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Example sentences for "inhibitive"

Lexicographically close words:
inhibit; inhibited; inhibiting; inhibition; inhibitions; inhibitory; inhibits; inhospitable; inhospitality; inhuman
  1. To what extent by developing to their highest point certain inhibitive or opposing tendencies, can we counteract certain inherent proclivities for wrong-doing?

  2. The inhibitive power of pain over her is extinguished wherever the baby's interests are at stake.

  3. On the human plane, intelligence (the selective effect of inhibitive complication) may throw the response into the form of a reasoned line of conduct looking to an outcome that shall be expedient for the agent.

  4. The inhibitive nervous complication may also detach another chain of response to the given stimulus, which does not spend itself in a line of motor conduct and does not fall into a system of uses.

  5. And if he is weak, if the inhibitive power of the will is not greater than the motor impulse proceeding from the ideational centre, he will burst out into speech, be the consequences what they may.

  6. Even a perfectly healthy organism quickly goes to rack and ruin if the inhibitive activity of consciousness is not exercised, and if, through this want of exercise, its inhibitive strength becomes atrophied.

  7. If every representation be not embodied in perceptible movement, the cause is to be traced to the action of the inhibitive mechanism of the brain, which does not permit every representation at once to set the muscles into activity.

  8. A familiar example of the paralyzing power of scruples is the inhibitive effect of conscientiousness upon conversation.

  9. If, namely, we wish our trains of ideation and volition to be copious and varied and effective, we must form the habit of freeing them from the inhibitive influence of reflection upon them, of egoistic preoccupation about their results.

  10. The interesting thing to note is the extreme delicacy of the inhibitive machinery.

  11. And this inhibitive influence is not due to the mere fact that his emotion is painful.

  12. The higher centres, for example, seem to exert a constant inhibitive influence on the excitability of those below.

  13. Feelings aroused and ideas suggested by objects sway us one way and another: emotions complicate the game by their mutual inhibitive effects, the higher abolishing the lower or perhaps being itself swept away.

  14. The mere presence of that marginal intention, without effort, urgency, or emphasis, or any special reinforcement from my attention, suffices to the inhibitive effect.

  15. Since, when a command to do a certain thing is given, we presuppose a corresponding active or inhibitive power of the child, it is plain that obedience must follow the formation of the will and of the mind.

  16. So-called "willfulness" is a will in which the volitional power has not yet been balanced with this inhibitive power.

  17. It is the opinion of the authors that any good excluding paint may be used whether it be inhibitive in action or not, provided the contact coat is inhibitive.

  18. Such pigments are of the inhibitive type, and their action is to check or retard the solution pressure of the iron.

  19. It has proved to be one of the highest type rust inhibitive pigments.

  20. Some of the special tests made included a series of plates prime-coated with different inhibitive pigments, and these tests were designed to determine which pigments offer the best results for such work.

  21. Presence of small quantities of potash may be responsible for the inhibitive nature of this black pigment.

  22. Both charts show the highly inhibitive pigments to be in the lead.

  23. Illustration: Apparatus for Testing the Inhibitive Value of Pigments] =Importance of Field Tests.

  24. It would appear that the inhibitive characteristics of this pigment are pronounced, and it promises to give efficient service for several years more.

  25. By selecting a series of pigments which in the water tests showed inhibitive tendencies, and properly combining these pigments into a paint, it was thought possible that a more or less inhibitive paint would be produced.

  26. In spite of the impurities which it carries, it has shown itself to be one of the most inhibitive pigments known and has demonstrated its value in even small percentages in paints for iron and steel.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inhibitive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    choking; contrary; crosswise; exclusive; forbidding; inhibiting; inhibitive; obstructive; preventive; prohibitive; repressive; restrictive; stifling; strangling; suppressive; troublesome