And on the morow being thursdaie, and the eleuenth of Aprill, king Edward quietlie made his entrie into the citie with his power, hauing fiue hundred smokie gunners marching foremost, being strangers, of such as he had brought ouer with him.
On the morow the old duchesse of Burgognie came to hir, accompanied with manie great estates.
On the morow being good fridaie, he tooke aduise with the lords of his bloud, and other of his councell, for such businesse as he had in hand; namelie, how to subdue his enimies as sought his destruction.
Tydyngs, the Erle of Wyrcestyr[85-1] is lyek to dye this day, or to morow at the ferthest.
I have spokyn thys day with Jamys Hubberd and Herry Smyth, and tomorow I shall have an answer of theym.
Thys day my Lord is towardys Walsyngham, and comandyd me to overtake hym to morow at the ferthest.
I my self will departe from hence to morow at night after supper, and will ride in post in the freshe of the night.
To morow morning then (answeared the Traitour) one hower before day, I will let you see the varlet goinge out of her chamber with so great ioy, as I do conceiue heauines and griefe for the simple remembraunce of so greate wickednes.
To morrow is the ioyfull day Audrey, to morow will we be married Aud.
Camps tould me that to morow the king came to dyner, sending hym word he would have my company theare or else he would not come, and soe after to morow we might departe towardes Edo.
Adames went to Cort to get our dispache, and the Councell gave hym order to com to them to morow morning, for that they would talke with hym.
Camps sent me word it was best to vizet the 2 justices at Edo to morow with presentes.
Camps and I apointed to morow to goe to the nobles to take our leave and thank them for our dispach, and soe to dispach our selves out of Edo.
Royall James would goe out to morow morning before day, soe that, yf they would vizet her, it were good they went downe this night.
And soe, towardes night, the Hollanders departed towardes Firando on a sudden, we having formerly agreed to goe togeather to morow morning.
Yt was agreed per us and the Hollanders that to morow morning Capt.
Speck, and the rest; but it seemed they 2 former made light of it, yet answerd they would call a generall councell to morow and speak of that and other matters.
Camps, did envite them selves for to morow to an other Japon play to me, which I could not deny.
Soe they had answer that our dispach was granted, and to morow themperour would send us his present, and then we might departe when we would.
Soe I required a writing at his hand of sending the goshon from Ximina Seak, and therin he promised me to use meanes to retorne it to me, and would goe to morow with me to Nangasaque to performe it.
And thys schold be do as to morow at aftyr non; bot I trow they wole but tak a distres for the servys of the maner, whych is dwe; but I have sent word to Rysyng and to the tenauntis that they schold dryve a wey ther catell.
Wreten at Leynn, themorow after my departyng from you.
Quhen that the son on morow raiss wp rycht, Befor the chyftanys semblyt thai full rycht; And mendis thocht off the toun thai suld tak, For all the fens that the Sotheroun mycht mak.
When the most parte of the day thei had spoyled and brynt, towardis the nyeht thei returned to Leyth, and upoun the morow returned to Edinburgh, and executed the rest of Goddis judgementis for that tyme.
He delayed no tyme, bot evin upoun the morow gave significatioun that he wold preache.
But by the morow at this time, we shal learn how the matter goeth.
And is not then my breeches sewid up, to morow that I shuld were?
On the morow after, the bedyll of the company was sent about to serche amonge the goldesmythes, if any suche came to be sold.
After supper the kyng called them all before hym, and gaue them in commaundement that neither lord, knyght, nor gentilman, should on the morow come into the courte wythout a new brome in his hande.
Well (quoth the kyng), loke that you bryng to morow early to the court gate as many bromes as you and your asse can carye, and see that you sell them well.
And upon councell of frendes, haveing remeander of things bought for inviting the 2 kinges, I invited to dyner to morow 9 cavaleros, viz.
So at his retorne we thought to have provided hym an English ging to row hym abord; but the tide was past, that they could not, and so it rested till the morow mornyng.
We went this mornyng to Miaco, to dispache our busynes; and, at our arivall theare, heard the King of Firando was ready to departe to morow towardes his cuntrey.
The Hollandes generall sent me a Hollandes cheese per Albartus, puting me and rest in mynd to com to morow to dyner.
He said the Kyng (or Tono) of Xaxma retorned for his cuntrey yisterday, and to morow the Tonos of Umbra and Goto have lycense to departe.
I wrot Mr. Wickham to meet me at Croby Donos at supper at Osakay, and to morow to goe together to Sakay.
We waid ancor and put to sea with wynd provinge varible, and arived at Firando the morow mornynge at son rising, haveing made 55 leagues per day and night followinge.
Item, to morow ar the nexst day ze schall have a noder letter, for be that tyme we schall know mor than we do now.
De Gramont has observed that the strict laws of the ballade belong more to the prosodists who studied the form after it had ceased to be in current use, and that the writers of the ballade themselves frequently took great liberty.
The king aduertised hereof, sent them word, that except they would surrender the towne to him the morow next insuing, without anie condition, they should spend no more time in talke about the matter.
This doone, the morow after Trinitie sundaie, being the third of Iune, the mariage was solemnized and fullie consummate betwixt the king of England, and the said ladie Katharine.
On the sam wys, at morow ful ayrly, Eneas hastis vp, and mycht nocht ly.
Ene, at morow rakand throu the schaw, Met with hys modir into habit onknaw.
Cummyn be thys was the desyryt day: 5 The nynte morow vpspryngis fresch and gay, And Pheyton gan hys faderis chayr furth dryve.
The morow after, being the daie appointed for the combat, about the spring of the daie, came the duke of Norfolke to the court to take leaue likewise of the king.
On the morow after, they caused his dead corps to be drawne about the towne, to the end it might appeare he had suffered worthilie for his great falshood & treason.
An interesting view regarding John Morow will be found in A Mediæval Architect, by Mr. P.
On mondaie then next insuing, when the states were assembled in parlement, order was taken, that by reason of such preparation as was to be made for the coronation, they should sit no more till the morow after saint Edwards daie.
The morow after the feast of saint Michaell, a parlement began at Westminster, which continued the space of seauen weekes, in the same was a tenth and a halfe granted by the cleargie, and a fiftéenth by the communaltie.
For thogh I hadde yow to-morow ageyn, I might as wel holde Averill fro reyn, As holde yow, to make yow stedfast.
On the morow after, the king of Almaine receiued the oth in the presence of Richard earle of Glocester and others, within the chapter house of Canturburie.
This yeare also about the same time, to wit, the morow after S.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "morow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.