She had been prodigal with the morphia the German surgeon had left with her, and still more with that strange, suggestively-named drug, heroine.
I have come to ask you,' she said abruptly, and in English, 'if you will give me a little of your small store of morphia or laudanum?
That was now the sole dilemma which tormented him--as the possible methods of obtaining the drink he craves, or the drug that gives him peace and radiant visions, torment the dipsomaniac or the morphia victim in his guarded prison.
Although the effect of morphiataken hypodermically is more pure, and perhaps more forcible for the time being, its force is expended much more quickly than when taken in the customary way.
Leaving the question of time out, I have known the quantity to range as high as sixty grains sulphate of morphia per diem.
It had not previously been possible for me to use morphia in the usual way.
Knowing, then, that I was simply an opium eater, I purchased my own morphia at the drug-stores, and took it per mouth instead of by a hypodermic syringe.
When stimulated by morphia taken by the hypodermic syringe, unless I would continue reading, with my mind concentrated, I soon got into a state of mental distraction.
His treatment in conjunction with the iron did me good; the morphiakilled the pain, and the iron built me up; one might not have done without the other.
I was taking morphia for the headache, and if the intermission "in this kind" were prolonged beyond a certain time, the result was diarrhoea, and a general confounding of the entire stomachic apparatus.
A reasonable quantity, after six or eight years' steady use, would be from twelve to sixteen grains morphia per twenty-four hours, I judge.
Was not the box tampered with, and was not a pill compounded of this irritant poison substituted for the harmless morphia ones the box previously contained?
What was easier than to substitute a pill of bulbosin for one of the morphia pills which should have been given.
Strychnine and morphia had been injected, cold water poured on his face, all without avail: there was no sign of returning consciousness.
One day I remember his coming to me imploring that I would inject morphia to relieve him of the intense pain from which he was suffering.
When I heard that, I knew at once how the morphia had been administered.
I had known from the first, however, that, if morphiashould turn out to be the drug employed, Carstairs would be the man, because the rascal had it handy.
Now indeed I am mad," he thought, "for the smallest dose of morphia was always enough to give me the horrors.
As a doctor he avoided the use of every kind of drug on principle, and was terrified when he realised how much morphia he had put into the draught.
Forced to come to me one night with an attack of angina pectoris, he was grateful for the ease from suffering that amyl-nitrite, morphia and brandy gave in that exquisitely painful affliction.
Very soon he learnt that wounded men want the doctor, and chiefly as the instrument that brings themmorphia and ease from pain.
Liberal morphia we had to give to compensate for nursing defects.
The orderlies then lifted the German officer tenderly into the ambulance; and the prisoner, now feeling full of the courage that morphia and brandy give, beckoned to me.
And there was Rose, a mere lad, who had also lost a leg from wounds; he lay awake at night, though not in great pain, during the process of breaking him of the morphia habit.
Other women suffered from sleeplessness, or from sleepiness, and took morphia or abstained from morphia with equal inconvenience; other women also grew weary of amusement.
He pulled out of his pocket two little tubes of morphia pills and looked at them reflectively.
If he was not sent with us we could use our morphia tablets to drug our sentries in the train, and taking their rifles bolt for the coast from a favourable place on the railway.
We asked them to help us for the kidnapping stunt by procuring us a map of the south coast, morphia (to drug the Turks with) and an adze to use as a weapon shouldmorphia and sandbags fail.
Morphia and terror burned in her glassy eyes fixed in agony upon the clergyman.
Morphia Lozenges= are made with the same accessories as opium lozenges, substituting morphine for opium; each lozenge contains 1/36 grain of hydrochlorate of morphia (1.
See a case of morphia poisoning by hypodermic injection, and recovery, by Philip E.
All the surgery that I have had or will have is the morphia needle, which, when you are in bad pain, is neither more nor less than heaven.
But I haven't wanted themorphia needle for the last fortnight, and they think I shan't want it again.
The morphia had no effect, and I lay here in a sweat of agony.
The acetate of morphia of commerce is usually in the form of a whitish powder, and is prepared by the mere evaporation of the solution to dryness by a gentle heat.
Mialhe, however, the morphia is more effectually removed by washing the crystals with 1 to 1-1/2 fl.
Boil 1 scruple of ioduretted hydriodate of morphia with 2 fl.
In employing the following method the use of alcohol to extract the morphia is avoided, and meconic acid is separated at an early stage, which prevents the formation of a basic meconate on precipitation of the morphia.
It is usually combined with morphia or opium, and with acetic acid to prevent it passing into the state of the poisonous carbonate in the stomach.
If to a mixture of morphia and oil of vitriol a minute fragment of bichromate of potassium be added, oxide of chromium is set free, and a fine green colour developed.
These depend chiefly on the chemical and physical characters ofmorphia and meconic acid, the tests for which have been already noticed.
The hydrochlorate of morphia of the shops is usually, like the acetate, under the form of a white crystalline powder.
A third of a grain of tartarised antimony, with a few drops of laudanum, or a third of a grain of hydrochlorate of morphia may be given every four hours.
Add morphia in slight excess to very dilute nitric acid, filter, concentrate by gentle evaporation, and set aside that crystals may form.
He was comfortable and hopeful; slept well with morphia 1/3 grain hypodermically.
The treatment consisted in rest, and morphia in the cases of suspected progressive hæmorrhage, or in the presence of great pain.
The patient was brought six miles in a wagon into camp, and slept comfortably with a small morphia injection.
Morphia was injected hypodermically, and other hypnotics employed, but with little effect, the patient developing the hysterical condition so common in the subjects of severe sciatica.
In doubtful cases the use of morphia must be avoided.
I know from my reading that morphia sometimes produces convulsions; but I believe that they would be of an epileptic character.
What would be the effect of morphia given a day or two previously?
He might have despatched him by means that would have defied detection, for Cook was taking morphia medicinally, and a grain or two more would have silently thrown him into an eternal sleep.
From my experience, I think that if morphia had been given a day or two before it would have accelerated the action of the strychnia.
The effect of morphia would be to soothe and to cause slight constipation.
When I saw deceased he objected to take morphia pills, because they had made him ill the night before.
I think that the symptoms from morphia would be longer deferred in making their appearance than from strychnine; but I cannot speak positively on the point.
If congestion of the brain was coming on when morphia was given to Cook on the Sunday and Monday nights, it might have increased rather than allayed it.
I should think morphia not very good treatment, considering the state of excitement he was in.
His lips tightened as he forced themorphia into his blood.
The figure lying near the dressing table with a revolver near it, and a morphia syringe a little distance away, was huddled and motionless.
Very gently they sponged the mouth and nose of the woman and cooled her brow, very gently they administered morphia and sips of brandy, but one by one the doctors, rinsing their hands and lowering their shirt-sleeves, put on their jackets.
These and other considerations led me to look about for a more convenient mode of producing the effects of morphia without its inconveniences or even dangers.
After awhile the seizure passed and he stumbled over to the apothecary’s room, and he began to measure out the old prescription of the morphia and calomel and white sugar.
Now and then, as the effect of the morphia lifted, he would turn his head restlessly and murmur incoherent things, or call for water, and Mackenzie would force a teaspoonful at a time of the cool liquid between the rigid lips.
Mackenzie turned and went back to the morphia scales.
Mackenzie added a fraction ofmorphia to the scales.
Opium was analyzed by Bucholz and Braconnot, but at a period anterior to the knowledge of the alkaline properties of morphia and opian (narcotine).
Morphia is prepared as follows: Opium in powder is to be repeatedly digested with dilute muriatic acid, slightly heated, and sea-salt is to be added, to precipitate the opian.
The morphia meanwhile was entirely decomposed by the vital forces, for none of it could be detected in the blood drawn from the animal at the end of that period.
Acetate of morphia is sometimes prescribed, instead of opium, in medicine.
The muriate of morphia having been squeezed between folds of blotting paper, is to be sprinkled with water, again squeezed, next dissolved in water, and decomposed by water of ammonia.
But so far as may be judged from the most authentic recent trials, morphia in the acetate seems to be little, if any, stronger as a narcotic than the heterogeneous drug from which it has been eliminated.
To the same effect Lassaigne found that a dog lived 12 hours after 36 grains of acetate of morphia in watery solution had been injected into its jugular vein.
His voice trailed off into a drowsy murmur--the morphiahad begun to take effect.
By the time Lorrison had examined the bandages on Pickersdyke's shoulder and administered morphia (without a supply of which he now never moved) the battery arrived, and with it some stretcher-bearers.
However, except that a dozen or so of poor sufferers required morphia to tranquillise them, nothing occurred until the small hours of the morning, when it struck me that some of the infirmiers might be, like myself, inclined to doze.
I give him some morphia to help that consummation, wish him good-night, and leave him.
To some of the greatest sufferers I give morphia in pills, or else introduce it in solution under the skin, by means of a syringe with a sharp perforated needle affixed.
Of course, he will never be quite sane, but he will never be violent so long as morphia and drugs of that sort are kept from him.
She was afraid of Michael, who, when excited with morphia or drink, would snatch up a knife to attempt her life.
Clear, he said, had been most intimate with him, but later on had indulged so much in the morphia habit that their friendship had terminated with high words.
He was a quiet, harmless old gentleman, a trifle weak in the head, which his daughter said came from over-study, but which I discovered afterwards was due to habitual indulgence in morphia and other drugs.