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Example sentences for "obstructive"

Lexicographically close words:
obstruct; obstructed; obstructing; obstruction; obstructions; obstructs; obtain; obtainable; obtaine; obtained
  1. That remained the ruling thought in the mind of this ignorant, proud, moral young man, about to fill a place which conferred more obstructive power than any other in the world.

  2. But order is divine, and cannot be obstructive to its own higher ends; it must subserve them.

  3. They did not understand that a man desirous of helping his fellows might yet avoid a crowd as obstructive to his object.

  4. Again and again I heard Mr. Chamberlain express his entire approval of the obstructive policy adopted by Parnell, and declare that that was the only way by which Parnell could compel the House of Commons to give a hearing to the Irish claims.

  5. But it was not only in obstructive motions which concerned the common interests of the country that Parnell obtained the support of Sir Charles Dilke and Mr. Chamberlain.

  6. On all sides the way was blocked up by obstructive friars.

  7. There was the usual obstructive person in the train who required to be logically convinced first of the necessity for disturbing himself; he put his head angrily out of a window near Mark's: 'Here, guard!

  8. A Row in the Pit; or, The Obstructive Hat.

  9. When a group of Irish Nationalist members, among whom Mr. Parnell soon came to the front, began to evade the rules and paralyse the action of the House by obstructive tactics, he was less successful.

  10. He conceived that frequent attacks and a resort to obstructive tactics would damage the Opposition in the eyes of the country.

  11. The thing which embarrassed the English was that flaw in their claim; and the trouble with {179} the Boers was that they were archaic in their ideals, and obstructive to all policies which belonged to a modern civilization.

  12. He introduced an obstructive method in legislation which caused extreme irritation and finally antagonism between the Liberal Party and his own.

  13. Recoiling wretchedly, I tried the opposite one, combating the embarrassing heel of the boat and the obstructive edges of the centre-board case.

  14. The same is true of obstructive cardiac lesions.

  15. In this case the obstructive pulmonary lesions interfere with the process of oxidation, and also maintain a constant hyperaemia of the portal system.

  16. Congestion may take place in the portal system, and be due to conditions of the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, or in the hepatic vein and radicles, due to obstructive troubles in the heart or lungs.

  17. As nutmeg liver is an incident in the course of the venous stasis from cardiac or pulmonary obstructive disease, it is not unusual to find ascites and general dropsy occur.

  18. If due to obstructive pulmonic disease, chloride of ammonium and alkaline remedies will be indicated.

  19. The form of hepatic congestion most usually observed is that of the hepatic vein, caused by obstructive troubles of the heart or lungs, and known as the nutmeg liver.

  20. The post-mortem examination proved the larynx normal, with no obstructive growths.

  21. The true reason for the administration of such remedies in any case of obstructive jaundice is to cause such downward pressure as to force out of the duct an obstructing plug of mucus.

  22. Could anything be more admirable, in what it attempts and brilliantly contrives to do, than almost the entire second act of "Tosca," with the exception of the sentimental and obstructive Prayer?

  23. Obstructive dysmenorrhœa, as its name implies, is due to some hindrance or obstacle to the escape of blood from the cavity of the womb.

  24. Days expanded into weeks, and at last orders were issued for an advance up the Canton River, as it had become evident that the Chinese were not only bent on an obstructive policy, but were making energetic efforts to assemble a large army.

  25. Privacy or uniqueness is no more obstructive to understanding than is change, and, like change, has no peculiar applicability to mental states as matter of knowledge.

  26. But at the other limit, dreaming, mind is in full swing, having freed itself, by an inner tension, from the obstructive influence of body.

  27. The constitution of the legislative council was complained of, and it was described as an obstructive body which disregarded the wishes of the people.

  28. Probably as a jocose acknowledgment of the obstructive character of this main approach, the point nearest to its base at which one could take the river (if so inodorously minded) bore the appellation Break-Neck-Stairs.

  29. And the same obstructive right is appealed to to prevent its consideration.

  30. Though Wellington himself was not disposed to obstruct it, he entirely failed to check the obstructive tactics of Lyndhurst who, on this occasion, outdid himself in the deliberate mutilation of a bill approved by the late conservative premier.

  31. By adopting obstructive tactics, of a kind to be perfected in a later age, the opposition succeeded in prolonging the discussion in committee over forty nights, until September 7.

  32. They thought that if they could be obstructive enough during the summer and autumn, we should no doubt return before the winter.

  33. So we see the well-intentioned Tashi Lama held back by the obstructive Lhasa authorities; and this was still more evident at Bogle’s next interview, which was with the Lhasa deputies.

  34. As regards the attitude of the Tibetans, the people in the vicinity and the Shigatse deputies were perfectly friendly, but the Lhasa authorities were as obstructive as ever.

  35. When, therefore, I used hard words and employed threats, he must consider them as directed at the stupid, obstructive people, and not at himself personally.

  36. I said I quite appreciated the difficulties he must have had with the Tibetans, for I had had some experience of them now, and a more obstructive people I had never come across.

  37. In the former aspect it is for ever beautiful: in the latter aspect it has been, and it will continue to be, purely obstructive and hurtful.

  38. In the former aspect it is for ever beautiful; in the latter it has been, and it will continue to be, purely obstructive and hurtful.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obstructive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adverse; block; blockade; brawler; catch; choking; complaining; contrary; cordon; counter; crosswise; curtain; defendant; deterrent; difficult; difficulty; disputant; disputatious; dissenting; dissident; drawback; fractious; hazard; hitch; hurdle; inhibiting; inhibitive; intransigent; irreconcilable; joker; litigant; objecting; objection; objector; obstacle; obstruction; obstructive; opposer; plaintiff; protesting; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; reluctant; repellent; repressive; resistant; resister; restrictive; rub; snag; stifling; strangling; suppressive; troublesome; unyielding; wrangler