Hugh, who with the cook and horse wrangler had remained in the camp, saw it, and told Jack to leave it with him, and he would sew up the tear.
When all the men had caught up their horses, and the ropes had been taken from the corral, the rest of the bunch were allowed to wander off, while the horse wrangler went to the cook tent to get his breakfast.
The horse wrangler drove his animals along at a walk and turned them into the opening of the corral, the men at the ropes raising them as the horses entered.
Dawn was probably breaking by this time, and the trampling of unshod hoofs showed that the night wrangler was bringing in the pony herd.
And it was no idle boast, apparently, for Teeters stood alone, supreme and unchallenged, the champion dude-wrangler of the country.
It had rained all day, and the old horsewrangler was wet and tired, but when he saw those signs he raised his voice in a joyful whoop and then broke into song.
More than once I high-tailed into the corral one jump ahead of a dozen of them devils," the old wrangler said reminiscently.
The old wrangler had a short whispered conversation with one of the three, a heavily bearded man, and the little troop plodded on again through the night.
The old wrangler edged up close to the group by the bunk house.
Doc, this is the gent I tol' yuh about," the old horsewrangler said bluntly.
And Si, the horse wrangler said: "Charlie, I reckon it's onconsiderate of you to exercise yore pet hoss on our stummicks.
I'll make a cowboy and horse wrangler of you again," threatened Pan.
This was the first opportunity that 'the Clapham sect' had to satisfy themselves that the Senior Wrangler was worthy of the commendation of Charles Simeon.
Henry Martyn was not fully twenty years of age when, in January 1801, he came out Senior Wrangler and first Smith's (mathematical) Prizeman.
The Senior Wrangler was not allowed to preach in the church where he had been baptised, nor in any church of his native county, save in his brother-in-law's.
His triumph, at twenty, as Senior Wrangler put him quite in a position to dream of winning her.
The men dismounted instantly, the wrangler eased the victim to the ground, and when the outfit gathered around, the former was smothering the burning clothing of his friend and bunkmate.
The cook and wrangler may be a little green at first, but they're willing, and that masters any task.
I'll make a horsewrangler out of this boy," said Sargent to the father, in the presence of Dell and Joel.
The cook and wrangler must hold the beeves, and that will turn the rest of us free to watch the round-up and cut out.
On finishing the task, he asked a Mexican to pour some water, and the horse wrangler reached into the wagon, at random, and emptied a small jug into the vessel containing the dressed birds.
The day's work consisted in merely pointing and drifting the cattle forward, requiring only a few men, leaving abundant help to initiate the cook and wrangler in their field duties.
Wait until I come back from Dodge, and I'll show you what a rustler I am," said Priest, arising to give his horse to the wrangler and issue directions in regard to camping.
Of course you'll help the horse some little; but if you let too many back, I'll call our wrangler and try him out.
Three men were secured, their services not being urgently required on the home ranch until the fall branding, leaving only a cook and horse wrangler to be secured.
Others lent their assistance to the wrangler in corralling his remuda, and after relieving the cutting horses, the beeves were grazed down the valley.
There the herds were thrown together, carefully so that no mother should lose her calf; and while they stood them upon the cutting-ground the wrangler brought up his horses, and each man caught out a fresh mount.
Behind him came the horse wranglerand his helper, doing their best to keep the remuda out of the barbed-wire, and jerking up more fence with their ropes than Gus laid down with his nail-puller.
Bowles did not know what a "hat" was as he rode along out the gate, but when the cattle were thrown together and the wrangler brought up the spare horses, he knew.
So, with many a yawn and sigh, poor Brigham and his fellow wrangler stamped on their boots and went out to round up the horse pasture, and shortly afterward a shrill yell from the cook gave notice that breakfast was ready.
The wrangler always attends to the packing, you know," reminded Elfreda after they had finished breakfast.
The wrangleris the man who goes out in the morning to round up the horses.
After obtaining many lesser distinctions, he finally came out as Senior Wrangler in 1813.
The night-horse wrangler was working his horses up toward camp, and the three or four bells in the bunch jingled merrily and musically in the cool, fresh, morning air.
The eldest, James Wilberforce Stephen, was fourth wrangler in 1844 and Fellow of St. John's College, and afterwards a judge in the colony of Victoria.
He was at Queen's College, then flourishing under the patronage of evangelical parents attracted by Milner's fame; was nineteenth wrangler in 1818, and for a time was fellow and tutor of his college.
In spite of this, he was senior wranglerin 1811--a feat which would now be impossible for a Newton.
Garratt, who was second wrangler and first Smith's prizeman in 1804.
Watson, second wrangler in 1850, who was a year his senior, has given me a very interesting account of impressions made at this time.
He was a mathematician of ability, having been second wrangler and having nearly attained the first place, and he was also an excellent scholar in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.
He was the senior wrangler of 1761, and was then for some time a private tutor.
I counted the remuda and found them all there, but the wrangler was missing.
I remember it occurred to me, then, how little I knew about cattle, and that my wrangler and I ought to exchange places.
So I guess my job of sheep-wrangler is going to hold; at least the judge asked me to stay with it until Fall.
For the Smith's Prize he of course distanced the Senior Wrangler and all other competitors.
In 1845, he graduated as second wrangler and first Smith's prizeman at Cambridge University.
But I often regret, and even acutely, my want of a Senior Wrangler's knowledge of physics and mathematics; and I regret still more some habits of mind which a Senior Wrangler is pretty certain to possess.
If he makes a poor figure in life, his having been Senior Wrangler or University scholar is never mentioned but with derision.
They obeyed the summons, nevertheless, and by the time the night-wrangler came up with the saddle band Jerry and John were on hand with the rest of the punchers, having rolled up and stowed their beds in the wagon.
I guess I could earn my salt as a mule-wrangler anyway.
I told him I was Felix, the horse-wrangler of the Imperial estate.
Afterwards, with much misgiving, but shamed into boldness, the chief horse-wrangler mounted him and rode him.
The onlookers acclaimed his award and the displaced chief horse-wrangler shook hands with me and declared that he was proud to be second to such a wonder as "Felix the Wizard.
You are henceforward chief horse-wrangler of this estate.
Thence he proceeded to Cambridge, where he graduated seventh Wrangler in 1754.
In 1823 he graduated as Bachelor of Arts, being Senior Wrangler and Smith's prizeman, entirely distancing all other men of his year.
He was educated at King's College, London, and Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating as fourthWrangler in 1868.
If I had been told that he was the Wrangler who said that he could not see "what Paradise Lost proved," I should not have been the least surprised.
He graduated third wrangler from St John's College, Cambridge, in 1857, and was admitted to a fellowship.
The Mexican horse-wrangler was a lazy looking, half-asleep fellow; but he sat a pony as though he had grown in the saddle.
I'll get the horse-wrangler to hitch up a pair of ponies and we'll go over there.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wrangler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.