France has always stood in a foremost position in respect to bibliography, and she alone has a national work on her literature, which stands in the very first rank--this is due to the enthusiastic bibliographer Querard.
Moreover, the popular feeling is somewhat adverse to universal bibliographies, and it is thought that the literature of his own country is sufficiently large a subject for the bibliographer to devote his time to.
The celebrated bibliographer Barbier drew up, according to the Emperor's orders, a detailed catalogue of the works which should form such a library.
As helps the bibliographer has, in the first place, such a classification of the two or three thousand fifteenth century types as he is able to carry in his head.
Its editor was a highly accomplished bibliographer and book-merchant, born in Vermont, but during the last forty years of his life resided in London, where he devoted himself to his profession with great learning and assiduity.
Your bibliographer will doubtless wish to note these errata.
The other works of this eminent bibliographer will be found described in Petzholdt; see his Index.
For other works by this eminent bibliographer see Catalogue of the Astor Library, also Petzholdt's Bibliotheca Bibliographica.
The bibliographer should omit no opportunity of possessing them.
It will be noted that the bibliographer has broken his traces, forsaken his accustomed field and intruded, in some measure, upon the province of the critic.
The duties of the bibliographer are more or less mechanical.
When George Daniel, a critic and bibliographer of exceptional abilities, began to collect, he soon made Shakespeare, as well as the earlier English poets, objects of solicitude.
Many other students of history or of the sciences auxiliary to history are deserving of recognition, and at least one of them demands mention, Nicolás Antonio, the greatest bibliographer of his time.
The zealous bibliographer blesses them both, and prays for the music of the hammer.
Peignot shows his competence as a bibliographer in various ways.
Labbe is a good bibliographer because he cites pertinent references to non-bibliographical books.
This recital seems to leave little to be said in Stein's favor, but no bibliographer who has made a serious effort to write a useful book has ever failed to be helpful.
There is even a reference to a bibliographer of books of anagrams.
No one thinks of naming a bibliographer like Cicero, Suetonius, or St. Jerome in the company of Petzholdt and Brunet.
Although Power intended only to offer a brief selective list of books useful to a bibliographer or bibliophile, Sabin rejected it and wrote a much larger list.
Gabriel Peignot cites no bibliographer from classical times and names only such older writers of the Renaissance as have not been superseded by more recent authorities.
One can grant that the proper form of entry for Icelandic names is difficult for foreigners, but a bibliographer must learn it or at least adopt a consistent rule of his own making.
This error shows the dangers that a bibliographer runs in classifying books without examining them.
The bibliographer who is aware of it and omits it merely because it is a journal article is guilty of a serious fault.
A bibliographer must be a practical man who sees how his book will be used.
In plan and arrangement it surpasses, for example, such a modern work of similar size and purpose as A Bibliography of Bibliographies that the famous bibliographer Joseph Sabin published in 1877.
England’s Helicon, by far the most important, has been reprinted in the same volume of the British Bibliographer as the Paradise of Dainty Devices.
The same bibliographer describes in the Weimar edition eighty-four original editions and 253 reprints as having appeared during Luther’s lifetime.
These general heads are sufficient to satisfy the bibliographer that, with such an indefatigable collector as was Mr. West, the greater part of the theological books must have been extremely rare and curious.
I entreat the diligent bibliographerto examine the first 8 articles of page 209 of the catalogue.
The following prices, for some of the more rare and interesting articles, will amuse a bibliographer of the present day.
You must now accompany the bibliographer to the monastery.
It was about half past nine only, but that philosophical bibliographer was about retiring to rest.
If there be ONE book, more than another, which should induce an ardent bibliographer to make a pilgrimage to Vienna, THIS is assuredly the volume in question!
In this critical age when the methods of modern science are applied to books, it behoves the bibliographer to be careful, thorough, and precise.
Some of the byways included in these headings of Travel and Foreign Countries are of considerable interest for the bibliographer no less than for the traveller.
There is no denying that the fascination of these curious volumes, often (as in Fuch's magnificent tome) containing woodcuts that are a sheer delight to the bibliographer no less than to the botanist, is a strong one.
The bibliographer has thus to deal with an additional element of confusion.
To consider these editions in detail is a task for the bibliographer rather than the botanist, and it will not be attempted here.
Meyer, the chief bibliographer of the Library of Congress, has been furnished through the courtesy of the United States Bureau of Education.
The incident would have passed from memory had it not been for one of those accidents to which even the amateur bibliographer is liable.
An edition not mentioned by Hippe or identified by any bibliographeris in the John Carter Brown Library, and opens with the statement that it is translated from the English and not from the Dutch.
It always does the heart of a bibliographer good to gaze upon a fine copy of this resplendent volume.
That wary Bibliographer only replied, "I do not think it is.
Although sold as a printed book, the Psalter was the joint work of the printer and the illuminator, and the features which the modern bibliographer most admires are those made by the illuminator.
It is claimed by one bibliographer that there are eight editions of the Ars Moriendi; by others, that there are six editions each of the Bible of the Poor and of the Apocalypse, and four of the Mirror of Man’s Redemption.
The hoarse and voluminous Codrus of Juvenal aptly designates this eternal verse-maker;--one who has written with such constant copiousness, that no bibliographer has presumed to form a complete list of his works.
The German bibliographer had never seen the book, but took its character from Stubbe and Meric Casaubon.
Among the owners of the volume containing these early imprints was the bibliographer Charles R.
And thereupon thebibliographer fell silent, all at once.
The bibliographer was a level-headed person, by no means given to flights of imagination.
That name had been proved by the bibliographer to be the invention of some pedantic monk who liked to display his learning to a generation avid of antiquities, a generation which insisted on attaching a Roman deity to every cavern.
The bibliographer said: "I understand Mr. van Koppen is quite an authority on girls.
The bibliographer had fallen in love, after the fashion of a pure-minded, gallant gentleman.