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Example sentences for "bookmaker"

Lexicographically close words:
bookkeepers; bookkeeping; bookless; booklet; booklets; bookmakers; bookmaking; bookman; bookmark; bookmen
  1. Medenham had secured twenty-five to one, and the bookmaker who paid him added the genial advice: "Put that little lot where the flies can't get at it.

  2. But that was an afterthought, and the bet was made with another bookmaker at reduced odds.

  3. She is not a bookmaker of the worst kind; she evidently had wits and literary velleities; and she does illustrate the blind nisus of the time as already indicated.

  4. He was very popular, and, careless bookmaker as he was in a very critical time, his popularity scarcely failed him till his horrible death.

  5. Something like this is the case with another bookmaker of the class, Du Souhait.

  6. When a bookmaker backs a horse in the course of his regular business, it is because he has laid too much against him, and finds it convenient to share the danger with other bookmakers.

  7. What was more natural than that he should send to the bookmaker whose orders he had been following for a long time for assistance?

  8. The bookmaker had belonged to the party that gave the laugh to the shabby man when he asked for the $30.

  9. The bookmaker saw in that instant that he was ditched.

  10. My friend says in his letter that a big bookmaker declined to take a dollar bet from one of the wise rail birds on Covington, Ky.

  11. The bookmaker knew him well, knew of his taste for rum, and knew also that few of Red's rare dollars ever found their way to the humble shack of the man's infirm old Irish mother.

  12. It was a poor jock at the Gut who didn't have a bookmaker on his staff, and Kelley wasn't a poor jock by fifty good pounds under the saddle.

  13. Donnelly needed a bundle of cigarettes and a few drinks pretty badly, but he was game when it came to sticking to his good things, and he slapped his twenty nickels down on Hush with a bookmaker he knew.

  14. Underneath these a bookmaker had a small table, and carried on his trade.

  15. I need not say that you had better disguise your writing, both on the envelope and on the inside, and it is best that you should get your notes from some bookmaker on a race-course.

  16. And the bookmaker simply sat calm and earnest with his eye-glass in his eye, and never did more than gently smile.

  17. Even hundred nobody names it," yelled a bookmaker in the ring.

  18. The bookmaker was Nicholas Gerard, always called Nick by everybody.

  19. As an historian the bookmaker was original.

  20. The bookmaker had scarcely gone when I heard a step behind me, and I turned and saw Justine Caron standing timidly at the door, her eyes upon the sleeper.

  21. The comparison between the mountains of Egypt and a race-course might seem most absurd, if one did not remember that the bookmaker had his own standards, and that he thought he was paying unusual honour to the land of the Fellah.

  22. Clovelly plaintively said, as he drank his hock and seltzer, that the bookmaker was hourly saving his life; and Colonel Ryder admitted at last that Kentucky never produced anything quite like him.

  23. The bookmaker was engaged in telling tales of the turf, alternated with comic songs by Blackburn--an occupation which lasted throughout the voyage, and was associated with electric appeals to the steward to fill the flowing bowl.

  24. The bookmaker had introduced us all with a naivete that, I am sure, amused the governor, as it certainly did his aide-de-camp.

  25. So impressed was the bookmaker with the hospitable reception the governor had given us, that he offered him his cigar-case with its contents, said he hoped they would meet again, and asked his excellency if he thought of coming to Australia.

  26. Thereupon the bookmaker insisted on the aide-de-camp accepting the cigar-case, and gave him his visiting-card.

  27. Many of the ladies had spoken of the bookmaker as one of the best-mannered men on board.

  28. If you don't know it, and your bookmaker will only bet through Raffles, you are in a hole--a marvellously deep one.

  29. That is just it, Jack--the bookmaker wouldn't take a bet from me.

  30. A bookmaker (one of the kind that talent wins with instead of losing) sat in the audience, asleep, dreaming of an impossible pick-up among the amateurs.

  31. The regimental races had recently been held; a bookmaker had appeared upon the scene--Mr. Johns.

  32. About the stall of the one lone bookmaker a small crowd, made up altogether of men, eddied and swirled.

  33. The little betting ring was empty almost and the lone bookmaker was turning his blackboard down.

  34. That there Yankee bookmaker gen'leman he's into it too," added Jeff.

  35. Going up to a ready-money bookmaker whom he remembered as a good man, Jack took twenty to one to twenty-five pounds.

  36. The question was asked by Shine McManus, a professional clocker employed by a bookmaker to time the various workouts and make a report on them at noon.

  37. They asked him if Jeremiah was likely to bleed and he told them that a bookmaker who wouldn't take a bet when it was shoved under his nose ought to be run off the track.

  38. This bookmaker was an immensely fat gentleman with purplish jowls and piggy eyes which narrowed to slits as they rested upon the corpulent roll of bills which Old Man Curry was holding up to him.

  39. The third bookmaker forestalled all argument by wiping out the prophet's price entirely, while the crowd jeered.

  40. I guess Old Man Curry is the only owner here who ain't doin' business with some bookmaker or other.

  41. On get-away day the bookmaker wears deep creases in his brow, for few horses are "laid up" with him, and he wonders which dead one will come to life.

  42. Old Man Curry clinched this general opinion by entering into no entangling alliances with brother owners, and the bookmaker did not live who could call him friend.

  43. Every bookmaker was glad to oblige him; most of them thanked him for the ten-dollar bills.

  44. For this reason the odds are all in favor of the bookmaker and if he understands his business he is certain to make money.

  45. The man who bets has one horse running for him--the bookmaker has the rest.

  46. To obviate this difficulty the professional bookmaker arose.

  47. It is the bookmaker who regulates the odds, and this he does, sometimes by anticipating, sometimes by noting, the desire of backers to support certain animals.

  48. Such things as stable secrets can scarcely be said to exist at the present time; the bookmaker is usually as well able as any one else to estimate the chances of the various horses engaged in races.

  49. Still the determination to achieve the object without help, if help could not be obtained--to achieve it by becoming some sorry bookmaker or a pioneer in that mine of truth which Anaxagoras said lay so deep.

  50. The bookmaker passed across the hall, joined on his way by the manager whose duty it was to counterlock the safe, and disappeared along one of the passages.

  51. It was the bookmaker who strode tempestuously in among them, flourishing before their faces a replica of the card that was in Mr Carlyle's hand.

  52. The bookmaker was shaking his head like a baffled bull.

  53. He is a bookmaker in a large way, I am told.

  54. Fifty yards away, a very large silk hat with a very curly brim marked the progress of the bookmaker towards Piccadilly.

  55. At this point the police proposed to call a witness, James Terry by name and a bookmaker by profession, who had been chiefly instrumental in identifying the deceased, a 'pal' of his.

  56. A pleasant thing for me to have all my friends talking about Charles Daffy, the bookmaker and the moneylender!

  57. It matters nothing whether you keep the rules of the blackguard game, or whether you cheat; the difference between bookmaker and blackleg is so small that it isn't worth talking about.

  58. The bookmaker would have none of him until the Viscount protested, with many oaths, that if he lost he would not only pay that particular bet, but all else he owed.

  59. That bookmaker had a most aggressive memory, and he had been drinking.

  60. Then and there, in the presence of quite a number of persons, that bookmaker gave utterance to his loud-voiced opinion of the man who had made that bet with him more than fifteen years before.

  61. Whereupon the bookmaker took an early opportunity to inform him that wherever and whenever he met him he would favour him with his candid opinion of his character.

  62. However, when the bookmaker "took the knock", as he invariably did at least twice a year, it was his pleasing custom to move without giving notice.

  63. We knew a man once who was a bookmaker by trade--and a Leger bookmaker at that--but had a passion for horses and flowers.

  64. After that she went to hops at the hotel, and as the bookmaker did not dance, the two young people sat upon the piazza.

  65. Then Ashton came to see her at her own house, but when her father learned that the young man who had been calling upon her was a bookmaker he told him he could not associate with his daughter.

  66. For an instant the face of the bookmaker grew a shade less red and his eyes searched those of Ford in a quick agony of suspicion.

  67. He believed if he could persuade Ashton he was more of a rascal than Ashton himself, and an exceedingly stupid rascal, any distrust the bookmaker might feel toward him would disappear.

  68. Let's say that a certain prominent bookmaker had been suspected of planning to put a fix on a certain important horse race, but of course nothing could be proved.

  69. On the other hand I could see in Gimpy's mind the simple logic that told him that as a bookmaker I'd be disinclined to lend him money which he'd use to place with me against a sure-thing long shot.

  70. He related how he had traced the stolen note, how he had discovered it, how he had brought the bookmaker down, and how, without guidance from him, Farrell had gone into the bank and identified Mortimer as the man who had betted the money.

  71. He didn't know of the compact between Langdon and the Bookmaker Faust, but he strongly suspected from the Trainer's demeanor that the gallop he was witnessing foretold some big coup the latter scented.

  72. He must have lost it to some bookmaker over The Dutchman.

  73. Then aloud he repeated the question, touching the bookmaker on the elbow.

  74. The bet was made in your name I entered it at the time in my book, and the bookmaker is ready to pay the money over.

  75. Bookmaker exclaimed when Crane entered, "you want that badge number.

  76. As far as Crane was concerned, the Trainer and the Bookmaker were like two burglars suddenly coming upon each other while robbing the same house; they were somewhat in a condition of armed neutrality, toward each other.

  77. When the Bookmaker needed financial assistance he got it from the Banker; when Crane needed a missionary among the other bookmakers, Faust acted for him.

  78. It was the bookmaker who strode tempestuously in among them, flourishing before their faces a replica of the card that was in Mr. Carlyle's hand.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bookmaker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bibliographer; bibliophile; bookmaker; bookseller; bookworm; curator; editor; librarian; maker; printer; publisher