Governor Van Twiller, as I have already observed, was a man of few words; he was likewise a mortal enemy to multiplying writings--or being disturbed at his breakfast.
My line was forty yards of untwisted silk upon a multiplying reel.
But the press was multiplying the contents of the former in the prose form which they had finally assumed, and in the Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles there already existed admirable specimens of the short prose tale.
So far as I can make out, one object is ridicule of what the zoologists said about the polypus: a reprint in the form of the Transactions was certainly satire on the Society, not on Peter Walter and his knack of multiplying guineas.
Leipzig Acts, professed to build a world resembling the divine mind bymultiplying together 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
It is a miracle of a new order, this multiplying of the loaves.
By the expedient of honorary codicils, the emperors, who were fond of multiplying their favors, might sometimes gratify the vanity, though not the ambition, of impatient courtiers.
I am beginning to be interlaced with multiplying ties of duty and affection, that, while they render my new home happier, forbid me to leave it on a pleasure-seeking expedition.
Meanwhile, to save multiplying letters--which I know you are not fond of--I mention now what will take no harm from being mentioned rather prematurely.
It would be easy, and is perhaps superfluous, to go on multiplying proofs of the belief that sun and moon are, or have been, persons.
Fissiparous, multiplyingby division of one body into two.
But there is all the while a connection of the bark and the wood by delicate cells, rapidly multiplying and growing.
All growth depends upon it; for it has the peculiar power of growing and multiplying and building up a living structure,--the animal no less than the vegetable structure, for it is essentially the same in both.
It is not my purpose here to go on multiplying examples.
This is done by multiplying the number of ems in one line by the total number of lines set, based in ems of the size of type used.
It wandered in the dark, multiplying errors, and starting movements which produced loss and misery for centuries, because it dealt with fantasies, and did not know the truth about men or their position in the world.
In all this they were multiplying ritual means of isolation and of cultivation of their chosen ways of life.
In the Middle Ages the casuists and theologians seemed never to tire of multiplying distinctions and antitheses about sex.
It is complicating the federal and State systems, and multiplying their points of contact and hazards of collision.
Organized efforts for the protection of native plants and birds from further destruction are multiplying in Europe.
But I feel I must not take up your space by multiplying instances, so well known to many who have studied the subject, of the unbearable burden of the decimal plus metrical system compulsorily carried out.
The diameter of the main centre may be found by multiplying 0.
The diameter of the crank pin in inches may be found by multiplying 0.
The diameter of the connecting rod at the ends, may be found by multiplying 0.
The diameter of the cylinder side rods at the ends may be found by multiplying 0.
The side of the beam, supposing it square, was found by multiplying the diameter of the cylinder by the length of the stroke, and extracting the cube root of the quotient, which will be the depth or thickness of the beam.
The diameter of the piston rod may be found by multiplying the diameter of the cylinder in inches, by the square root of the pressure on the piston in lbs.
He appears to have taken considerable interest in multiplying these comparatively minor inventions almost to exhaustion, as it were, of the several subjects to which they apply.
A mask had to be worn, if only to make the head proportionate to the body; and the mask had to contain an arrangement for multiplying the voice, that it might carry to the whole audience.
In a rotating body the sum of the products formed by multiplying the mass of each particle by the square of its distance from an axis.
Does polyandry assist in the multiplying of the human species, the woman having four, or five, or ten, or fifty, or sixty husbands?
Consequently he does not entrust this privilege of multiplying spirits with the terrestrial or telestial, or the lower order of beings there, nor with angels.
Said the Lord: "In blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore: and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.
The Lord instituted marriage--the sacred bond of marriage--for the purpose of multiplying the human species here on the earth.
There are also bacilli that are capable of multiplying in tissues and so irritating them as to cause them to die (necrose) without forming pus.
We drifted past a sail-boat idling with windless sails, its mast trimmed with lanterns, and every light multiplying itself in the quiet water.
I was thoroughly disgusted with myself at finding the loose ends of the Holbrooks' affairs multiplying so rapidly.
The operations of the money-order system are multiplying yearly under the impulse of immigration, of the rapid development of the newer States and Territories, and the consequent demand for additional means of intercommunication and exchange.