.

  17. A sortie might be made by a small party of horse, and these might succeed in cutting their way through the enemy.

  18. But could not a desperate sortie have been made?

  19. A sortie was agreed upon for a certain night; but a youth in the Irish camp, who had been in the President's service formerly, warned him of the intended attack.

  20. Colonel Jones had made a sortie from the city; the sortie became for a brief moment an engagement, and ended in a total rout.

  21. Lesbia wrapped herself in a white cashmere sortie de bal and stole up the companion.

  22. Mr. Smithson drew the warm sortie de bal, with its gold-coloured satin lining and white fox border, closer round Lesbia's slender form.

  23. There was a great sortie from the city on the morning of the 1st of September, and all day she heard the booming artillery, and the moan of the shells as they hurtled above the now doomed northern quarter.

  24. Hordes of ragged soldiers told the story of the unsuccessful sortie of the morning.

  25. Such, for example, may be sortie plans, approach plans, and Battle Plans.

  26. For example, one of these problems may involve a battle in which the entire force will participate, or perhaps a sortie requiring coordination of the several subdivisions of his force.

  27. This comment is applicable not only to battle plans but also to other subsidiary plans such as sortie plans, entrance plans, and logistics plans.

  28. Happily this report of a sortie from Phalsbourg was false.

  29. This was the only sortie attempted during the siege.

  30. The next day all was quiet in the village; everybody had hid his valuables, and they only feared one thing, and that was a sortie from Phalsbourg to carry off our cattle.

  31. In a moment the groomsman returned, crying out that the people of Phalsbourg were making a sortie into the wood to lift our cattle; and that they were coming too to search our houses.

  32. I believe that if there had been at that moment a sortie of fifty men from Phalsbourg, they would have given themselves up prisoners, every one, to remain where they were.

  33. Cholera had broken out; General Barnard himself died of it after a few hours' illness on the day after the sortie to Alipur.

  34. And now with Ned Rackham in the van, it seemed that the British sailors were in a parlous plight and that their sortie must fail.

  35. Jack Cockrell was for making a sortie by night, gustily declaiming to his companions: "The sentries will be drunk or drowsy.

  36. From the morning of that day there were apparent signs of an intended sortie by the Spaniards, and, in view of this, the rebels marched towards the American lines, but were requested to withdraw.

  37. On April 5 a small force of Spanish regulars, volunteers, and sailors made a sortie and fired on the insurgents in Lutao from long range.

  38. Two picket-guards made an unsuccessful sortie against them.

  39. The Spaniards made a sortie in order to destroy our works.

  40. A fifteen-days' truce was agreed upon between the French and the Spaniards, as a result of the sortie at which I was taken prisoner.

  41. It was at length stopped by the shower that had delayed the sortie from the fort; both parties seeking shelter under the trees.

  42. Herkimer had said in his message that he intended, on hearing the signals, to cut his way through the camp of the enemy to the fort, and asked that a sortie from it should be made at the same time.

  43. Filled with this laudable intention, Mignon had sped cat-footed down the stairs.

  44. As soon as the enemy was driven off by our sortie the troops set to work on the defences.

  45. The last sortie from Plevna was witnessed by Skobeleff from the heights above.

  46. Never was a sortie more skilfully prepared.

  47. Early in April a sortie took place, in which the British Marines were to force their way into the French mine, while the Turks attacked the trenches.

  48. By the 9th almost all their food was exhausted, and Osman determined to try one last sortie before surrendering.

  49. They had been allowed time to strengthen their positions, and the sortie failed, though the great guns of the forts had boomed and crashed until they were glowing hot.

  50. On the 30th of September he made a vigorous sortie across the Marne, to the south-east, where he hoped to join the French army of the Loire, and also at the same time to relieve Paris of some hungry mouths.

  51. On the 21st of October there was a sortie against the Prussians on the west of Paris.

  52. On the 30th of November another sortie was attempted.

  53. Outnumbered, helpless for long in that narrow space, their only hope lay in a sortie by the garrison, and it was my part to give the alarm.

  54. Given time they might starve the garrison, or drive them mad with thirst, for I doubt if there be men enough there to make sortie against a large war party.

  55. On the 13th of April, during the sortie in which the Petropavlovsk was sunk with Admiral Makaroff on board, the battleship Pobieda, in returning to the harbour, struck a contact mine, and was heavily damaged.

  56. Similar repairs were executed, and this ship was able to take her station in the line in the great sortie of August 10.

  57. The last book closed with the success of the Parisian sortie on the 30th of November, to be followed by the terrible engagements no less honourable to French valour, on the 2nd of December.

  58. Alain had been badly wounded in the sortie of the 21st, and was laid up in an ambulance.

  59. He cherished a wild desire of revenge against this Jean Lebeau, to whom he attributed all his calamities, and by whom, he said, his brother had been shot in the sortie of December.

  60. Apropos, I read in the Times newspaper that Alain was among the wounded in the sortie of December.

  61. Gansevoort was notified, and was to aid the movement by making a sortie from the fort, at the proper moment.

  62. The sortie was gallantly made, and entirely successful; but the attack on Herkimer rendered it of so little avail, that the battle of Oriskany left Gansevoort hardly better off than before.

  63. For almost a month the work went on, enlivened by an occasional sortie and skirmish.

  64. Major Grant sent by Colonel Boquet to reconnoitre--sortie from, upon Grant's Highlanders, i.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sortie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    action; aggression; assault; attack; battle; bombing; breakthrough; charge; counterattack; cover; diversion; drive; infiltration; mission; offense; offensive; onset; onslaught; push; raid; reconnaissance; rush; scramble; sortie; strike; umbrella