Head broad and flat above, with the muzzle obtusely pointed.
The grain is oblong, obtusely trigonous, broadly and shallowly grooved dorsally with concentric minute tubercled ridges covered with a loose pericarp.
In the transverse section of the stem the outline is ovate, laterally compressed, obtusely keeled at the back and somewhat concave in the front.
Grain is oblong, obtusely trigonous, or concavo-convex, red-brown and rugulose on the ventral side.
Illustration] Fruit, below medium size; ovate, broadest at the base and narrowing obtusely towards the apex, a good deal of the shape of a Scarlet Nonpareil.
Seventh cervical: Spine as high as the arch, obtusely pointed.
Fused spines of the first to third cervicals nearly vertical, rather high, and obtusely pointed.
The dorsal fin was relatively small, falcate, and obtusely terminated.
This huge mollusk has a symmetrically fusiform shell, with whorls obtusely ridged and armed with large rounded nodes.
The fins are terminal, half, or more than half, as long as the body, united in a point posteriorly, and obtusely rounded on the outer angles.
The foot is rounded or obtuselypointed posteriorly.
Gills= obtusely adnate, somewhat crowded, whitish, then yellowish, with dimidiate and forked ones intermixed.
Pileus thin, flattened and obtusely umbonate, silky with yellowish down, often glabrous when adult, and then bright cinnamon, but the color is variable.
The berry is large, obtusely conical, bright red, and delicious in flavor.
The berry is diamond-shaped, obtusely conical, very regular and uniform; seeds yellow and near the surface.
The branches are generally dichotomous, that is, rising in pairs obtusely lobed.
Leaflets ovate, acute, obtusely serrate, small transparent vesicles on the surface, spines on the midrib and common petiole.
The bold archivolts beneath the central tower are chased with the Norman lozenge: they are circular; but the eastern arch, which runs higher than the others, is obtusely pointed, though it is evidently of the same date with its companions.
The exterior of the apsis is very curious: it is obtusely angular, and faced at the corners with large rude columns, of whose capitals, some are Doric and Corinthian, others as wild as the fancies of the Norman lords of the country.
Sowerby, but the base is far moreobtusely rounded, and it is a shorter shell comparatively with its width.
The lateral door-ways are of a different style of architecture, and, though obtusely pointed, are supposed to be of the eleventh century: a plain and almost Roman circular arch surmounts the southern one.
The exterior of the apsis is very curious: it is obtusely angular, and faced at the corners with large rude columns, of whose capitals some are Doric or Corinthian, others as wild as the fancies of the Norman lords of the country.
Anterior wings (in the male) narrow, obtusely attenuated; in the female broader, and obliquely rounded.
Shell with nodulous plaits; the spire finely striated; inner lip thickened and reflected, and obtusely pointed above.
The form is flat on one face, the other being brought to a central ridge rising towards the butt, which is usually rounded and obtusely truncated.
The usual shape is that of an obtusely conical disc, in the base of which two converging holes are drilled so as to form a V-shaped passage, through which the cord for attachment could be passed.
The shape is somewhat different, for the English specimens are as a rule broader in proportion, and more obtusely pointed than the Scandinavian.
The caps were obtusely convex and of a grayish rufescent color.
Short, wide at it's base, black, convex, curved downwards and reather obtusely pointed.
Somewhat widest in the middle, two inches in length, absolutely entire, villose, obtuselypointed and of an Ordinary green.
Small longitudinal channel in the upper disk which is of a Deep green and glossy, while the under disk is of a whitish green only; two ranked, obtusely pointed, Soft and flexable.
Short; the ears are Short, obtusely pointed, and lye close to the head; the aperture of the ear is larger proportionably than most animals which burrow.
Snout obtusely pointed, flat above or with the canthus slightly raised.
In shape they taper somewhat suddenly to the smaller end, which may almost be termed obtusely pointed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obtusely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.