Powder; dose, thirty to sixty grains can be put in hot water and drank.
A wash of hot water can be used to cleanse the eye or ten to sixty grains (one teaspoonful) of boric acid to an ounce of water can be used as a wash also.
Dose of powder, thirty to sixty grains in hot water.
Ammoniated mercury, in the form of an ointment, ten to sixty grains to the ounce.
Ammoniated mercury is applied in ointment form, twenty to sixty grains to the ounce.
Naphthol and resorcin are applied as ointments, thirty to sixty grains to the ounce, and as they are (especially the former) practically free from staining, may be used for exposed surfaces.
Chrysarobin is applied in several ways: as an ointment, twenty to sixty grains to the ounce, rubbed in once or twice daily; this is the most rapid but least cleanly and eligible method.
Locally, a strong solution of silver nitrate (sixty grains to the ounce) should be so applied as to cover a margin of unaffected structures.
Murchison has known so large a quantity as sixty grains to be given in three days with impunity.
Take podophyllin, sixty grains; leptandrin and sanguinaria, ipecac and pure cayenne, each thirty grains.
Take sulphate of zinc, sixty grains; rhubarb and ipecac, each thirty grains; cayenne, sixty grains.
The dried petals, if powdered, and kept in a stoppered bottle, are of service against heartburn and flatulence, being given in a dose of from twenty to sixty grains.
The Larch Agaric is powdered, and given in Germany as a purgative, its dose being from twenty to sixty grains.
The infusion of the root should be given, or the powdered root in doses of from ten to sixty grains.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sixty grains" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.