Justice was sacrificed by them to paltry considerations, and to-day those of us who are infatuated with sympathy for the pillaging policy of the Boers seem to have set up as their ideal the completion of the disaster of 1870!
It is a type of that ancient pillaging civilisation which we call war-like, when its methods have been reduced to rules.
Also he gave orders that there should be no plundering or pillaging of the country through which they had to pass on their way back, but that they should, on pain of death, pay the full price for victuals or whatever else they took.
Then he passed on, plundering and pillaging the country, till he entered Burgundy, where he halted to collect the whole of his army before invading and laying utterly waste the land of Little Britain.
A Dutchman arrived there with four ships and one patache, and, having stationed himself at the entrance of the bay of Manila, remained there six months, capturing and pillaging all who came to the city.
Ulrich writes in burning indignation at the cruel deaths they have inflicted on noble men and women, and on their pillaging the convents.
And there he fell to pillaging in the dominion of Earl Hakon.
Olaf followed the banks of the river for many miles, pillaging some steads, and carrying off much treasure from a certain monastery.
Having won the victory, the Romans began pillaging the enemy’s camp; and killed a number of the Celts, as they lay stupefied with drunkenness in their beds, like unresisting victims.
At this time Tamerlane, dissatisfied with his generals, arrived in Europe and after pillaging the Golden Horde, moved westward, (p.
Alaric again crossed the mountains, and pillaging the cities in his way, led his hosts to the very gates of Rome.
Spanish treasure-vessels on the high sea, and in pillaging the warehouses and settlements on every Spanish shore in the Old and the New World.
The mutinous army marched through the land, pillaging city after city, and paying themselves with the spoils.
The bridge-builder went to the market-place, and in pillaging the wealthy merchants' houses began with Archias's.
After pillaging the Tartars for some time, his handful of troops, i.
Hence they are at the mercy not only of foreign armed powers, but of any band of native ruffians who may organise a pillaging expedition.
The galleon "San Marcos" went to a place where two ships of the enemy were pillaging two other Chinese ships.
The Dutch carried on this pillaging with little risk, and without fear, because they had learned, through some prisoners who had escaped, of the loss of our galleons.
Next thing and they'll be out past Gibraltar, pillaging our shipping right up the Thames.
They'll return topillaging baggage trains and helpless villages.
That your merchants live off the commerce of others, pillaging where they see fit.
Numerous gangs of vagabonds overrun the country, pillaging and putting to ransom all owners of property.
Special details of a plan of the king to massacre all patriot deputies, and intimidate Paris with a grand pillaging and by keeping the guillotine constantly at work.
A pillaging party had evidently gone through the place, for drawers were upset, crockery smashed, curtains torn down, and general disorder prevalent everywhere.
It was plain to see that they had just been pillaging some country house, for they were laden with rich stuffs, chandeliers and jewels.
As he approached he met the duke, riding out in full armour to quell the rioting and restrain his men, who were by now all out of hand and pillaging the city.
I could never learn the exact number that formed Kabba Rega's celebrated regiment of blackguards, but I should imagine there were above 1,000 men who constantly surrounded him, and gained their living by pillaging others.
Instead of following the enemy in the retreat, they had fraternized with a crowd of natives in pillaging the extensive station.
Their corsairs making descents on the coasts of those countries which border on the Mediterranean, pillaging the villages and carrying off the inhabitants into slavery.
Secondly, the entering and pillaging the Dolphin of London, William Haddock, out of which they got three hundred pieces of eight, value 75l.
It is impossible to describe the injury which they did at this place, by burning or sinking the ships, destroying the plantations, and pillaging the houses.
Thousands assembled in the neighbourhood of Amsterdam, crossed the Zuyder Zee, landed at Zwoll, and marched towards Muenster, pillaging and burning churches and convents.
The result was that the Patarines were filled with new zeal, and lost all compunction at shedding blood and pillaging houses.
There he landed his force, and soon fell upon a peaceful village, putting the inhabitants to flight and pillaging their dwellings.
Gustavus marched southward, but soon returned to attack Wallenstein, who had moved northward, and was pillagingthe neighborhood of Leipsic.