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Example sentences for "goe"

Lexicographically close words:
godsend; godship; godson; godwit; godys; goed; goede; goeing; goen; goer
  1. My soule doth say that wee must goe before, Narcisse will overtake vs at the shore; And that that mockt vs both, deformed dwarfe, Will er't bee long arive at Charons wharfe.

  2. Come, come, daunce vs a morrice, or els goe sell fishe; I warrant youle make as good a night of it heere as if you had beene at all the houses in the towne.

  3. Say: they are at doore, to sing they beginne, Goe to then, Ile goe & lett them in!

  4. Heers then a full carowse, Let it goe about the house, While wee doe carrye it thus 'Tis noe great labour.

  5. Letts goe & dye, sweet Cloris, For poets of our loves shall write the stories.

  6. He shall goe without hir, and he were my brother.

  7. I must ere I drinke by your leaue, goe in all hast, To a place or two, with earnest letters of his.

  8. Well nowe goe ye in, and make your selfe some good cheere.

  9. Where is the house I goe to, before or behinde?

  10. Now wyll I goe knocke that I may dispatche with speede, But loe forth commeth hir selfe happily in deede.

  11. P}age, pray goe in to dinner, Another time {I}le tell you all.

  12. I will goe make an end of my dinner, There is pepions and cheese behinde.

  13. Come along I pray, you shal know the cause, How now whither goe you?

  14. Iohn Rugbie goe looke met your eies ore de stall, And spie and you can see de parson.

  15. Come goe with me into my chamber, Ile heare thee.

  16. I you be Iohn Rugbie, and you be Iack Rugby Goe run vp met your heeles, and bring away De oyntment in the vindoe present: Make haste Iohn Rugbie.

  17. Come goe with me sir Iohn, Ile helpe to dresse you.

  18. Nay be God misteris Anne, you shall goe first, I haue more manners then so, I hope.

  19. C] I'll bate thee one: goe winck, and fight: for shame.

  20. Well, goe thy waies, of all the lusty lovers That e're I saw--wilt have another potion?

  21. You shall not If I have any art: goe up sweet Lady, And trust my truth.

  22. Be rul'd yet, I'le beat thee on; goe wink and fight: a plague upon your sheeps heart.

  23. Marry, for that shee's in a wrong beleefe, I goe to certifie her Talbot's here.

  24. Talbot farwell, thy houre is not yet come, I must goe Victuall Orleance forthwith: A short Alarum: then enter the Towne with Souldiers.

  25. Enter, goe in, the Market Bell is rung Pucell.

  26. Then let me goe and neuer say farewell, Let me goe, farewell, I must from hence.

  27. That I might liue to see this boy a man, How pretilie he laughs, goe ye wagge, Youle be a twigger when you come to age.

  28. How can ye goe when he hath all your fleete?

  29. I goe to feed the humour of my Loue, Yet not from Carthage for a thousand worlds.

  30. If that be all, then cheare thy drooping lookes, For I will furnish thee with such supplies: Let some of those thy followers goe with me, And they shall haue what thing so ere thou needst.

  31. But tell them none shall gaze on him but I, Lest their grosse eye-beames taint my louers cheekes: Anna, good sister Anna goe for him, Lest with these sweete thoughts I melt cleane away.

  32. Thinkes Dido I will goe and leaue him here?

  33. Yea they be more than so too: for by the common prouerbe, a woman will weepe for pitie to see a gosling goe barefoote.

  34. But because writing is no more then the image or character of speech, they shall goe together in these our observations.

  35. And tell him that: goe to, I say no more.

  36. I think it is because he would goe for Bantam in the Hozeander, which I am well contented of.

  37. And after came an other hu and cry (as the proverb is) that the justice would not let Yasimon Dono goe on the voyag, except I delivered the 140 piculls wood into his handes till the matter was ended per justice.

  38. Adames feared his arme would goe out of joynt againe, he thought it best to stay 4 or 5 daies at Shrongo, and we to goe before.

  39. And he retorned me answer that I did offer well, and cowncelled me to goe to the king.

  40. And, although the other bongew used Mr. Eaton kindlie at first, and let Mr. Nealson goe and vizet hym, yet after he restrayned hym and would not let hym speake with hym in 2 daies.

  41. The Hollanders came all 3 this day to vizet me; and, as it seemed to me by their speeches, they goe not away with much content, as not haveing their privelegese enlarged.

  42. I let hym goe free upon his promis to looke out for the partie which sould it.

  43. At this place we understood the Corean embassadors departed from hence yesterday in the mornyng with 450 men in their company, Coreans, 3 of them being princepall, and all goe in like authoretie.

  44. I asked hym then by what authorety Gorezano was suffered to buy and to goe up and downe in the shipps with greate bagges of money, to buy and doe what hee list; which speech put hym to a non plus that he knew not what to say.

  45. Sometime these fires goe alone in the night season, and put such as sée them, as they trauell by night, in great feare.

  46. And he saide, I will goe out and be a false spirite in the mouth of all his Prophets.

  47. But it was not =Dauids= meaning that hee should goe into a place where he should bee depriued of the sight of God for euer.

  48. Wherefore there is no cause, why the Papistes at this day, shoulde so insolently glorie of the like myracles, by the which they goe about to proue their intercession of Saints, and such lyke trumperie.

  49. Baall=, who all with one voyce, exhorted him to goe on with his enterprise, assuring him of most certaine victorie.

  50. The Image made him answere that she would goe with him.

  51. But when I write in Des: I litle thought to have seen M^r.

  52. For y^e Indeans used then to have nothing [63] so much corne as they have since y^e English have stored them with their hows, and seene their industrie in breaking up new grounds therwith.

  53. To this was answered, he did them manifest wrong, for they turned none into their perticuler; it was their owne importunitie and ernest desire that moved them, yea, constrained them to doe it.

  54. What they had sente was to them all, and to them selves as well as M^r.

  55. Showing how they sought out a place of habitation, and what befell them theraboute.

  56. But this which follows was ther received; both which I thought pertenent to recite.

  57. He had a continuall inwarde ague, but free from infection, so y^t all his freinds came freely to him.

  58. And once they stoale away their tools wher they had been at worke, & were gone to diner.

  59. They conffessed more could not be offered, but thanked them, and tould them they had no mind to it.

  60. Sherley to send them any more goods) broke of their trade at Kenebeck, and, as things stood, would follow it no longer.

  61. The other was a great ship, who was well fitted with an experienced m^r.

  62. For y^e Virginia Counsell was now so disturbed with factions and quarrels amongst them selves, as no bussines could well goe forward.

  63. God & men, he should goe againe to justifie what he had done.

  64. When I think how sadly y^e scripture speaks of the famine in Jaakobs time, when he said to his sonns, Goe buy us food, that we may live and not dye.

  65. He with some others had prepared for to goe to Virginia.

  66. Then they bid him goe & mende his maners.

  67. Which being done, we shall y^e more willingly goe forward for y^e upholding of you with all things necesarie.

  68. Edwin will carrie it away, and if he doe, things will goe well in Virginia; if otherwise, they will goe ill enough allways.

  69. And now to be so greatly blamed, for not fraighting y^e ship, doth indeed goe near us, and much discourage us.

  70. Holand is to be used, we may goe scratch for it.

  71. I partly know the man: goe call him hither, Boy.

  72. Goe Louell with all speed to Doctor Shaw, Goe thou to Fryer Penker, bid them both Meet me within this houre at Baynards Castle.

  73. But come my Lord: and with a heauie heart, Thinking on them, goe I vnto the Tower.

  74. But repetition of what thou hast marr'd, That will I make, before I let thee goe Rich.

  75. If thou wilt out-strip Death, goe crosse the Seas, And liue with Richmond, from the reach of Hell.

  76. Now will I goe to take some priuie order, To draw the Brats of Clarence out of sight, And to giue order, that no manner person Haue any time recourse vnto the Princes.

  77. If she denie, Lord Hastings goe with him, And from her iealous Armes pluck him perforce Card.

  78. According to the Articles agreed on: You know our Randevous, goe march away.

  79. Then let the stricken deere goe weepe, The Hart vngalled play, For some must laugh, while some must weepe, Thus runnes the world away.

  80. All good people, You that thus farre haue come to pitty me; Heare what I say, and then goe home and lose me.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "goe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    goes away; goes back; goes down; goes over; goes through the town