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Example sentences for "iourney"

Lexicographically close words:
ionizing; ions; iorney; iota; iour; iournie; iournies; iours; ious; ioy
  1. Many doe traueyle the greater parte of this iourney by water in certayne lyght barkes, for the multitude of ryuers commodious for passage from one citie to another.

  2. Sidenote: A citie of a daies iourney long.

  3. Likewise, if their iourney be to passe by water (as many times it hapneth), then ye boat-men do make their barks readie.

  4. After that they departed from Aucheo they made of two daies iourney one, which was the occasion that they came to Chincheo in foure daies.

  5. So after they had taken their leaue of the captaines and gentlemen that did beare them companie home, they beganne with great ioy to put all thinges in order for their iourney the next day following.

  6. They traueiled continually in a mightie riuer against the current, in the which they did see many thinges woorthie to be noted for the space of foure daies that their iourney indured.

  7. The Spaniardes take their iourney towardes Aucheo, and declare what happened in the way thitherwarde.

  8. Some say, this iourney hath a thousande and seuen hundred leagues, others a thousand and eight hundred; but the opinions of the first we vnderstand to be most certaine.

  9. The Spaniards found in this iourney many mines of siluer (according to the iudgement of them that vnderstand that faculty), and of very rich mettall.

  10. This iourney which Omoncon made, hee did it to put away the suspition they might conceiue that he did write the letter, if that peraduenture the viceroy would take it in ill part.

  11. Moreouer you deeme them the better horssemen, bicause they can iourney more myles a day than those that be of farther yeares.

  12. And tarrying vppon no longer disputation, immedyately dyrected his Iourney towards his cruell Father.

  13. With much adoe he was entreated, and so set forth on his iourney towards Rome: and after followed the kings Embassadour William Warlewast, new elect Bishop of Exceter.

  14. The Duke was then going in Armes against the Britaines; in which iourney Harold did accompany him, and shewed himselfe a man, neither rash in vndertaking, nor fearefull in perfourming any seruices of the field.

  15. Robert Duke of Normandy was busied all this time, in making preparation for his iourney into England: but his delayes much abated the affections of those who fauoured either his person or cause.

  16. So lefte wee them to prosecute their discontented studies, & made our next iourney to Wittenberg.

  17. Digge out my blasphemous tongue with thy dagger, both tongue and eyes will I gladly forgoe, to haue a little more time to thinke on my iourney to heauen.

  18. I pray you ('Tis South the City Mils) bring me word thither How the world goes: that to the pace of it I may spurre on my iourney Soul.

  19. So shall you haue a shorter iourney to your desires, by the meanes I shall then haue to preferre them.

  20. Or rather then set forward, for 'twill be Two long dayes iourney (Lords) or ere we meete.

  21. I haue a iourney Sir, shortly to go, My Master calls me, I must not say no Edg.

  22. So are the Horses of the Enemie In generall iourney bated, and brought low: The better part of ours are full of rest Worc.

  23. Madame, your Penance done, Throw off this Sheet, And goe we to attyre you for our Iourney Elianor.

  24. October wee came to Prouaz, one dayes iourney distant from Varna vpon the Blacke Sea.

  25. The most part of the Countrey, after wee were come one dayes iourney on this side Breslawe to this place, belongeth to the Duke of Saxon.

  26. In their iourney they were so ferre Northwards, that they sawe mighty Islands of yce in the sommer season, on which were haukes and other foules to rest themselues being weary of flying ouer farre from the maine.

  27. Things that happened to Cortes in his iourney tovvarde Mexico.

  28. The first thrée dayes iourney the army passed through countrey of their friendes, and were louingly receyued and lodged, especially in Xalapan.

  29. And if this iourney happen euill, then will I followe youre request, and if it please God that it happen well, then wyll I entreate and pray you to follow my counsell.

  30. Things that happened to Cortez in his iourney to Mexico.

  31. With those fewe Spanyards Cortes tooke his iourney with no more but eyght or nine Horsemen, and certayne Indians for his seruice, and carriage.

  32. And truely at that time he made a iourney most worthie of renowne and glory.

  33. Also he hearde others say, what shall our iourney be as Pedro Carbonerotes was?

  34. Iames Velasques procéeded on hys iourney wyth a greate companye agaynste the Rebelles.

  35. Vincent, otherwise they could not haue had a prosperous iourney of it, for that as then the sea was ful of English ships.

  36. I talked also with the Bishop of Cusco there, a graue aged comely man, and being of late chosen to that Bishopricke, he was as then to have gone to the Indies had not we then taken him prisoner, and so stayed his iourney for that time.

  37. What ho man abide, what already in Fraunce, Lo, a fayre iourney and shortly ended to, With all these townes what thing haue we to do?

  38. The first yere of his reigne taking his iourney vnto the islands, he appointed one Loglen his kinsman to be his deputie in Man.

  39. The yere folowing he tooke his iourney vnto the king of Norway & there he remained one whole yere.

  40. Afterward Lagman repenting him that he had put out the eyes of his brother, did of his owne accord relinquish his kingdome, and taking vpon him the badge of the crosse, he went on pilgrimage to Ierusalem, in which iourney also he died.

  41. Godred his flight and second iourney into Norway, of Sumerled his second arriuall with 160.

  42. Man, and tooke his iourney vnto Alanus lord of Galway.

  43. But to returne to our voyages performed within the bounds of Russia, I suppose (among the rest) that difficult iourney of Southam and Sparke, from Colmogro and S.

  44. Olauus therefore being at libertie came vnto Man, and immediatly with a great company of nobles tooke his iourney vnto S.

  45. Magnus tooke his iourney into England, and was by the king of England created knight.

  46. First of al therefore, hauing traueled many dayes iourney vpon the Ocean-sea toward the East, at length I arriued at a certaine great prouince called Mancy, being in Latine named India.

  47. Some twenty dayes iourney from the citie of Kambaleth there is a forrest containing sixe dayes iourney in circuit, in which forrest there are so many kinds of beasts and birds, as it is incredible to report.

  48. It is to be noted, that from Cairo to Mecca they make 40 dayes iourney or thereabout, and the same great dayes iourneies.

  49. All the presents thus ended, the ship shooting ten pieces of ordinance at the Seraglio point, as a last farewell, departed on her iourney for England the first of Nouember, my selfe continuing in Constantinople vntill the last of Iuly after.

  50. A Kicksey Winsey, or, A Lerry Come-twang; Wherein John Taylor hath Satyrically suted seuen hundred and fifty of his bad debtors, that will not pay him for his returne of his iourney from Scotland.

  51. Wherein euery dayes iourney is pleasantly set downe, to satisfie his friends the truth against all lying Ballad-makers; what he did, how hee was welcome, and by whome entertained.

  52. Wherefore I beseech your worship to put his maiesty in remembrance hereof; for the sayd cities and townes are but ten dayes iourney from hence.

  53. Going downe this riuer Southward, we were glad that wee drew neere vnto a warmer Countrey, from whence we had bene farre distant: this Countrey we passed through in eight dayes, for our iourney lay downe the streame.

  54. The kings name is Melick Zamba, who dwelleth two dayes iourney within the land from Refisca.

  55. Certaine remembrances of an intended iourney to Brassil.

  56. Many doe traueile the greater part of this iourney by water in certaine light barkes, for the multitude of Riuers commodious for passage from one Citie to another.

  57. Thence two dayes iourney more to the Brames countrey.

  58. In which iourney they vsed vs like their slaues, making vs (being extreame weake,) to carry their stuffe, and offering to beat vs if we went not so fast as they.

  59. They tolde me that this valley of the Caracones is fiue days iourney from the Westerne Sea.

  60. They haue most excellent salte in kernell, which they fetch from a certaine lake a dayes iourney from hence.

  61. What provision is to be made for a Iourney at Sea, and what to carry with us for our use at Land.

  62. What provision is to be made 49 for a Iourney at Sea, and what to carry with us for our use at Land.

  63. Israel toke his iourney with all that he had/ and came vnto Berseba and offred offrynges vnto the God of his father Isaac.

  64. And Iacob toke his iourney toward Sucoth/ and bylt him an house/ and made boothes for his catell: wherof the name of the place is called Sucoth.

  65. And he sayde: let vs take oure iourney and goo/ and I will goo in thy copany.

  66. And he sayde vnto me: The LORde before whome I walke/ will sende his angell with the and prosper thy iourney that thou shalt take a wyfe for my sonne/ of my kynred and of my fathers house.

  67. And than Abram departed and toke his iourney southwarde After thys there came a derth in the lande.

  68. Than Lot chose all the costes of Iordane ad toke hys iourney from the east.

  69. But helde his peace/ to wete whether the LORde had made his iourney prosperous or not.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iourney" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.