Incapacity of melioration is the only mortal distemper.
Although an increase of numbers does not necessarily infer an increase of high civilization, it reasonably leads to the expectation of great melioration in the commoner comforts.
That day, at dinner, I discovered that Grace's winter in town had led to a sensible melioration of the domestic economy; most especially as related to the table.
I will not yield to these false pretences of humanity and meliorationwhich will only deprive us of privateers, and leave our commerce exposed to your immense navies.
And no trace of any repugnance or resistance on the part of our Government to aid and co-operate in that general melioration in the laws of war, in respect to property on the ocean, can be charged or proved.
He demanded seven hundred pounds for the ground, and to be excused paying anything for the melioration of the rest of his ground that he was to keep.
In this case, also, the air has never failed to be restored; but then it might be suspected that the melioration was produced by the addition of some more wholesome ingredient.
But if this plan is intended to facilitate the emancipation of those who are held in slavery in the South, and the melioration of their condition, by sending them to Liberia; we question very much whether it is calculated to do either.
By parliamentary enactments, by colonial arrangements, by appeals to the judgment and feelings of planters, and by various other means, a certain degree of melioration may be secured.
Population does not increase, and the thinly-scattered inhabitants are too much absorbed in the cares of self-defence even to attempt any melioration of their condition.
In the one, melioration and progress are the general topics of inquiry; in the other, it seems as if the community only aspired to repose in the enjoyment of the advantages which it has acquired.
The present constitution of the Union was formed at a later period than those of the majority of the states, and it may have derived some melioration from past experience.
In America socialMelioration is conducted more energetically, but less perseveringly than in Europe.
This spirit of melioration is constantly alive in the American republics, without compromising their tranquillity; the ambition of power yields to the less refined and less dangerous love of comfort.
As the two great causes of the melioration in the lot of the slaves since the establishment of our Independence, I should set down: 1.
Influenced by a conviction of this truth, our attention has been directed to a gradual melioration of their condition, and to the adoption of such measures as will conduce to their elevation to a higher rank in society.
He demanded L700 for the ground, and to be excused paying any thing for the melioration of the rest of his ground that he was to keep.
All is quiet in Holland and Belgium; and all is awaiting the melioration which time and wisdom must bring.
And every where her influence is felt, in the melioration of the public mind, as in the limited circle at the home fire-side.
On that day ministers communicated their plans for the melioration of Irish suffering.
But a memorable melioration of the state of man will carry some degree of conviction to the hearts of all.
Numa did much for the domestic melioration of his people: He subdivided them into classes, impressed their minds with reverence for religion, and encouraged agriculture; but there was no germ of literature which he could foster.
Yet do not all these chemical properties seem to account for the great uses of lime in almost all soils and situations, as it contributes so much to the melioration of the crops, as well as to their increase in quantity.
The melioration of grief by time, and its being at length even attended with pleasure, depends on our retaining a distinct idea of the lost object, and forgetting for a time the idea of the loss of it.