There is one significant fact which bothlibrarians and teachers have observed.
Insist that librarians get a copy of this book, and other anti-evolution books, especially those mentioned herein; also other good books.
Librarians of all ranks are indebted to the American Government for the generosity with which they distributed it freely to applicants.
Upon considering requests for a new edition, I concluded that a book upon somewhat different lines would be more likely to meet the present requirements of librarians and library assistants--this volume is the result.
Mr. Wheatley's experience is not that of public librarians generally, as not one person in a thousand does take this trouble.
With the object of saving expense in the printing of new editions of catalogues, some librarians are trying the experiment of keeping the type standing and paying a small rental.
Librarians and their assistants, too, get accustomed to a particular method, and after several years of working find it difficult to make a change to another without it affecting their work, often unconsciously.
They should get into correspondence with the librarians of other schools, learning from them what books are popular and helpful.
Some librarians mark one catalogue for each class, indicating the books especially pleasing to scholars of the average age of the class, so that the teacher may guide their selection.
The library of the entertaining school should be open for visiting librarians to examine books and methods.
We have our school teachers and librarians and social missionaries, whose zest for their work should shame us out of counting the cost of our human fishery.
It is therefore obvious that there is no 'cleavage' between librarians and the Board of Education; and an incorrect statement to that effect would give a wrong and damaging impression of the facts.
A correspondent writes of a report in our first issue: "On page 109 you state that our forty-second annual meeting marked 'a definite cleavage between librarians and the Board of Education' with respect to future library policy.
Library boards frequently grant leave of absence to librarians and assistants so that they may attend this school.
The better paid positions have salaries of eight or nine hundred up to twelve, thirteen or fourteen hundred for women librarians in charge of branch libraries, heads of important departments, and chief librarians.
Librarians in such positions are on their own responsibility and sometimes do important reference and bibliographical work.
Other openings for librarians are in scientific schools, medical schools, and in some law firms and business houses where the keeping and filing of documents are of special importance.
With these qualifications, the history of votive offerings tends to confirm the statement that the earliest public or tribal libraries were religious and the correspondinglibrarians the priests.
The methods used by these priest librarians for keeping and using the books form in themselves an interesting and little studied subject of very considerable extent.
These specifications may be used by all librarians in selecting cloth for ordinary library binding.
Some librarians find this plan quite satisfactory.
The decay of leather, a subject which has attracted a great deal of attention and interest among librarians and collectors.
The best thing for librarians ever published on leather.
Librarians do not pay sufficient attention to book surgery.
Posterity are also particularly indebted to the pens of these book conservators of the middle ages; for some of the best chroniclers and writers of those times were humble librarians to some religious house.
As may be supposed, the monkish librarians often became great bibliophiles, for being in constant communication with choice manuscripts, they soon acquired a great mania for them.
It tries to open up the subject of library management for the small library, and to show how large it is and how much librarianshave yet to learn and to do.
The Decimal system is used by a large number of libraries in this country, and has gained recognition and has been put to use by some librarians and men of science in Europe.
The prevailing tendency among librarians is to share ideas, to give to one another the benefit of all their suggestions and experiences.
The older librarians of the present day, and the librarians of the great libraries of our cities, are also very commonly men of letters, men of learning, men who admire the student spirit and know how to appreciate it.
Why these librarians don't supply the Police gazette it is difficult to understand.
I have been impressed with the fact thatlibrarians seem to think that they must or ought to know everything, and get to think they do know.
Librarians and others who want full information about the distribution, present methods of issue, etc.
At this gathering of the prominent librarians of the country, the discussion of methods brought out the lack of unanimity in, and the need of coöperation for, a uniform system in the various branches of library work.
It is seen that the best librarians are trained as well as born; hence the library school.
In selecting fiction, get from the older librarians a statement of what are the most popular of the wholesome novels found on their shelves.
It is commonly kept on sheets, but many librarians believe it best kept on cards; a card for each different book.
Book selection makes the greatest demand on the knowledge and administrative judgment of librarians and is the question that produces the most friction between librarians and library committees.
The experience of recent years with the leathers used in book binding has led librarians to a wider use of book cloths of various kinds.
The attitude of some English newspaper publishers towards news of the turf is instructive to American librarians who have read of the "blocking out" of sporting tips deemed necessary in some English libraries.
Book-plates= are thought of by many librariansas being unworthy of their serious attention, but a mere glance at the article by Egerton Castle should convince the uninitiated as to the value of at least a rudimentary knowledge of the subject.
In scientific classes some librarians prefer the chronological arrangement.
Twenty-five out of the fifty-two libraries heard from were in charge of librarians who had some library experience or training.
It was planned as a guide for book buyers as well as for readers and as a manual for librariansin the matter of book selection.
Even those librarians who think that they know something about buying books, can with decided advantage read the article on Bookselling.
President Eliot once confessed to a body of librarians that although he might claim to be as intelligent as the ordinary frequenter of a library, he did not know enough to use a card catalog.
Meanwhile, they have agreed, as long as I live, to stay wi' me here in this cottage, as my librarians and assistants in the matter of Theology.
He afterwards became Sir Richard Garnett and was promoted to be Keeper of Printed Books, perhaps the highest position among the librarians of the world, a post to which he did honour.
The librarians have been Miss Mary Parkhurst and Miss Mabel Alexander.
Miss Ida Dodd and Miss Cornelia Shelley served aslibrarians for some years.
A few of the librarians have been the following named persons: Mrs. Kabasa, Neibert and Stolba, Frank Kurka.
In default the respective librarians may recover from the publisher:[293] i.
The officer at Stationers' Hall and librarians of the several libraries are required to give a receipt in writing when a copy of a book is delivered to them.
He was one of thelibrarians of the Astor Library when I first met him, but very soon went to where he naturally belonged--the daily press.
Librarians should have the discretion to decide that the library is committed to intellectual inquiry, not to the satisfaction of the full range of human desires.
There may be schools fortunate in possessing librarians who devote themselves to the selection of books, as well as to the care of them; and in such schools the library committees will find their labors lessened.
It is very desirable that the business should be so arranged as to allow the librarians to take part in the opening devotional service with the school, and not to be at work arranging books while others are at prayer.
There is much useful information in the report that all bookbinders and librarians should read.
As long as librarians expect the appearance of a guinea binding for two or three shillings, such shams will be produced.
The Society of Arts Committee report that the bookbinders must share with the leather manufacturers and librarians the blame for the premature decay of modern bindings, because-- "1.
Nearly all librarians complain, that they have to be continually rebinding books, and this not after four hundred, but after only five or ten years.
It would add immensely to the life of old leather bindings if librarians would have them treated, say once a year, with some preservative.
The report shows that bookbinders and librarians are not, as a general rule, qualified to select leather for bookbinding.
Librarians are also very shrewd and careful buyers, and much work in the way of pricing of lists, answering inquiries, etc.
The librarian of a small library can ascertain much personally; but both librariansare largely dependent upon expert opinion in their final selections.
If they do not care to do this themselves, librarians or members of library school faculties might be found in the vicinity who would be glad to do it.
Many librarians have refused to buy the India paper edition, and it is evident that if all librarians would refuse to get it, the publishers would realize that the demands of librarians in this respect should be heeded.
Large book jobbers tell us that millions and millions of poor juveniles are sold in America to thousands of the sort we librarians recommend.
Will librarians and boards who have recently acquired new buildings bear our needs in mind?
As an example of skillful motivation in teaching may I describe a case which is also an object-lesson to librarians in correlating people and books?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "librarians" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.